Totem Force [Released!]

You know if you really want a power up, you could just wear less clothes, this is anime land after all. Plus it’s what the warriors of old did :blush:


Only applies to female game character amours in role-playing games right?


Don’t you watch anime? Everyone knows the main character will win when their shirt is blown off.

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In my game, it would only apply to male characters… :triumph:

Uh, I mean, no, this won’t be happening here. :neutral_face: Maybe in another game, though? :thinking:


A certain cute red-head won’t need more then his jewelry and a couple of bits of dental floss as his superhero costume, eh? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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So the great Irish tradition of riding into battle naked is a no-no?

Fine, so what’s another easy anime power up… The death of a friend! Though that would make my MC overpowered… And you already got friendship power going on… I guess power of Darkness (as opposed to darkness powers) and becoming stupidly emo?


Think it’s the other way around
The protagonists shirt is blown off by power up

No-no, whatever power up they have logically by then will be useless, it’s when their shirt’s blown off and they’re battle damaged is when they’ll be desperate and all the anime tropes of the protagonist winning will come into play. And every time the protagonist loses, they’ll be fully clothed even with a power up. If they lose with some clothing damage it means they didn’t lose enough and it’s establishing the villain’s power.

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Don’t think the loss of the shirt is what triggers it think it’s the desperation

They can only reach true power when they go shirtless. Have you seen someone reach their full power with a shirt? Just look at Goku:


Even Jiren, the Lorax and Vegeta got in on the fun.

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Well since it was asked-

Please report these values to the author:

Darkness = 1. Will = 50. Empathy = 14. Intellect = 74.

Tot = 48.

Character status (please check to see that this makes sense with your story):
Kay (78): Alive.
Sammy (86): Alive.
Anara (76): Unknown.
Chi (71): Alive, on team.
Ryu: (67) Alive.
Akira (67): Alive.
Lani (36): Alive.
Phil (71): Alive.


Well no but people have discovered/remembered abilities that effectively served as a power up and in the dragon ball series the shirt is always blown off for a while before the power up

@ParrotWatcher you should watch the power of shirtless guys to inspire you for the grand ending!

- YouTube


Given that it’s more of a Super Sentai thing, you have to replace the shirt getting blown off (it’s more shonen) by them either wiping out their special looking upgraded weapon…or the giant mech

was cool to play, can’t wait to see where it goes

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Though it could use longer fight, what’s a super sentai without a three stage fight per episode ?

and a harem, because the protag is generaly the only obstacle to an harem and since this game is basicaly ‘hey, what if the protag’s stopped disconnecting itself whenever the plot need it’, it could be an option

Well we already have two childhood friends after us and possibly a Lani and two to three other friends, though it’s not a harem ending as @ParrotWatcher said no to polyamory a while ago.

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really ? i only noticed the crush and the friend

oh, too bad, it though it would work well with the theme since i had noticed a few harem anime tropes forming, the whole thing about fight is more important anyway

Lani makes a move if you antagonize her and have someone at the birthday party or much later if you threaten her at her house. And then there’s whoever rescues you later I think has a crush. And then the option of dating Phil, rival/crush and Ryu.

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How sure are you she isn’t a masochist