Ultimata (Fantasy WIP)

Actually, Death would look like a ordinary woman, without exposed bones or only a skull as a head.


She is Death from Marvel


Better, but still not the way I imagine her. Death would look like this in my game:


Just for the fun of it


Thicc :ok_hand: (more letters)

Oh this reminds me of the Korean drama called Goblin, it had grim reapers too. Becoming a grim reaper there was a curse that only people who did terrible sins in their life get though. Their work was to make sure everyone die at their planned time and to later meet with the deceased, and offer them to drink a tea to remove all their memories from this life before they are reincarnated. They were immortal with supernatural abilities but it wasn’t allowed to use abilities for personal gain (the punishment was remembering their old life, which was terrible due to all the sins they committed) Also they had a hat that when they wore it they became invisible to any non-supernatural entity.


Wow, thats pretty interesting. It really is a little similar to the tasks of the Reapers in my story. Though, the Reapers in my story are just one of the many natural existing species, who are aligned to Death by nature.

Again I have a little question for you. A few Days back, as I talked about the First Dragon’s, I told you that either Mana or Aurelia would be the ancestors of the Half Dragon MC, from which they inherited their powers. Now what I want to know is, would you like to get a little Intel about the ancestors of the other species? It wouldn’t be something too spoilery, just some simple informations so that you could get a picture of what might await you in the individual story of each of the six races.


That would be awesome! :star_struck:


Yes, please (20 characters)

yes that will be nice

Of course that would be amazing

Yui, the twin dragons, erika and Miss Albrecht are quite adorable, and if i recall correctly there really was a miss albrecht in the imperial guard at least


Wow, thanks for the info.

Also I agree with you. All of the female ancestors are really quite adorable. Though my favorite one of the ancestors is Henriette.


Are we going to meet our ancestors (not only those 2 mighty dragons)?


Yes, all of the six species will meet their ancestors. It will be a part of the individual Class Stories.


Agreed i am quite curious how her characteristics will be, looking forward to meet her

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Love the ancestors info!

Just be careful using that gunslinger picture, Rockstar Games might still have a trademark/copyright on that image.

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Don’t worry, I won’t use these pictures in my game. They only serve as a example of how the ancestors will look like.