Tried to code a fight but it freezes the browser

First of all: Much of this code may be unnecessarily complicated. I’m still new at coding, so sorry for that. I tried to make a sort of turnset, a “if roll is 1 it’s the players’ turn but if it’s 2 it’s the companion’s turn”. The idea is to add more companions later on.

I get no bugs on quicktest, but it freezes when I run it on Node, after the first choice I make. Why does it freeze?

My code looks like this:

*label turnset
*rand d4 1 2       
*comment This ^^ should say "rand d4 1 4" but just Jura has stats as of now, so
*if d4 = 1
  *goto player
*if (d4 = 2) and (juraalive)
  *set Juraturnvar true 
  *goto juraturn
  *goto player

*label player 
A wolf attacks!
*label fight
*if wolfturn 
  The wolf attacks!
  *rand d20 0 20
  *if d4 = 1
    *set minushealth phealth - (wolfattack + d20)
    *set wolfturn false
    *if phealth <= 0
      *goto death
  *if phealth > 0
    The wolf bits you!
    *goto player
  *if d4 = 2
    *set minushealth jhealth - (wolfattack + d20)
    *set wolfturn false
    *if jhealth <= 0
      *goto jdeath
  *if jhealth > 0
    The wolf bits Jura!
    *goto turnset

Your health: ${phealth}

Jura's health (placeholder): ${jhealth}

It's health: ${wolfhealth}
What do you choose? 

*label juraturn
*if juraturnvar and juraalive
  It's Jura's turn.
  *if (sword = true) #Attack it with my sword!
    *rand d20 0 20
    *set totalattack addstrenght + (swordat + d20)
    You rolled ${totalattack}!
    *if totalattack >= 20
      *set wolfhealth -30
      You hit! 
      *if (wolfhealth <= 0) 
        *goto win
      *elseif (wolfhealth > 0) and (phealth > 0) 
        *set wolfturn true
        *goto fight
    *if (totalattack > 15) and (totalattack < 20)
        *set wolfhealth -20
        You hit! 
        *if wolfhealth <= 0
          *goto win
        *elseif (wolfhealth > 0) and (phealth > 0)
          *set wolfturn true
          *goto fight
    *if (totalattack > 10) and (totalattack < 15)
      You don't hit!
      *set wolfturn true
      *goto fight
      You don't hit! 
      *set wolfturn true
      *goto fight
  *if (jsword = true) #He'll attack with a sword!
    *set juraturnvar false
    *rand d20 0 20
    *set totalattack addstrenght + (swordat + d20)
    You rolled ${totalattack}!
    *if totalattack >= 20
      *set wolfhealth -30
      You hit! 
      *if (wolfhealth <= 0) 
        *goto win
      *elseif (wolfhealth > 0) and (phealth > 0) 
        *set wolfturn true
        *goto fight
    *if (totalattack > 15) and (totalattack < 20)
        *set wolfhealth -20
        You hit! 
        *if wolfhealth <= 0
          *goto win
        *elseif (wolfhealth > 0) and (phealth > 0)
          *set wolfturn true
          *goto fight
    *if (totalattack > 10) and (totalattack < 15)
      You don't hit!
      *set wolfturn true
      *goto fight
      You don't hit! 
      *set wolfturn true
      *goto fight
  *if (ironsword = true) #Attack it with my ironsword!
    *rand d20 0 20
    *set totalattack jaddstrenght + (jswordat + d20)
    You rolled ${totalattack}!
    *if totalattack >= 20
      *set wolfhealth -30
      You hit! 
      *if (wolfhealth <= 0) 
        *goto win
      *elseif (wolfhealth > 0) and (phealth > 0) 
        *set wolfturn true
        *goto fight
    *if (totalattack > 15) and (totalattack < 20)
        *set wolfhealth -20
        You hit! 
        *if wolfhealth <= 0
          *goto win
        *elseif (wolfhealth > 0) and (phealth > 0)
          *set wolfturn true
          *goto fight
    *if (totalattack > 10) and (totalattack < 15)
      You don't hit!
      *set wolfturn true
      *goto fight
      You don't hit! 
      *set wolfturn true
      *goto fight

    *goto flee

*label win
You win

*label flee
You flee

*label death
You die

*label jdeath
Jura died! Dang it!
*set juraalive false
*goto turnset
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Is there any particular reason you’re using *fake_choice instead of *choice? On top of that, there shouldn’t be newlines between the end of an #option and the beginning of the next #option.

As a note, if the browser freezes, it’s a good sign you have an infinite loop somewhere. Speaking of which, what first choice did you make?


↑needs to be closed with an *if or *else or *elseif right before " Your health: ${phealth}"

↑All of those should use *elseif

That’s what I can see with a quick glance, try it if you want, I might be wrong though, I’m not a master at coding

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@trevers17 uh, you’re right… I might as well use the usual *choice. And for some reason, I just assumed that breaks between things weren’t taken into account by the code. I’ll check if that fixes it.

@Szaal Oh. That kind of makes sense. I’ll check If it loops weirdly somewhere.

Edit: I choose “He fights with a sword.”… I think. Haven’t tried fleeing yet.

@Loudbeat Do I really need to, though? I’ve always used lots of *ifs instead of *else (although I never tried to code something with this many variables) I can’t recall exactly what it says, but it always tells me I’m missing a *goto or something like that which I’m actually not. Though, I’ll go roam the wiki and try to understand elseifs and elses. Thank you all!

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The difference between both combinations isn’t significant, though it’s always a good practice to stay on the safe side (which is *if/*elseif/*else)

A simple trick to recognize an unending loop is simply by adding *page_break under *labels you have. This way, you can notice if something is repeating without freezing the browser.


Line breaks and newlines can affect code sometimes. It’s always a safe bet to avoid adding unnecessary ones. If you end an #option with a *goto, then you don’t need a newline or line break after it because you’re already moving on to another section of code.

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If you’re talking about the “It is illegal to fall in to an *else statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block.” error, it’s because in CS if you use *elseif or *else then your entire structure needs *goto at the end for some reason.

Its a requirement that can be removed and allow you to use *elseif and *else normally instead of using a lot of mutually excluding *ifs (which is bad practice and something that may give you problems with Quicktest). To remove the requiement you can use this:


If someone’s curious (which I know no one is, probably, but I’m here to brag a bit) it was caused by an infinite loop: The character could die and the game would go “now what?” on me, and keep re-rolling like crazy, causing the loop. So I think this thread can be closed now?

Thank you all!