Alright ladies and gentlefolk, First let me introduce myself. I am a Mod Script writer who specializes mostly in open ended RPG’s (IE Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim). I finally got around to planning two terrific pieces, with much time and thought, and I need some feedback n which one would be more preferred, as well as ideas I might be able to weave into the writing.
#1 Sci-Fi:
The year is 2397, and humanity is united under one government after several wars, however to maintain order this government uses marshal might and military influence to oppress mankind. On the other hand there is a group of freedom fighting rebels, whom wish to topple the government at the cost of total anarchy for liberation. Both sides have pros and cons and you must decide whom you will join and eventually lead to victory. But there is a catch…
You are an exceptional human who was selected to be a participating test subject in a partially successful gene therapy project. This experiment will make you somewhat smarter, faster, and stronger, however it will test the very fabric of your being. You will progressively learn more about these enhancements and drawbacks as the game progresses.
#2 Horror:
Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, but an original work of my own, you are a prisoner of your own sanity. It is 1949, and the character’s story takes place 7 months after you survive a terrible plane crash in the Rocky Mountain foothills of Colorado. You have had a difficult time recovering from the tragedy, but then you begin to experience strange phenomenons, at first subtle and mind boggling, and then macabre and terrifying. You and your neighbors of your small Colorado town become trapped by an unspeakable evil that will stop at nothing to consume your small town in death and throughout the coarse of the game, you will have to do whatever it takes no matter how horrible to keep you and your neighbors alive and unravel the evil that has plagued your home and your mind.
Now that I have that said and done, I wanted to put out that I would like a coder who preferably can handle scripting that might include inventory management, stats, and group trackers, as well as a stress tracker for either games.
I am capable of Scripting, however I would really REALLY like to focus on just writing an in depth and acclaimed Choice Game, and need a reliable partner to bust out some fantastic Choice Scripts for me!
We can discuss the royalty split before we start, however I believe the technical stuff is harder and more tedious so the script person should get the split 60% and I will take 40%. We can discuss the finer points of this later on.
Please Contact me via message if you wish to get on board with the project, and post your feedback, opinions, and amazing ideas in the thread. THANKS!