I did read that but she put it there just so readers know that they will miss content since this is a romance focused book. I’m certain Sera won’t write or say anything bad to anyone not romancing any character (though at the end of all the games I’m sure the mc and UB will be close friends, even if you don’t want to be :p)
You can tell them something like “this car has many things to offer, given the chance”, and M knows MC is not talking about the car, and he frowns and tells them they should leave.
With this said, @Seraphinite I would like to give some feedback.
M romance
This scene I talk about just above, feels like it has a very sudden change on the next page. Let me explain.
When you say that sentence to M, he gets confused and is a mood killer for him, the atmosphere changes completely and you can see it has affect him to a degree. But then, in the next page, there is nothing that reflects this?
So what I was thinking is, if this option is chosed, maybe the page from Ms POV could have a small line that aknowledge this. Nothing long since is M, but maybe a sentence saying why it caused that huge change in his mood?
I ran out of likes, so I shower likes over everyone. Take them!! /showers likes everywhere/
I tend to add in ‘stoic’ type options in less intense or emotional scenes, such as ignoring comments or just nodding in convos. When it comes to deeper or emotional scenes, I don’t tend to add in options to be passive as it can lessen the impact of that scene or add less weight to it than the other options and seem unbalanced.
Yeah, this sort of thing will crop up more as the MC gets involved with the Agency and the supernatural world! So you’ll just have to wait and see what comes up
Don’t worry, that’s not a bug I left it that way in case people wanted to be super upped in only one skill. Though maybe different wording on the question might be better, instead of saying secondary skill? I’ll look at that!
Ah, commas…the bane of my writer’s life, lol! Thank you for pointing that out!
Thank you for the error catches again, guys! I’ll add them in and any others that crop up before the next demo goes out
Now that this one is out, I can calm myself down and focus on the next chapters to come!
EDIT: @Meira_Litch - Good idea! That might help it flow a little easier for that option. I’ll look at adding that in!
The laundry scene was awesome! A is so stubborn when it comes to their feelings it hurts; Sera is such a tease
I think that supernatural girl stole my heart, I can’t wait to see more of her!
The meeting with UB
I was hoping for a little more fanfare, given how the MC was so anxious about it, but it was so nice to see the four vamps again! I just wish it were longer
Sera please, if I don’t get my doctor’s recommended dose of UB, I could slip into a coma where only an injection of pure raw disapproval from A can save me
I only did Adam route for now but I have to say that the scenes were killing me. I have a premonition that the tension between my MC and Adam will be so exciting to uncover in the future. I haven’t tried Mason, Felix and Nate yet but base from the reaction of M, F and N’s fans, it will be equally good. I can’t wait for more!!
Thank you for the hard work and thank you @spunkycatninja for always being there for Sera. XD
I almost fell off my chair when I saw that you already uploaded the demo! I played through all of the routes (sans the love triangle, because love triangles aren’t really my cup of tea) and I especially loved F and M! Their little fight was adorable too, and a great addition!
N felt a bit, I dunno, weird to me? Which was a bit disappointing because they were my original romance in book 1. Their dialogue felt more forced and unorganic compared to the others in UB. And while I really loved how you described F and M’s reactions to seeing the detective again, N seemed excessively dramatic and theatrical compared to the others. More like “starcrossed lovers, seperated for centuries, now finally seeing each other again” - kind of dramatic? I don’t know how to describe it properly, it just didn’t feel very natural or organic to me considering that this is like a super early stage of their “romantic” relationship to the MC.
And when they walk the MC to the car, the dialogue felt stiff and weird to me. Like, the conversations with the other love interests in that scene flowed a lot more naturally and the “setups” (the choices you make) had nice, natural responses.
But N’s scene wasn’t on the same level.
For example, when you pick “Combining our efforts will help if a case does crop up at any point”
they reply with “I was hoping to combine more than just our efforts” and it’s just a kinda weird and awkward way to segway into them sorta talking about the topic of being mutually interested in each other?
And when they say that they’ll have to reveal more thoughts on the matter, and the MC replies with “I’ll be sure to listen intently” it’s just… it doesn’t sound right, it doesn’t flow right. I can’t see my detective talking like that. It just feels awkward and forced, and I don’t feel the same chemistry between N and the MC that I felt in Book 1. In fact, I feel like MY detective would drive off from that conversation thinking something like “What the hell was that conversation?”
I dunno, I’m rambling at this point, and it might just be me. I just thought I’d be honest about it. I really, really love your writing, and the other characters were absolutely amazing and well written. I just feel like N’s dialogue wasn’t really on the same level, and I was missing the spark and the chemistry between them and the MC.
But I am definitely looking forward to seeing more <3