The Nascent Necromancer


Me too! ToT

You’ll resurrect Yosif, and romance him if you want



I personally enjoyed the game a lot and can’t wait for more content. I also think it’s pretty self explanatory that the story is about developing power and not immediately being an overpowered individual. I can’t wait for more!


I am pleased to see that you can take the cream from the reviews and use it to find ways to improve, even from the sour reviews.

some do not read, which is ironic given the format of the game and others will insist on their own agenda, no matter what is said, shown or instructed about the game in the first place. There isn’t much value to glean from such reviews, even what little you can get is invalidated given:

Which leads to the conclusion that those who can not (or who refuse to be) buy into what you wanted to do are not part of your intended audience. It is good to listen and approach these reviews and critiques with both open ears and arms, but since they are not your intended audience, you do not need to embrace them.


You’re right, but unfortunately this isn’t just my pride that has been hurt. I’ve likely lost thousands of sales and the internet discourse around TNN is now overwhelmingly negative due to this. It’s like a mob was sent to review bomb rocky road icecream for having nuts and marshmallows. It’s like a bad Black Mirror episode.

Fans of TNN, I have no plans of touching Part 2 until this bizarre situation has changed. It reeks of incel sabotage from CYS but it could just be one of those funny things that has no good explanation but ignorance


I am sorry to hear this; I do not know how long this will take to right, but I am awaiting part two, myself. When it is ready to be shared, I will be happy to read what you put forth.


Um, Sam, there’s been five negative reviews on Steam. And of those, two of them are actually fairly positive as negative reviews go. And Reddit too has had both harsh reviews and positive ones, like this: Reddit - Dive into anything

I don’t think this really points to a mob review-bombing you. It’s easy to get emotional about a story you put so much into getting a mixed reception, but don’t let those feelings take you to a dark place.

Harsh but necessary truth: you didn’t lose thousands of sales from this. This is a Steam release of a story a lot of people own already. It’s going to be a really nice bump for your royalties, especially since your story is enjoying a really lengthy time on sale in the omnibus app, keeping it front and center on the main page. But you were never going to sell so many copies that a handful of negative reviews would cut thousands off the total. That’s not opinion. It is fact.

TNN did well! It’s going to do even better after this! Take that and cherish it. And as has been said, don’t dismiss the negative comments out of hand. Glean what’s useful from them and discard what is not constructive, and then come back even stronger for either the next installment of this or whatever other form your next story takes. If you casually dismiss these reviews as part of some conspiracy and write them off as meaningless, you’re dooming yourself to getting more of the same when you publish again.


I think you’re downplaying how greatly TNN’s sales over the last few weeks will have been effected by having the Steam reviews and internet discourse around the story being extremely negative. I’m imagining what could have been without the libelous comments turning people away. To say the author is a liar and the title is misleading are themselves lies and misleading comments

I wonder what you think there is to be gleaned from the comments shredding Necromancer for being being an origin story. They’re objectively incorrect and made it my problem.

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I’d like to be a beta tester too, I really liked NN


Here’s another gold one.

Fascinating that game with dark spells, an undead minion, and the promise of resurrections in future chapters apparently has nothing to do with necromancy…and we also have a large group of readers of this book who outright refuse to acknowledge the “Nascent” part of the title and plot, while fixating over the Necromancer part.

The funny part is this kind of stuff makes me increasingly less likely to complete the story since something that is downright impossible to miss is being missed on the regular, and it’s frustrating and unfulfilling to write a story that is being completely misunderstood.

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I understand that people can be frustrating and annoying sometimes but just to let you know that I genuinely appreciate and enjoy your stories and the way you write them. Don’t let people who don’t know what they’re talking about get you down. The story does a great job of depicting a burgeoning necromancer struggling with their unfamiliar situation. Even if some people don’t understand your story there are others that will. So I personally think you should just ignore them as their complaints lack validity and show they can’t use a thesaurus! I wish you best of luck have a good day and don’t let them ruin your story just because they don’t know how to look up a definition!


yea i think that’s where most of the trouble for others come from, being too lazy to look up a word. i never even heard of the word nascent until this book (game?) :sweat_smile:
Oh that and a lot of people expect pure power fantasies when reading IFs not the journey :confused: even though the (for me at least) journey is the most fun part!! :melting_face:

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People are idiots…I love this story!


Lmao :rofl:

tell us what you want to say in a way that won’t get you flagged

I don’t know how to walk on eggshells lol

I get it tho, lol I speak and write my thoughts without any care. I may be wrong or right…but it is what it is. Good story, I like dark shit. Lol Bsafe

Demo was pretty good. I’m liking the story so far. Might pick it up on Steam.

Only real issue I have is the lack of saving. It gets frustrating having restart the game repeatedly cuz the choice I chose didn’t give the stats I’m going for.


Wait wait did I miss an update…ARE WE ABLE TO ROMANCE YOSIF NOW?:scream:


Weird that people who can’t read want to play this game. When I don’t know what a word means I google it. Ain’t too hard. I really hope the situation changes for the better.