The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Three (WIP -FINAL DEMO)

If your MC kissed Bobby. Or, in my M-mancer’s case, Bobby kissed her and she froze.

And to get that, you had to have chosen “stay in” in book 1 when the choice is to go to the bar with Tina or stay in the office.


Oh, I definitely missed that! But yes, he’s so close and I think we’re less than halfway through Book 3 so it’s definitely possible he’s gonna figure it out this time. I think him even realizing that he doesn’t like to see MC upset, especially not if it’s because of him, is major growth. It’s still not enough… but it’s definitely better than when he was saying “I just want to get in your pants, sweetheart.” I also love that MC can call him “sunshine” as a pet name – although I’m not sure why that’s the pet name?

I don’t think my A-mancing MC kissed Bobby, so I missed that, but… sheesh :frowning: lol. I thought someone said that Sera hinted A would accept his feelings by the end of Book 3 but that doesn’t sound promising.

Maybe there’s another near-death experience coming up for MC, lol.

Tbh, I’m just super worried about the things the fortune teller… foretold(?) coming to fruition (in all the paths, but especially M’s because I’m pretty sure it was like a mutual destruction thing lol).

I like A’s friendship, but F is still my favorite because he’s so fun. Most of my MCs are sarcastic/easygoing and F not only accepts that, but feeds into it. F + my MC making fun of A together = BFF <3


It’s always been one.


Also, random fact: For whatever reason, I imagined M as Black in my mind so I was shook when I finally took a second to review his description and found out he’s a light, freckled Grecian man with long-ish hair :joy:


Agreed. And I did love his response to the MC saying ‘thank you’ for apologizing (Dezh never has anyone apologize to her so she didn’t know wtf to do with that, lol). It was sweet.

And, OMG, the scene in the forest with the Trappers??? “Are you with me on this?” And that little smile when the MC says yes and stays close? :heart: Not to mention him saying thanks to the MC for saving him from the Trapper. My MC would’ve happily killed that bitch for him.

My MC hasn’t done that yet because she never goes with that type of line with him. I wish we could choose a nickname for him, though. I don’t like sunshine, lol.

I saw that she implied as much (or, at least said it would happen way sooner than anyone expected), but it’s not looking promising at all. My A-mancer was like, “whatever” and is wondering if Falk is up for going out with her, lol.

I don’t know if I’m reading into things but there have been a lot of little mentions of things that make me wonder if the big thing in this book will be the MC making a choice to give themselves up to save their LI. I know the bad guy jerk said they could do something to make the MC want to come in and that would be the perfect thing to do it. And oh man, the drama! (and I want to see M’s response to the MC handing themselves over to Trappers to save them)

Maybe that would snap A out of their resistance as well. Who knows.

Sin didn’t seem happy with his handler’s intentions with the MC, though. So maybe he’ll help?

I’m just guessing here, but I think that’ll be book 5, aka “the book of misery and sadness.”

I enjoyed watching F have the wind taken out of his sails when my M-mancer defended Adam. It was kind of hilarious. And goes along with book 2 when he was displeased when the MC said something and F looked at Adam and complained that he didn’t want two of them around, lol.

I love the parallels between my M-mancer and Adam because it gets neat little comments like from M when A and the MC met with the werewolves and M said they were too stubborn or something. Hey, 79% stubborn isn’t that stubborn!


I miss Falk. That fun little flirt!!!

That’s actually not a bad guess. That could also be in line with the fortune told too, tbh, if ultimately, the jerk had no intentions of letting the LI go either way.

I’m trying to figure out what kind of hold the jerk has over Sin. I know there was a mentioning of like… sharp prickling on Sin’s skin when the jerk started getting angry with him, so clearly the jerk is supernatural, but I’m wondering 1. how powerful someone would have to be to gain control over Sin since the vamps made it clear he’s super powerful and 2. if there’s a way for Sin to break out of it. I think if Sin can, he will, because he doesn’t seem to be happy with having to kidnap ANYONE, let alone MC now that he realizes the jerk plans to sell MC to the highest bidder or w/e.


I loved the new demo. All I can say is that I will be eagerly waiting for the full release of this .

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Oh God. That scene with Bobby. I am screaming!!! :joy:
Also, the beginning of chapter 5 was so not what I could possibly have expected to see. The sheer ridiculousness of it :crazy_face:


Me too. I freaking love that guy. He and Tane and Maaka are my favorite non-UB people so far (well, and Elidor and Tapeesa, who I want my MC to take chocolate to, dammit!).

Yeah, a friend of mine mentioned that the jerk might not let the LI go if the MC turns themselves in. Which would be so freaking cool! The LI and MC escape from that hell themselves… that would be a great thing to see! Or have UB rescue the ones who can’t quite rescue themselves, lol.

Since Sin refers to the guy as his leash holder, maybe it’s just some supernatural control mechanism? It seems to be Trappers doing all this, so it makes sense they can control a super. I’m just wondering how the rogues will fit into all of it, especially given the stat changes in chapter 1 when the captain and mayor bug the MC about the blood drive and the choice causes increases to forces for the rogues or the Trappers.

What did you think of the Rebecca stuff? I’ve been a vocal critic of Rebecca’s, and two of my MCs can’t stand her, but one of them is trying to tolerate her for UB’s sake (of course, tolerating her amounts to not throwing a fit about her having breakfast with them, lol). Oh, and the breakfast scene was PRICELESS!!

Yeah, that was one of those moments where all I could think about was that the poor guy would have a broken tailbone from falling through the ceiling while in a tub!


And I thought about how lucky the MC was to wake up when he did. (After I finished wheezing). Just a couple of seconds too late - and… :scream:


Is dashingdon down guys??

Sorta it crashed

Any idea when it will be back i was reading The passenger


Cries in crashing Dashington
Well, at least for me it isn’t crashing? It only takes a hot minute to load a chapter but that’s kinda it.

ooh can I have the tutorial too?

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Did anyone else feel physically hurt when pulling away from A when he was holding onto you, like…aldhakjd that really hurt


i can’t believe it’s still down for me :sob: :sob: it gave me false hope by allowing me to attempt to login then crashed. eventually i’ll make it in


same here, i cant load the game

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Okay, selective code-reading done, and I have a veeery baaaad feeling about what’s coming in the game proper. Like… “Please god no”, but also “hell yes, I want that action!”
So long as everyone come out of it okay in the end. I don’t know if I could take any (more) harm coming to M. Or A. :eyes:


@EvilChani If you can, I would like to know good fellow, you know 'bout download the code and play offline. nervous grin

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