Time Warden (WIP, Update 7/27)

I’m curious to see what you do with the scene in full and it’s alternate possibilitys :smiley:

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Blood, blood, blood!!!

Maybe I shouldn’t have looked at it… Now I’m really excited about the next update :smiley:

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lol, I did warn you to look away :wink:

As recommended I have added these in. It also gave me a chance to remove an unused paragraph I hadn’t noticed. Thank you :smile:

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Alrighty. So I figured Ill just give a brief update on some additions/changes I am making. Nothing that will have an affect on the story this early, but will definitely be for further down the road.

*Added a charge stat to the omni weapon. Depending on the ranged weapon you pick the initial charge will change and once they are used up the weapon will revert to a default un-powered melee weapon, so katana, bastard sword, knife, etc. Every time you fire the weapon, or use certain abilities in melee form it will use up a charge. Pistol begins with the most charges, plasma canon with the least.

Because the power cell is damaged in the beginning of the story there is no way to recharge it. However if, further down the line you manage to find a secret side quest you can find an undamaged cell which will give your weapon unlimited charges. Keep in mind the side quests to find future tech will be hidden behind multiple requirements to find, the charge cell being one of the easiest to find.

*I have added a Romance and Family stat to Fumiko. In order to successfully romance her both must be positive. Remember her children are the most important thing in her life and if the MC can’t accept that and help raise the kids there is no chance to be with her.

Depending on the stat number different interactions with Fumiko and her kids will be opened. For example if the romance stat is high, but the family stat is low you can have a one time fling with Fumiko, but she will dump you immediately after. If the Family stat is high but the romance is low you are basically adopted as an honorary member of the family with the kids seeing you as something of an older sibling and Fumiko becoming a good friend. If both stats are low there will be a point were the family will leave and be removed from the rest of the story.

Just a heads up for everyone on the Fumiko RO train.

*In regards to side quests, not every single one will be available in every playthrough as which ones are initially open are determined by your actions in the prologue. There are also several points which will further decrease which side quests become available.

There will be one ending which can not be achieved unless you have undertaken a number of side quests to recover future tech. I do not intend for this ending to be easy to get.

Oh! And one final thing, an answer to a question a friend asked me. No you can not “Back to the Future this bitch” :woman_facepalming: The very second the Behemoth appeared in 1563 your timeline was erased and even if you could travel to the 2800’s they would be drastically different from your original timeline.

In other words, no, you can never return to your time.


So, we’re more Terminator: Genesys? (Being a relic of a deleted timeline)


Something im curious about, Is it going tk be possible to get every secret side mission in one playthrough ?

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lol, as I said, nope

Yup! We are, sucks doesn’t it.


Nice lol a weapon that can kill without you… Amazing.



Not bad… I like the idea…

Nipe, it doesn’t… Knowledge of nonexistent timeline baby.


To be fair, standard police force omni weapons only have taser like countermeasures. But they dont have to deal with the shit the Warden does.

They really are, but in their defense they have never dealt with a mega killing machine from the future and by their estimation an unarmed opponent against two katana should be easy.


I love the idea of a war criminal RO but is there any way that later in the story we have the option to cut her hair to make it like shoulder length?


Once again I must say huge fucking brain I can’t believe you’re giving all the “i will now have a family” trope I love in games. I will 1000000% live in the past with my new family do not care for consequences. Ty for giving opportunity to get both a girlfriend and kids at the same time.


I will relay the question to Annie, I do not expect a positive response. But you never know, she may be amenable.

You are most welcome. I just like the idea of this super soldier from the future becoming a parent and spouse to this broken family.


:') she’s a good mom


Tell Annie I love her long hair.


How is gender gonna influences the story.

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That’s a very broad question. Care to narrow it down a bit? :grin:

I meant that back then men were warriors. So it would be interesting to see how they react to woman warden. I mean she’s big, but still just a woman in their eyes.


Lol you might be surprised to hear that there were women samurai as well who fought and while not common their is documented in historical records of a few. Not to say they wouldnt face what you speak of I just suspect there would be issues for other reasons for more likely to be in the forefront.


Actually there were plenty of female warriors in Japan at the time. They were referred to as Onna-musha. Here is a brief blurp on the topic.

Onna-musha (女武者) is a term referring to female warriors in pre-modern Japan. These women fought in battle alongside samurai men. They were members of the bushi (samurai) class in feudal Japan and were trained in the use of weapons to protect their household, family, and honour in times of war. They also have an important presence in Japanese literature, with Tomoe Gozen and Hangaku Gozen as famous and influential characters examples representing onna-musha .

There were also Besshikime ([別式女], lit. “other-style women”), female guards of the harems and residences of the wives and concubines of Daimyo and clan leaders.

So being a woman is not what they would be raising brows at. It would be more the glowing eyes, flawless skin, and just otherworldliness of the Warden in general.

Here’s a link to Wikipedia on the subject if you’re interested Onna-musha - Wikipedia