Villain: The Catalyst [Minor Update and Poll - 09/08/18 - ]

I know what you mean they gave a shitty explanation to do whatever they wanted. But here she wear that long sleeve because she’s scarified herself so that’s different

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

Sonnet XVII by Pablo Neruda.

Heh. Couldn’t resist. :smiling_imp:


well, obviously not everyone can do it and not everyone WANT to do it, that’s just how i personaly do it, especialy since it’s kinda hard for me to form a mental image of a character from a description in english for some reason, so i just make my own image

I would have thought that it was more common though

I just suck at arts and imagination so it help me when the author give at least some physical description because if not i will have trouble to actually picture an image of the character un my head

@daniboy Oh okay lol. Only reason I know is because I saw their pictures and remembered that Trenton has dreads.

@Balrog_Demorgothe I know what you mean. I just hate when you get mild details regarding appearance and form your own image, but then the author does some art and it’s like nothing you were expecting. That’s why I opt for either showing the characters actual appearance immediately or not showing them at all so I can imagine all I want.


@Kaeyser this is lore friendly now?:laughing:

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This is from Toxic tumblr


The author has posted pictures of all the ros in this thread and probably at the tumblr too


i don’t know why but i feel the characters design very similar. and if i remember kalypso is white with a pale face

Yeah it’s what she looks like the tumblr image is more realistic but yours are quite something too. If was defending the lore so much is because when there’s a canon reason for it like with Reese and her long sleeve you see that she cuts herself during the escape because it’s the first time you see her without. Something like hair length or color for chelsea and the skin complexion for the Mason doesn’t bother me it’s purely artistic view and even in the story changing the complexion doesn’t change anything so it’s fine by me. And Yeah Kalypso has pale skin, shoulder length black hair stylised in an undercut

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I normally don’t get into this because like you said, artistic views and whatever. (Though I do have a problem with whitewashing, just please . . . no). But um Kalypso isn’t pale, she’s actually an olive golden tone.


the first time you see her says she is pale

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@ToxicDreams yeah I can understand that it’s true that whitewashing can be bothering but most of the time it’s true the characters could be Asian it wouldn’t change anything. And I checked your tumblr because I had a doubt and yeah she had an olive golden skin sorry
@daniboy so it’s not me who imagined her like that ?

Can you tell me where that is because checking I didn’t see it.

i am wrong, it’s the random guard that you put the characteristic.It’s strange to write that on top of a character introduction

Speaking of Asian. The only romance I remember is in creatures are we. Alas, she wasn’t my type. It’d be nice to get a few in the romance pool.

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@Robert_Snead it’s true that I didn’t found an Asian RO despite Jenny who is half Asian half British I feel like you we need more Asian RO and I didn’t read Creatures Such as We so i can’t tell if she would be my type

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everything is going smoothly :smiling_imp:


Game updated for minor fixes and additions that others have pointed out.


After speaking with @Interestedparty they posed the idea of instead of having individual powers (the current way of you unlocking what you want), there would be styles and techniques. Which technique or style is your choice and it’ll change how you use your abilities.

So for example, a Support style (think RPG’s) would be someone who can heal, cover, and support others from a distance. There will be more if this is chosen.

So which sounds better to you?

  • Old style: You choose each of your individual powers.
  • New style: You choose a style or technique which will determine your powers.

0 voters

And if new style does sound better to you which technique would you choose? *Note: These will be further fleshed out later powers and all, below is just the simple gist. Some may also be taken away or added if I think further on it.

  • Chaotic: You are a destroyer whose attacks are definitely felt. But that’s because you don’t control your abilities.
  • Support: You support others from a distance, making sure that those on your side can always deal damage.
  • Warrior: You deal a good amount of damage but you also know how to protect yourself. You call the attention to you.
  • Controller: You control the fight from a distance. Making sure that others don’t ever get the upper hand.
  • Stealth: You stick to the shadows, your favorite place. You strike with darkness on your side.
  • None of these interest me. Comment what would.

0 voters