I know what you mean hahaha
Though I am wondering how far I can push it. 12-13 years old back when you were a human (roughly 2000’s) is if you are a girl, you’d be married, quite possit with a kid of your own. I though maybe I could touch on that but I’m not sure, if one, that’s against the rules, and two if it’s too far.
Perhaps, that is why we were “turned” at 12 … to avoid the forced marriage… lots of possibilities - even back then, depending on what tribe/empire/kingdom/whatever we were from.
So the MC is a fledgling vampire then? Or are we over 2000?
Yeah that’s the way I was leaning
No they are definitely far to old, if turned 2000 Yeats ago they’ve been alive for 2000 years, they are just stuck in their child body because you atoo aging when you’ve been turned.
*years sorry, I’m trying to do this on my phone and its keeps auto correcting words hahaha
Our MC is one of the “ancients” … honestly, I don’t see the “problems” you all are having with this unless your looking for this to be a Choice of Romance type of story - and even then that MC was 15…
idk… I usually don’t go for romance in these types of stories so, maybe it is me that is not seeing things
I know you stop ageing, but vampires that are thousands of years old are quite powerful. So you still age just not in the normal sense. I’d also assume they have accumulated quite a lot of power and wealth by now as well.
Hahaha, yeah I get the feeling a few people are expecting this to be romance focused and while there will be weird elements of it, it is definitely not the main focus. Which unfortunately I think will put a few people off it but oh well. Its definetly more political/drama/mystery/comedy
Definitely I imagine they made a lot of smart investments and are actually incredibly wealthy and powerful. I think I’m going to leave it up to the player whether or not that power is more political or actual raw power or maybe both. Or you can chose which you show off more.
Let’s see @Razorpaw’s cannon and background story… She may have been inspired by Ann Rice but her vampirism is different - just with the little she shown so far…
I’d assume it would definitely be both by this point.
@Eiwynn I just have a hard time seeing the MC being anything like a child beyond appearance at this point. We would be one of the oldest vampires by now too so there is that as well. Over 2000 is quite ancient.
In this world the older you are the more powerful, maybe depending on your maker might influence your power starting out but at this point you are definitely not someone to be triffled with
I’d like to keep some child like qualities, maybe curiosity and things like that but just little things here and there to remind both the player and those around your MC that they were/are still a child in some ways.
A child forced to grow up “fast” might have developmental issues… for example, our MC can have that child-like humor forever… the slapstick jokes and things like farts may be more entertaining to them…
idk - I’m a history person so I see a lot of possibilities here.
While raw physical power isn’t totally out of the question, a child’s body probably isn’t as up to the task like and adults. We would still be pretty powerful regardless seeing how it’s manifested supernaturally I think it would be somewhat hampered by a smaller body. I’d assume most of our power is reliant on our magic ability.
Yeah you’d be right in that assumption hahaha
Picture someone who has been around for over 2000 years and imagine the type of mindset they would have.
@Razorpaw As a side note I’d imagine a “child” with that amount of wisdom in their eyes would by very unnerving to look at.
If we are pretending to be a child and have child like qualities that would make the romances weird even if they are only a minor part of the story.I don’t see a 2012 year old wanting to romantically hold hands with someone, but I could maybe see a 12 year old holding hands. Ignoring the elephant in the room would weaken the story for those that play that route, but addressing the creep factor would give the game a more philosophical and less comedic quality.
I don’t think you should have any romance with the MC and especially don’t make the Mother/father/guardian character a romance.