now I fell like I would fall in love with you instead. but Roach is my favoritest person already, so you would be my second favorite, don’t feel sad.
My!Newman: Oh, I don’t know! Maybe something like “Hey! This… whatever we have going on? It’s not romantic!” You know! Maybe hit me with one of those?! Huh, Roach?!
Hahaha this made my morning
And THIS made my night. ^^
So, um, why can we choose Horizon’s gender too? Does this is the same case as Roach’s?
I like your interpretation of Roach! I always envisioned him having a shaved head for some reason.
hah, he’s got a massive mop of curly hair for me x)
Maybe something in the great scheme of things knew MC was going to be faced with a hard task someday so Horizon was created to accommodate to MC’s preferences; maybe Horizon is more aligned with the universe than they realize.
Or maybe I just needed another gender flippable RO.
Talking about genderflipable characters the “kid” cultist is also a flipable one,
always matching Horizon’s gender
I may not have sixteen , but I’m watching you
You win a cookie
I have to confess i cheated the system, not only have a replayed embarrassing amounts of times, but i have also maybe looked at the code i remember the name that Horizon replaced
That’s all Roachs fault tho, they forced my hand at a little information digging
Sad thing is I was like “Good thing I just put an H there” and then when I went to change it, the freaking name was there
I think the cosmic beings like messing with your code a lot, they’re just remembering you who’s boss
Okay since today is the once in a blue moon day I’m active here, lemme ask questions about your enemy (yes, lore, fear it)
okay, let’s get down to business to defeat the Hunter
1- Since the MC mentions they once killed a entire race because reasons, does that means the mc could also not be the only one and come from a certain race?
2 - The Mc called the thing they did with the casket pacification i think? Is it something their species can do with each other or just with humans?
3 - Could the mc have multiple caskets?
I have lots of questions but imma stop here, also gotta tell ya your wip is one of my favorites i just fricking love the mc ao much
Whoot! Appearance headcanons! In my mind, Roach’s hair doesn’t usually look like this either; they just got out of the shower, hence why it’s so limp and sticking to their face.
Usually, I picture Roach’s hair with slight waves which gorgeously reflect the sunlight; almost seeming to glow amber at some angles. Can you tell how smitten I am with Roach? Jonny, at least in his interactions with MC, is the kind of person I’d hope to date. Roach is the kind of person I’d want to date but know that they’re not healthy.
I don’t know why, but whenever i picture Roach i always imagine generic mcs from dating sims no face except cat glowing yellow eyes
(Posting from phone so sorry for misspellings and stuff)
- MC’s understanding decreased to 1% when they escaped, so there’s a LOT they don’t remember anymore (their name being what they mourn the most) but they are sure that they’re the first and only of their species. MC ‘knows’ they’ve existed since the dawn of everything. Is that true? Who knows, but they certainly believe it.
- Pacification is possession in MC’s mind and sort of the best way to describe what they do. They can only use that ability when in their true form and only to creatures who 1) are too ‘dumb’ to realize an abomination is taking control of them, or 2) have the same level of knowledge MC possesses (can stand to see MC’s real face and understand it). Of course the latter would be only advisable if MC wasn’t half dead and fading, since they need to break the other creature’s will first.
- Heh.
How do I answer thisI’ll go with no, but there are ways to get around that. This is also almost spoiler territory.
That makes me really glad
@pimenita your answer to question 3 is just feeding my Horizon and the kid are the Hunter and Roach KNOWS theory
Only can find out in the future…I can hardly wait. Challenge accepted.
Sometimes I have a morbid kinda fanfiction feeling that they make us powerful so that they can feed on us later if our guard down. The idea is sort of ill I admit.
Your takes on how Roach looks like posts inspired me to have a go at drawing him. After talking about it with some friends on discord we came up with the following:
Meet the ‘how-are-they-still-alive?’ dumb duo
( Left is my Newman while right is Roach’s design)
Koneko has provided such a lovely description of his hair, especially the 'reflecting the sun in an amber glow at some angles’part, utterly lovely
![:rosette: :rosette:](
Also, Pime, new ch is as engaging as the previous ones; wait, no, scratch that. Ch 4 is even moar interesting now that we’re closer to finally harvest some decent amount of essence/energy. Currently, I feel as if things are going a bit too smoothly for the mc. I’m expecting something awful to happen in the next ch
![:joy: :joy:](