The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

This may sound strange, but I am not all that curious about the father either…

If he is still alive, because this is not confirmed by Sera yet (or I have been ignorant of it), and he decides to come back into the mc’s and Rebecca’s life… He has to have an extremely, super good reason for my mc to even consider acknowledging his existence.


I’m out of likes, so please accept my cheap knock-off! :heart:


I’ve just noticed the tears! :sob:

I want to hug Rebecca now.


I mean my head canon is that Mara hates Rebecca but fakes love her (sadly game doesn’t let me lie) And she doesn’t care about a dad it was never there. So I will skip any content about him as my character really doesn’t care

I remember from some asks that just as how you can choose how to feel about Rebecca, you too can choose how to feel about the dad. And the MC’s dad himself won’t make an appearance, though his absence would be brought up!

So you can react the way you feel when those scenes come up.


That’s cool even if I miss the option of lie and pretending like Rebecca while hating her. Because UB would know that Mara is lying. Could have made a interesting scene

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By the way… I certainly hope that I will not be the only one making fan-art of Agent Chana this weekend… Looks at all the artsy persons in this thread…

Jk jk c;
Though I will certainly try to make time this weekend to draw her, now that I know what she looks like…


If he’s missing or died in a mysterious way, wouldn’t some main characters begin to question his fate, in the light of book 1 reveal? Along the lines of “Hey, mom, remember what you told me happened to dad? By any chance, did it have something to do with supernaturals?..”

At least that’s the way I see my MC act.


Bless your beautiful soul. Can’t wait to see Agent Chana in your drawing style. :black_heart:

She deserves some love too!

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I think she deserves it! :cry:

Aww! :hugs:


I’m starting to feel lucky I’ve never run out of likes

I’m just gonna post this here since it tends to be more active than the fanworks thread:

The Wayhaven Secret Santa sign-up ends October 15. If you would like to make and receive a Wayhaven related gift for Christmas, be sure to sign up!


Here’s some M fluff!


D’awwww. Silly M.


I’m guessing either:

  1. MC’s father will be brought up.
  2. N’s race, or one of unit bravos age.
  3. I know it’s early but maybe we’ll get to discuss the possibility of a relationship with F or N :flushed: :eyes::eyes:.

I officially am in the best forum ever.

;A; what is wrong with this group?!

Also, let’s put the truth on it, evilN would be Moriarty. The og of intelligent villains.

Also. How the heck do you do tiny text?!


I love this! But I’m all about “zinging” because reasons



Hahahaha awww N isn’t that bad.

not everyone who doesn’t flirt or jump into bed with whomever is sexually repressed, religiously moral, or a virgin.

*totally not feeling attacked at all XD >.> *

Also, I’ve never heard of “first words” soul mate thing. Where’s that from?

The thing about Rebecca’s husband, did we rule out him being the one in the echo world?

Geeez. I need to stay more current. You guys blaze through topics!


Well, only supernatural live in the Echo world, and it’s been confirmed that mc’s dad is human and that there is know way to enter through an echo portal from earth.

Yeah, a lot of people tend to see N as sort of well I guess holy? Or giving off those sort of “no sex” vibes but once played with a bold flirt route, let’s just say sera did not disappoint.


N seems really freak out when Mara tries to make moves as bold initiative character. Is soperceptible that looks like he is ashamed after mere idea of a kiss or sexuallty in general. So that’s why the nun came.

F however doesn’t want rush things but has a sane reaction to flirt and the idea of a kiss.

However, I thing N is more trying to look like pollite and proper than being something against sexual behaviour.

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It clearly disappointed me first time i played being totally sincere. He reacted as I was a freak or something like that. Now I know more I feel different like he is polite and scared for me. But my first reaction was is he gay? Is he a priest or caste? Did I choose wrong choice?

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Yeah, but I read somewhere that a human ended up in the echo world so just thought it could be him shrug