The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two (WIP)

The author released three more chapters after the initial three a few months ago. That’s the extent of the public demo here, whilst she and Spunkycatninja work on completing the second book separate from here, whilst keeping everyone updated here, tumblr and instagram.


The author released three more chapters after the initial three a few months ago. That’s the extent of the public demo here

Not to sound rude or anything, but that’s what I meant.


Understood, that’s on me for not realising.

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Hi, just want to inform you guys that the demo has six chapters available ending on the decision of UB to do undercover work.

I think you incorrectly answered to me instead of @Seraphinite 's post. :joy:

Sorry. Just want to elaborate more in case the person want to know when the demo ends.


Nope. Im 110% sure its you that I keep seeing around these forums but I might be wrong and too stubborn to admit. :stuck_out_tongue:

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No you are not wrong… I am also seeing them everywhere.


Progress Report

Well, I managed to power through Chapter Ten this week considering I was on break for part of it :smiley:

I think that refresh really did wonders!

I managed to finish the massive stat/choice scene, and am finally on to the next bit…which one variation of it is something I’ve been very, very excited to write for a while now!

I’m hoping to get up to the LI split scenes by the end of today, which will put me on track for getting 2 LI scenes done by the end of April as was my goal!

Chapter Ten is already over 28,000 words :smiley: But there’s a lot of variation in this scene, as well choices. Looking forward to playing through it as a coherent piece rather than writing it in bits and pieces, hehe!

So a great week seeing as it was a short one for me!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and I’ll update you all again next week! :slight_smile:


Progress Report

Bit of a whirlwind month was April :smiley:

Think having the break in the middle made it whip by!

Though I did meet my goal for the month! In fact I beat it!!

My goal for April was to get Chapter 9 completed as well as 2 of LI scenes done for Chapter 10. What I didn’t realise when I made this goal was how much there was to write for Chapter 10 before even getting to the LI scenes, lol.

But I finished all of that, and actually got 3 LI scenes done.

I completed the writing for Chapter 10 on Wednesday, and finished my edits for Chapter 9 and 10 today!

So an intense but productive month.

I’ll be starting Chapter 11 on Monday, well one version of Chapter 11 anyway :smiley:

There are two versions of Chapter 11, each with a different LI scene and new stat change depending on which choice you made in Chapter 9.

Very much looking forward to writing these scenes…huehuehue ;D

My goal for May is to complete one of the versions of Chapter 11 . Each version is pretty hefty in itself, but I’m pretty confident I can manage it!

Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend and I’ll update you all again next Friday! :slight_smile:


Me every time Sera update the progress report and succeed in achieving her goal she made for the chapters:


Must wait patiently…must stay calm… blargh!

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well may is in my birthday so this best news to me :innocent:


I would…very politely like to ask not to make every one of the “charming/flirty” options have the mc biting their lip. Its not sexy once you do it after every sentence, it kind of just seems like there’s something medically wrong going on lmao.


Does anyone know how many chapters there are going to be? Also if i am not supposed to ask sorry.

If I’m not mistaken @Seraphinite said there’d be around 19 or 21 chapters.


That is correct. It just depends on how the writing goes.

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Release date is unknown at this time. I wouldn’t even try to guess a possible date. And, yes, the demo is worth a try if you haven’t played yet.


You’re amazing.


I can’t wait until this is finished!!! The wait has been too long!! :DDD

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Progress Report

Had a bit more of a maintenance/clean-up week this week. I like to try and do these when I can (and remember!) as it’s good to just take a step back to work on the base stuff too.

So I did my 3rd draft edits for Chapters 9 and 10, added in the final edits for Chapter 7, did more in-depth bug testing, added in more small variations, as well as working playthroughs.

I sometimes get asked for advice on writing interactive fiction, and one piece of advice that I find most important is to make sure and actually playthrough your game as you go!

Writing interactive fiction can get super disjointed. You’re writing branches, variations, coding, choices, etc. Which may all seem fine as you’re going, but playing through it lets you actually see the flow and continuity of the piece—a super important part :smiley:

Sometimes when I’m writing 6 different versions of a scene, I can forget I need a certain line to make the next two scenes flow together. Or maybe there needs some variation to make a certain personality choice fit better in the scene that you didn’t notice when writing.

Playing through it can take a looooong time, especially with different branches, etc, but it is so crucial to creating a smoothly flowing piece. And if you do it at regular intervals, then it doesn’t become quite so huge a task!

But obviously I couldn’t stay completely away from writing because I am addicted, hehehe!

I managed to get the two varying starts of Chapter 11 going, and then began the first scene towards the first version of the chapter. It was such good fun as it has a more casual feel to it, and I love getting to write these friend moments that bring the team together with the MC in a more organic way than just picking choices!

So yeah, a really good Spring clean kinda week :smiley: I’ll be continuing playthroughs and edits into the weekend so that I can just concentrate fully on Chapter 11 on Monday!

Hope everyone has the most fantastic weekend, and I’ll update you all again next Friday! :slight_smile:


Well, going through the demo again I can once more say. As a lover of angst in most forms I gotta say I do like the Love Triangle, not for it is the most lovey dovey but for the drama and angst it adds to the story. For these two vampires are so helplessly caring for the detective and the detective is confused even though one could describe that as a horrible thing making the drama that the three characters share such interesting. (Plus I love Farah’s And literally everyone’s tease about the fact at least one has a crush on the detective)


Progress Report

My word, what a week!

The lovely @spunkycatninja played through chapters 8, 9, and 10 for me and her incredible reactions gave me such a massively excited boost that I slammed through writing this week, hehe! :smiley:

I got 2 out of the 5 LI scenes for the first branch completed, as well as both versions of the opening for the first branch, and it looks like I’ll finish F’s scene today as well!!

So I’m super happy with how this week went, especially as I was really into the flow of the scenes and I LOVE how they’re coming out.

An incredible and intense week, hehe! But an amazing one :slight_smile: