as always, hitting us with them good content. really enjoyed the opening to the third installment. after all the shit that happened near the end of book 2, its nice to at least take a break for a bit at the start of book 3. hope we get to enjoy the calmness for a bit before we get thrown into the ring again
I cannot tell if I’m shaking so much because I have an unhealthy relationship with coffee, or if it’s the delight I am feeling because you have published this bad boy so quickly after B2 — regardless I am here for it!!!
i know this is the demo for the third book (tried to look at the forum for it but everyone is just talkin about the riddles) but im trying to get the achievement for the rhyming thingy (and also not have to resort to fighting all the time) on the second book and i wanted to ask what the right ones are. also, that scene was honestly fuckin funny but also had that hint of ridiculousness. like we really having a rap battle with a dragon?