I was just rereading the Vampire Masquerade series, and realized that there are quizzes for EVERYTHING online. I thought I already knew which VM clan I would be (spoiler I DID, I WAS TOTALLY RIGHT!) so I took 3 diff quizzes and got the same result for all of em,P
I’m a sucker for the Lasombra clan, and I’m happy to announce that I am also part of the clan
This is a very well-made quiz! I thought the results will only be that of the major clans, but I’m so happy it included minor, yet important, clans from VTM! Thanks for sharing this one with us, Jen!
Tzimisce. Which, reading on it, yeah that sounds pretty appropriate. And apparently there’s some Anarch ones too. Neat
I was kinda hoping for Lasombra (even if I wasn’t sure if they’d have the Sabbat in it) as they’re really to my taste too. But still, happy I didn’t get one of those Camarilla clans
Banu Haqim both times. A vampire that hunts vampires? Hell to the yes.
“Beware fellow kindred, should your actions be deemed unjust, I will drain you of life and soul.”
I played as Banu Haqim in Night Road, but I never really felt like a judge. In fact, it felt like kind of a waste of a clan. I played as a Gangrel second time through. No regrets.
I got Toreador, but then again it used the word creepy pasta as something enjoyable over age 13 for anything other than something to laugh at with its “horrible darkness as dark as something dark.” So I’m not exactly sure how reliable this is.
Plus I’m pretty sure it’s just a sneaky advertisement to sell crap no one needs.