Way Walkers: University3--suggestions and feedback

Oh I hope both u and your kid will stay in good health

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Umm is this the correct place to ask or is there better place to ask about things in waywalker book 1 and 2?

Ok the thing I wanna ask is there special scene involving the way of Beleskie in both book 1 and 2? I m just curious

Not certain what you mean about special scene?

It simply mean that something that only Beleskie can do.

Like the way of Desmoulein, you can cure that kid.
Way of Rosin,You can actually fight with magic.
Feator make u good at history.

So what I mean is content that you can get only by following the way of Beleskie

Each Way doesn’t have a specific scene that they unlock. Beleskie essp is sprinkled throughout the game as a basic “charm” check…it makes many interactions with people and peers easier overall. Also big help in theater club


@WayWalkerLeigh So here’s a question that most likely has been answered (a few times) already… if we’re Feator oriented, do we still repeat Continental History? I can see how that would be a set path in the game, I was just curious.

Yes, you do because it has nothing to do with yr skills, rather Master Cael being a dick. :sweat_smile:


Okay. Thank you for answering my question

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Is Cael always going to be an a$$?

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For the most part. I’ve honestly haven’t decided what his final end is going to be. :sweat_smile:


Sem turns him into a cat and it turns out his behaviour is far more socially acceptable then, and Jun adopts him, and they live happily ever after.


After he’s been neutered. :joy::rofl:


simple. we claim his position as a teacher and he has to sit through continental history, only passing when we die.


You sadistic. I like you


Some of us broke him…he is not fit to be a teacher anymore.


Great name for the cat, really like it.

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Minor update we closed on the new house and are moving all this week. I’m so tired I can barely think and my laptop is somewhere.

My book notes however, are all in one single clearly labeled box and are already sitting safely in the closet of my new writing room. So yeah, no lost notebooks this time! :sweat_smile:


Feel free to lose any Evil Jun scenarios. Don’t need those, only need good best friend Jun.


You are a curious author, actually you should work for Taleworlds Entertainment, something tell me that you could fit in proyects like Mount&Blade Bannelord

Aight I just finished part 2. Took me about 10 playtthroughs but I think I got the arc I wanted. Was quite pleasantly surprised by how much nuance there is to character interactions. I mean who knew not being an asshole to Jun could pay off so massively. Also I am just absolutely thrilled with being ‘the hammer’ in my past life. Love your work. Can’t wait for 3. And congratulations on the baby.! :heart: