Hi all just to be clear this is only a interest check to see what the community thought of my idea if people like the idea I may start writing and getting a beta going.
One fateful night you have an encounter where you meet a alpha werewolf(which you will be able to choose how you meet them) then get bitten by the alpha with the intent of becoming a werewolf (again you will have the choice of why you let it bite you or maybe you didn’t let it )the next morning you gain claws and incredible senses
The MC will play as a werewolf and try to find a pack and eventually become a alpha
If anyone has anymore questions don’t hesitate to ask
P.S sorry if the story feels rushed i have had to change the entire plot
I don’t know if you were on the forum when I tried making my previous hosted games but in the end I just lost motivation so I’m using this to see if I should and as a way to get motivated
Pray tell, what is a kanima? A quick search on google tells me that it’s a creature from the TV series ‘Teen Wolf’, and the method in which one become it sounds eerily similar to what you have described…
It certainly sounds interesting. I’m more into vampires then werewolves, but this still seems like something I could enjoy… if done right. I do have a few questions. First being, why the scales?! Second being, what is the difference between a werewolf and a kanima? I mean, could you be more elaborate on what a kanima is. Thirdly, are there other supernatural creatures in this WiP, and will our MC encounter them? And lastly, are there going to be any ROs?
It sounds interesting but I personally would avoid using the word Kanima, I haven’t seen it used outside of Teen Wolf, which probably means it is trademarked. I really think you should either come up with a new term or adapt a non trademarked creature to fit the theme more, just to be safe.
Like I mentioned above though, it does sound interesting and I always found the Kanima portion of Teen Wolf very unique.
@VioletHikari A Kanima is essentially a werewolf gone wrong, like how a Djinn is widely considered a “evil” version of a genie in media. It has some abilities that werewolves don’t though, it’s like a cross between a werewolf and a snake/lizard tbh. I think @Centralrouge covered the main differences.
EDIT: For anybody that is having trouble picturing a Kanima and didn’t Google it, here’s a picture for reference.
hell yeah! There are barely any werewolf games on the forum so I’ll be pretty excited if you push this through. I never got why vampires are more liked than werewolves