The Vampire Regent [published]

The Vampire Regent is out! Thank you all for the feedback during the WIP!

The Vampire Regent is a 460,000-word interactive dark fantasy novel by Morton Newberry and Lucas Zaper, where occult political disputes and clashing loyalties tell the twisted story of a town designed for deceit.

  • Play as male or female, and explore your sexuality beyond mortal conventions.

  • Choose your bloodkin: the shapeshifting Balkanics, the future-seeing Aznuits, the blood-controlling Neshmaals, or the mesmerizing Merovingians.

  • Spend your nights pursuing different activities and interacting with characters whom you can befriend, antagonize, or get rid of.

  • Fight vampire hunters, criminals, and others of your kind—or manipulate them toward your goals.

  • Unearth buried secrets about the world, the people around you, and even yourself.

  • Find love in the sleepless nights, including a centuries-old buccaneer, a Scottish fencer who is not yet used to immortality, and an altruistic outlaw vampire.

  • Craft your personality through your decisions, and face the consequences of your choices.

Mordhaven is yours to command—but for how long?



“Politician” “bloodsucker” what’s the difference?


Count me in when there are Vampires! The Demo so far is really good, cant say anything bad about it, and I am not interested in that kind of style normally, the humor reminds me of VtM, which I played way too often… But do we have the chance to costumize our Vamp more? Not necessary, I just love character creation!


Disclaimer: I am pretty tired right now. That might affect my judgement, and I can’t promise to make sense.

It might be because I have played so much VtM, but all the changed words felt rather grating.
There was a lot of capitalized words, slowing the pace, and a lot of concepts introduced quickly on top of each other.
Generally, the beginning was a bit info-dumpish, and I felt more like I was reading a players manual, than starting a game/story.

I will try it again (and actually get to the part where the story starts) tomorrow, when I’m properly awake. :blush:


This is very interesting, can’t wait for the next update


Well, you have a point there…

Thanks for the message! So far, we haven’t been thinking about an expansion of the initial character customization. There are some paths you can take in-game which reshape or add to your character, though. like learning a Forbidden Art

Thank you for your comment, really! I’ve written it down here to revise the introduction in this regard for the next update. There are, however, many concepts which need to be established for the flow of the story itself, and thus it may have looked like a whole dump of infos.

Perhaps a “are you a new player?” button would help us there. I don’t know.

Thanks! Can’t say when, but hopefully soon enough.


Fascinating game. I definitely like what I see!


Just want to point out that when you choose to enter your own name, instead of choosing from the list, it shows up as “none”. Last name seems to work fine.


Checked the code here and it seemed to be fine. I’ll give a better look into it to see if there is any bug going on.


That happens when you try to play a female regent.


I love when we become vampires! Love it so far! I still can’t win against the fight with Oswald.


I’m not sure if it supposed to be like this.


@PhilosoTor @lokidemon007
Found out the problem. It should be fixed by the next update. Thank you!

Thanks! Oswald is a tricky “boss”.

In case your character isn’t really a muscular type, perhaps you could run for that sniper rifle…?

And the message should look like this, yes. The member is typing in a hurry!

Thanks for the tip! I tried to play with a Saharian character who is a muscular type w/ , gotta say… he went down fast.

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The Vampire Chronicles quote practically sold this to me. And away I go to play the demo!

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It’s good will there be romance or no


Ohhh vampires and politics eh? Like blood and wine~. I’m in!

I wonder, will we be able to somehow influence the gang of hunters into aiding us? Against other potential power players maybe?


NICE… i’ll be like… the new Sebastian LaCroix and try not to obsess over a sarcophagus winkwink


Definitely. You can develop a relationship with a few characters, even though most of this content is still to be finished.

Some characters will just be in for a night, though. They have their own schemings to perform.

About the political relations with the Order of the Blazing Grave:

These hunters are the main antagonist force of the game - it is not possible to side with them. It is possible, however, to… side with (… manipulate…) some other organizations. The Outlaws, the City Hall, the organized crime… and have you heard about the Revolt? Some whisper about it on the streets.


Just played through the demo and I really like it! Loved VTM and I can see the influence it’s had.

I really enjoyed it and the Oswald fight, and I wish the best for you and your project.

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Political intrigue alone is fun, but adding vampires certainly doesn’t hurt things. I’m interested. I do hope I get the chance to horrify some humans trying to take away my influence by showing them what exactly they’re trying to scare.

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