The Witch's Familiar (wip, updated Oct 13th 2022)

Azzie will come looking for the MC later in the story, so no worries, your dragon friend is not gone.


I think Iā€™ll be a very short snake. With four legs. And a longer tongue.

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Eh? If this is a reference to something I am not getting it

My first choice was amphibian, lol. But thatā€™s clearly not actually happening.


Ya, no love for the frogs, toads, or salamanders it seems.

A mini dragon like Mushu would be fun ;D



I picked both amphibian and rodent lol


Aww, Iā€™m sorry :cry:

You can just do them all, itā€™s a totally reasonable ask with the drastically different sizes and body layouts and methods of locomotion. Iā€™m sure thatā€™d be super easy to do c:

Honestly I do kinda feel bad for being on the snake and dog (which I take to mean the possibility of wolf) train, since theyā€™re all greatā€¦

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That would be a ton of extra writing, so if it happens it will be once I am closer to the finish line.

Iā€™m a little disappointed Bat will not make it for now. Bat and spider are my two favs.

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Thatā€™s 24 hrs folks. Im sure we all knew the results would be snake and dog :smiley:

Though bat came in a close second. So I will be adding in snake and dog well I work on the project. Once I get towards the end I will come back and see about adding the last four, but for now the official options will be Cat, Dog (is it raining in here?), Snake, Spider, and Bird. For each one of those I will add at least four or five options for specific species. So Carrion Crow, Corgi, Horned Rattlesnake, etc. Yes, you may be a corgi if you wish.

Realize I should have put canine and not dog, but whatever.


What witch? Which Witch?

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Oh, that definitely would have changed my vote. I like wolves, just not domesticated dogs. Wouldnā€™t have changed the results, though.

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lol, nope
But Wolf is one of the options


All I wanna be is a raven or crow to go with my umber spirit.


What are the cat options?


Thatā€™s why I choose the dog option with hope of being a wolf :wolf: or at least a wolfdogā€¦well im here for the fluffy ears and tailā€‹:grin:


Alrighty then! So these are the species I have settled on for each familiar type. Now keep in mind when you pick each one you get a description of your choice, but for the majority of the story general descriptions will be used.

Oh, one more thing, I know a couple of the spider species I have selected do not normally spin webs, but technically these are just the type so you can get an idea of how your familiar body will look. In terms of the story they all spin webs. So no arguing alright.

Bird Options
Carrion Crow (common crow)
Great Horned Owl
Blue Jay

Canine Options
Red Fox
Steppe Wolf
Siberian Husky
Great Dane

Cat Options
Norwegian Forest
Maine Coon
Scottish Fold

Snake Options
Horned Rattlesnake
Rough Scaled Bush Viper
Green Tree Python
Philippine Cobra
Boa Constrictor

Spider Options
Peacock Spider 13
Black Widow
Chilean Rose Tarantula
Mirror Spider
Long Horned Orb Weaver

I had a Chilean Rose once, I named her Lloth and she was my baby, I miss her :frowning:


Any domestic animals which do not become the familiarā€™s physical choice are found good, and loving homes. I feel I need to state this since finding the domestic animals is usually a slightly sad affair.

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wait they are alive??? i was for sure thinking that they brought us corpses :sob:. thatā€™s nice to hear though. no one gets left behind type of shit