The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two (WIP)

I feel like I’ve seen Michael spelled both ways.



Wow, this volume is already starting out strong! I was so engrossed with the demo that I didn’t realize it was 3 chapters worth…it went by so quickly!

Everyone in this game is so precious :heart_eyes:.


MC and Tina’s banters are always entertaining. Not even the water from the firetruck is enough to quench Tina’s THIRST.

Verda, how do you expect the MC to not laugh at the dog thing?? and I stand by my MC that puns are the pinnacle of comedy. FIGHT ME.

Dylan is good doggo. GIVE HIM ALL THE PETS AND TREATS.

I didn’t think it was possible, but Nate has become even more endearing now that we can see his hidden dork-side when MC is not looking. His “how do I look” to A is priceless. Also the part where he says he will fight any technology if the MC is on the other side :heart: SUAVEWELL PLEASE.

My god Adam is so going to snap soon with how tense he is. I swear I read, like, 20 mentions of the word tension and their synonyms on his path. I would not be surprised if he suddenly implode or combusts at one point. His acceptance of the MC in the team is very appreciated though!

Yes, Mason. You know you want to wear those tacky clothes. YOU CAN’T FOOL THE DETECTIVE’S EYES.

THE LOVE TRIANGLE HURTS SO GOOD. I always feel bad that my MC keeps looking or speaking to Nate, but that’s mostly because Nate always initiates! It would be impolite to look at Adam when Nate is speaking to you! Hence, I was very pleased that MC and Adam had a moment during the walk back to the car. I want to spread the love as equally as possible during this route.

All in all, I am so happy to see Book 2 being developed nicely. I have confidence that @Seraphinite will meet and surpass our expectations! :star_struck:


I don’t like writing out super long things as I get distracted very easily half the time, I will have to say I respectfully disagree with you.

I personally really enjoyed all the scenes with N, and I actually really loved all the dialogue between her and my MC I recreated for her route. I didn’t see any problems at all with how any of the few scenes we got to see with her were handled. But this is just my own opinion.


Of course, and that’s totally fine, no hard feelings.
Maybe there can be a balance between the more intense and flirty options and a more subtle approach. Or it will stay just the way it is, and I think I’m gonna be able to live with it lol

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Well, as you, I play N’s route with the more emotive, soft side, I like it better. And I must say that I was very satisfied with it? I didn’t choose the flirty options, either the shy ones. I like that in this book we seem to have more options that leads to nice romantic moments.

What I did choose was the ones where you are smiling, or chuckling, and this gave me a very nice result for what I was looking for :slight_smile:


One of my favorite things about N is how they just fall right into step with you if you are very flirty. Like yeah they very clearly adore a shy/sweet MC but they certainly do not miss a beat when it comes to a more forward MC, lol.


Just want to remind everybody that this a feedback thread so any feedback should be presented since @Seraphinite haven’t address the concern on some of the feedbacks here. It is best we don’t go into a debate yet on certain situations as Book Two is still on a WIP phase.


Just read it and enjoyed it but I was disappointed that it mentioned that it was mainly on romance since I very rarely do romance in choice games

Did the author draw this? Do we have canon looks for everyone?

Sera tries to avoid canon looks so people can maintain their own images of what the characters look like.

However, if you support her patreon (when it comes out, it’s not out yet) she will have art of what she imagines the characters to look like, but I must stress that she wants everyone to retain their own headcanon, as that’s the beauty of text-based games! :smiley:

edit: But yes, she did draw that. :blush:


Yes, she did so far, we don’t have canon images since Sera wants the reader to interpret their own image of the characters but once you subscribed to Patreon (once it’s up that is), we will get to see what they look like, though I remember that there are some images that you could see the whole face of some UB members.


@resuri08 We’re both like walking FAQ pages, lol


She’s so talented! :star_struck: Thanks the both of you! I’d honestly rather have a canon image because there are just too many good fan arts to choose from! I need someone else to take the responsibility and pick one lol


I just saw this post… And you people can’t believe how fu*king happy I am.

okay- so I’m doing the love triangle as my main path and I thought I should share that all of my save files are labeled “aaaaaaangst” with varying degrees of elongated "a"s :joy:

About N’s route

For me it struck the right balance. I really appreciated the little part at the beginning of N actually being a bit nervous. They always seem so in control when it comes to romance and flirting so that little add was amazing. But I also wouldn’t want them to be too bashful. N was special to me because they were a confident sexy without being crude. They are still being open and honest just in a flirtatious way. They want you to know that they are interested so I think that’s why they are really pouring on the charm. They’re the opposite of A in that way. I like competitive flirting with N though, so my preferences may be different.

I mean I’m all for more N content though :wink:


She does actually specify them decently, which is what my issue is:

“I’ve only been in contact with my mother, and that’s only been to inform me about the supernatural situation. Apparently the threats have been fewer than they feared, but still more than they’d like.”

That’s the most positive version you can get, when you have a good relationship with her. Literally stating their interactions have been solely work related. This is easily fixable! Just have a change to saying she’s been trying to reach out! I’m just pointing out issues in the demo’s current form. I’m not saying any of this is inherent to Rebecca. She is a character born from Sera’s magnificent brain, and changing the wording changes Rebecca as a character.

The encounter later on can help a little bit, but only if you’ve already chosen the “better relationship” choices in the first book, which is the only way to get the implication of improved communication. example:

”It seems having all of this revealed is finally bringing us closer. Her work was always what made it tense between us, but knowing everything she was hiding can finally help bring us past that. At last."

But again, this is only if the good or improving relationship choices have already been chosen. If not, it reads like she’s made no effort and nothing has changed. example:

“Our relationship has always been tense. Distant. Having all of what she’d been hiding revealed hadn’t helped the issue."

Again, easily fixable! I’m not trying to nit-pic, I’m just pointing out how a thing reads from another perspective, which is the point of the thread. Rebecca is her own character who should learn or not learn from her experiences in the story, and showing no difference implies no character growth. Especially in contrast to all the other characters having growth in the last two months.

And then reinforcing this further is this bit: “I give a nod. “And I’ve barely heard from you.””

If you’ve chosen the neutral or bad options last book, this is BAD. It’s a lot more forgiving if you already have a decent relationship with her, but if you don’t, this reads like she’s learned nothing and not changed her behavior at all. Which maybe she hasn’t! In which case I am reading it correctly and have no issue and will just accept that I will dislike her and move on. I’m just making sure that is how Sera wants it to come off. Because that is a line in the sand for me, and if the goal is to keep Rebecca’s actions as more neutral and flexible, this might be too far in one direction to hold onto that, you know?

I feel you are missing my point, let me see if I can clarify. Leaving space to let a player fill in the blanks is great and I love that. This is not what I feel is happening here. It is not my choice to make Rebecca seem so terrible. I don’t want my mc to have a terrible relationship with her. My issue is that with the way it is currently worded, it reads this way, no matter my own personal wants. It does not read like its up for interpretation. Does that make sense?

Alright, I feel this has been dissected about as much as it usefully can. I’m sure if Sera decides to actually slog through all of this she can make up her own mind on it.

I do appreciate the discussion, guys, and I love that we all care so much.


I think that also depend how we build our character in book 1 and whats our feeling with Rebecca for me , i always chose an option of understanding rebecca the mother and have good relationship with her, totally trusting her in all circumstances… i didnt feel traumatised at all in book 1, in fact i chose excited over all these so rebecca never feel the need to constantly baby sitting me , i will be happily wishing rebecca and UB a safe life without too bother about them calling me or not
Well… i hope it makes sense, because happy go lucky is my motto, so i think those scene is truly depend on our interpretation and personality :slight_smile:

*gasp* Found a her/his issue

She stiffens under my sudden attention, and I notice her bring his hands together, the fingers of one rubbing over the palm of the other. It’s a motion that would normally make me think someone is uncertain, but her expression remains stony straight.