The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two (WIP)

@lisa_mcveall - I’m so happy to know you enjoyed and are looking forward to what’s to come, hehe! :smiley:

Progress Report

So, I managed to do my edits on Chapter 5 and do playthroughs for it!

Really pleased how smoothly that went. I will be having a couple of readers go over it tonight too, get first opinions on it :smiley:

I was a bit disappointed with how short it was to play through the chapter considering the wordcount on it, then realised just the huge amount of variation in it—big and small. Which does mean it should make it fun for those who replay it a lot in different combos of characters!

A lot of interactive fiction writing is realising how much won’t be seen in one playthrough, but putting that extra effort for variation in anyway to make it fresh and fun for multiple playthroughs!

Next week I will definitely be starting on the long awaited Chapter 6, lol. It’s not too long a chapter if I remember rightly, more of a transitional one, though there is a conversation in there which is going to be…interesting to write :smiley:

So yeah, another good week of progress!

Hope everyone has an absolutely brilliant weekend! :slight_smile: