I don’t want anyone to think I dislike this series . I love it. I just also love rebelling against romance and carving my own experience from the game.
I’m most probably wrong, but I’m going to go with a nymph. Maybe some kind of aquatic one for the colors.
I hope if mom is kidnapped and put into a situation where she needs to be rescued by breaking the rules I can refuse to help her. Showing how while we both might be Icey hardasses I’m harder
Man. Real talk, my only problem with the demo is Bobby hasn’t shown up. SHOW YOURSELF, BOBBY!!
The girl we bumped into reminds me of Wesen on Grimm. When they meet a Grimm a Grimm can see their true form and they can recognize a Grimm the difference is a Wessen generally pisses themself when faced with a Grimm and we’re just a Walking magic meth juice box.
Lol yes! that part had me like woooow. So even M is capable of feeling fear hmm ?
Wow, damn, that’s cold. I’m guessing your MC has the worst relationship ever with Rebecca?
Certainly a nymph like @Meira_Litch said, or a mermaid. She looks like she has fins.
Bobby’s in the asshole corner. they’re not allowed out until checks watch the end of time
Oh sweet, it’s back! Love the demo!
So I was wondering along with others, how do you plan on making the mc able to survive encounters with supernaturals? Will the agency give us equipment or mabye our blood has more powers then we know
We’re still going to be a normal human but our blood will remain a blood steroid for supernaturals. We’re probably getting some high tech to help though.
I can’t wait for UB to meet Bobby.
Especially when they find out what Bobby did if he/she went to the office.
One of the scenes I am very much looking forward to!
My character despises her mother there is absolutely no love there. She isn’t attracted to anyone in the group. And quite frankly on a personal level she thinks Unit Bravo are a group of assholes. She was forced to become a cop because of her rebellious youth. But now that she’s an adult her job is all she has and she takes it seriously and can empathize with the police chief who wanted to mark his territory because the mayor is crowding him out. She hates people trying to take the only thing she has from her.
I see, I personally could never play like that but it seems to be an interesting take on going through the story. You have a heart of steel though. That’s one hell of an angsty MC.
You madam, know how to make my interest spike.
Mason and Adam romance stayed at the office, glad to see the biggest assholes will be growling at Bobby
You can see why it’s so fun for me
Darn it. I find the bar scene more entertaining for Adam and Mason but now I am tempted to do the office scene for both.
I love both scenes, but damn me if I am going to miss the chance for them to be really pissed off at Bobby
I second that’s she’s a mermaid.
And Bobby will be dead or magically disappear.
Wha—What is this madness?
You hush! I need my drama!