33% off Choice of the Vampire

Originally published at: https://www.choiceofgames.com/2024/05/33-off-choice-of-the-vampire/

Choice of the Vampire is 33% off until May 23, including its two game-length DLCs, The Fall of Memphis and St. Louis, Unreal City.

Slake your thirst—without becoming a monster! Blessed with the blood-soaked gift of immortality, will you tend the flock of humanity—or twist it to your whims? When a brash young country clashes with a brash young vampire, who will come out ahead?

Choice of the Vampire is an epic interactive novel by Jason Stevan Hill. It’s entirely text-based, 900,000 words and hundreds of choices, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. 

Announcing St. Louis, Unreal City four years late

If you hadn’t heard about St. Louis, Unreal City, well, you’re not alone. We quietly made it available to the public in 2020, but we’ve never officially announced it until today.

With the turning of the century, St. Louis sits at the navel of the United States. The elite of the city celebrate by throwing the party of all parties—the 1904 World’s Fair. Every vampire who is any vampire will be there!

As your character concludes their first century of unlife, they must navigate the waters of industrialization and urbanization. But a monster roams the Missouri countryside, hunting vampires. Will the vampire court of St. Louis tear itself apart even before he comes for their heartsblood? And how can this unreal city look to the future when the specters of the past refuse to stay dead?

It took four years to get ready to make this announcement

It took a long, long time to prepare for this announcement, because Choice of the Vampire is one of the most complicated games we’ve ever published, offering an unprecedented variety in the type of vampire you can be.

For example, when you first become a vampire during the Battle of New Orleans in 1815, you can choose from a dozen wildly different human backgrounds. You can be a Choctaw interpreter, a French landowner, a Free Person of Color, an ordained priest, an Irish laborer, a Yankee entrepreneur, and many more.

Your choice of background affects the entire rest of the game, as you live through a hundred years of American history. Each background engages differently with the Civil War, Reconstruction, the liberation of Haiti, the Exodusters, Cuba, lynchings, and vodou. Your character may or may not be literate, may or may not speak English, French, German, Latin, Spanish, or Choctaw.

Furthermore, you might have been turned into a vampire by one of six different vampires, each with their own unique background, and, besides that, you might decide to kill your maker in the first five minutes of the game, or flee New Orleans entirely, playing an alternate version of the first part of the game in the village of St. Charles.

This complexity affects every part of the game; the longer the game gets, the more complex it becomes.

Initially, we thought we’d “soft launch” the St. Louis DLC, fix up any bugs that users reported, and do a a proper announcement a week or two later. Well, here we are, four years later, and we’re finally ready to announce it.

We can’t say that a game like this will ever be truly bug free, but we think it’s ready for you now.

If you’ve never played it, we can’t wait for you to try it. If you’ve played before, we invite you to return to one of the most replayable games we’ve ever made.


Perfect timing for Interview with the Vampire season 2 being out this week! Congrats on the huge DLCs!


Been waiting for this one for a long time, massive congratulations!


Choice of the Vampire is still one of my favorites.

Congrats on the re-launch, Jason!


Including episode 1, this series is now nearly 15 years long and still running! I’m impressed and a big thank you to the team (Jason and company) for keeping this one active all these years!

Now, on to Chicago, Boston and (maybe) San Francisco, 22XX!


I was so confused when I saw this cause I swear I remember seeing an announcement about St. Louis but I guess I was somehow aware of the soft launch lol.


Congratulations, I’ve always loved CoV!

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Yeah, there was a blog post, but never a mailer.

Oh man, I am excited and terrified! Am I finally ready to attempt to play this game again without sinking into existential despair? Will Jason Stevan Hill allow us to mod our stats in Steam so that we don’t feel like such deplorable insects all the time? And, most importantly, will Memeskia finally be an RO?

I am so thrilled that the game that made me fall in love with interactive fiction over twelve years ago is still growing in depth and complexity. Playing it for the first time was a revelation, an alchemical fusion of the author’s intent with mine in a rich and vivid narrative that made a fictional society of vampires and my own country’s past equally real and present. I hope this re-release will invite old fans to revisit this game and new ones to discover it for the first time. You’re in for a real treat.


I bought both games way back years ago on the standalone apps. Sadly they won’t restore. Are all parts contained within both games? Or does part 3-4 still need to be purchased? Since cotv2 standalone app is called fall of Memphis, there is no need to buy part 3 from the omnibus app right? I’d email support but don’t know if they’d be able to find those receipts from 4+ years ago. I sure can’t find mine.

What app store did you buy your games from?

Google play.

In the Memphis app, you should be able to take a screenshot of a screen that says something like, “you’ve fully upgraded!” That would be sufficient proof of purchase.

Regardless, email support and Abby can help you.

Wow, you like being hurt, don’t you? :wink:

But I think that’s the first time anyone’s requested Memeskia as an RO.


Thanks. On part 2 it shows restart instead of upgrade, so hopefully that’s good enough. Going to email them.

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Is there a way to buy volume 4 directly on the website, without replaying the first 3 volumes first?
Because I’m not sure if I will have time for that, the next few days.

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