So, I was hanging out in the ROs You Hate thread, and I noticed quite a few people seemed to have some bottled up feelings about certain games that they couldn’t seem to put anywhere else. And since I couldn’t find any other topic similar to this one, I just made my own so people could vent.
The question I have is pretty straightforward: What are some games - published or WIPs - that everyone seems to love and praise, but that you didn’t actually end up liking when you played them yourself? And why didn’t you like them?
(I made this topic mostly with CoG games in mind, but feel free to talk about non-CoG games if you want to too.)
Personally, I’d have to pick Guenevere (sorry, y’all ). Now, it could just be me being picky and too demanding, but I see a lot of people praise the impact of choices and how the characters interact with the MC based on her actions. And while yes, the length of the series is impressive, I do feel like it falls flat to me in other aspects. Idk, while some choices were extensive and varied, others just seemed very basic and limited to me, and I was never really able to immerse myself in the story because of how it and the characters were written.
I’m also not really a fan of how the Guenevere/Lancelot stuff was written?
Spoilers: Now, I’m no expert in Arthurian legends, so I don’t know if this is how it goes in the myths too but, from what I understood (which could be wrong - as an aspec person, I have misunderstood romantic signs and gestures before) the game implies there’s some otherwordly magical reason why Gwen and Lancelot are attracted to each other. And I feel like that’s such a cop-out, because imo the Guenevere/Lancelot romance would be so much more tragic without any outside interference. Like, if it was just two people who naturally liked each other but who couldn’t be together because of circumstance.
Another game I was kind of ‘meh’ about was I, The Forgotten One. I love the story concept, and I really enjoyed the writing too, but a lot of the time it felt like the author had a very clear and linear narrative in mind when making the game, and the player couldn’t really deviate from that.
For context: I wanted to play my MC as someone who’s been through war and been affected by it, but who also wanted to have a normal life and indulge in some of the ‘girlier’ and more mundane things she couldn’t enjoy before, like dresses, dancing, etc… But it always felt like the game was kind of dismissive of those options when you picked them: the MC would act confused at their own thoughts, or they would reluctantly put on the dress ‘because they have to’. And then, as soon as the scene was over, the narration would go back to what it was before and act like nothing happened.
And I understand that some railroading is inevitable, and that trauma and ingrained paranoia and hyper-vigilance don’t just magically go away with a few positive experiences (trust me, I know), but I can’t really bring myself to enjoy a game when the narration doesn’t seem to be acknowledging my choices or preferences.
Whew, that ended up being longer than I expected! Anyways, I’m curious to hear what y’all think.
And please try to keep it friendly; stating your preferences and trying to explain them is fine, but tearing down others for having different tastes or opinions is not.