The Lost Heir Trilogy

I’m hyped now, I really want to know how my MC, Thea and their child will rule the Unified Kingdom of Daria and Norgan.


Do keep in mind that these forums have strict rules regarding pressuring the authors to release content.

With that said, I do look forward to the third game. :slight_smile:


That’s true, but in this case, I don’t mind. :slight_smile:

It’s mostly out of my hands. The game has been written, beta-tested, and sent in to COG.

I still have a few assets to put together, but the main wait is for the copy editor to correct my 260k plus words of story. :slight_smile: In truth, I don’t know if they’ve started, but even if they haven’t, I’m in the queue. Since I’m waiting on them, I’m not rushing too quickly to gather my other assets.

The images are done. One size had to be redone since it gets scaled down from 1024 x 1024 to 48 x 48, but my graphic artist is awesome, so it’s now complete.

I’m as excited as everyone else to release it! I can’t wait. :slight_smile:


And then you have to start the Lost Heir 4: the Money Grab Edition :stuck_out_tongue:



We don’t want another “Heroes Rise:Redemption Season”,now do we?


Are all images scaled to 48x48?

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Uncharted 4 and God of War 4 seems to be good money grab sequels. Sometimes they can be good.

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I don’t really care if they end up being “cash grabs”, so long as they prove worthwhile and of good quality. I’ll consider it a form of “donation” to keep the authors afloat as well as a mean to support future projects.


No, just one image with no title gets super-scaled. Many nice images don’t scale down very well to that size.

No, there won’t be a Lost Heir 4. :slight_smile:

I’m sure that we’ll return to Daria again someday (or some time), but the Lost Heir Trilogy is definitely complete.

I have about four dozen ideas for another game and I have about a dozen WIPs started and another dozen outlines started. :slight_smile: I never run out of ideas. I only run out of time to make them. :smiley:


There wasn’t going to be an Uncharted 4 or God of War 4. The power of money compel peoples to do things they would never do :stuck_out_tongue:

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“Sire you not only plan to have that barbarian queen for a mate but you also want to completely conquer Norgan, just because the queen is the leader of a tribe?”

“Good Heavens forbid I’d rather have a demon summoner at this point. At least they know how to manage things”

Though my king has the power of mods (I got tired of min maxing) and is every bad thing… and nearly every good. The exception being a nice priest/cleric and a regular knight. He’s a vampire priest of the unknown god. And a arch druid. Double immortality! With a vampric soul burning child.

I wonder how many years before I go quash a rebellion?

Is there a real advantage so far to the unknown god? The most I could tell is that I can be good or evil. I’ve mostly seen it do evil god stuff, did some good god options open up to me?

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Man , can you just stop it? I already know your opinions, I don’t need every time I post something you trying to bring down my enjoyment of the game.
I don’t agree with anything you write, and I don’t need your opinions.

If I was serious I probably wouldn’t phrase in a quote of some noble or royal adviser.


It’s not long a joke when you keep insisting, evey time I post something you just keep doing it. Just stop, okay?

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I’ve done it twice, one as a conversation between us and even then most of that time was me defending Jess and this time. And you’re not even the only one I did it with.

No it was not twice, the last time you kept dragging it until I stopped posting in this thread. Now please stop.

I was including all of the banter the first time. I could count individually if you want.
1 initial.
My reply to @AAO with the joke.
Then 1 reply to you, relating to your choice.
Then me defending Jess. Twice.
My reply to your rebuttal of my “why Jess has some good qualities of a king/queen”
And then there was a few other people involved in defending Jess/Jace.

So we had six including the new one on the joke. With five in my snobby royal accent.

T’was simply a debate for who would be better for the kingdom.


Then stop now. Can you stop?

[quote=“Urban, post:2846, topic:2514”]
I don’t need your opinions. Now excuse me while I type my opinions.
[/quote]Hmm… since you asked so nicely and didn’t sound rude at all, yeah ok, in an attempt to avoid conflict, I will never again debate your perceived love of the red warrior, the merits of Jess/Jace or talk to you in a snobby noble accent again unless expressly given permission by an authority or you. :innocent:

So what class(es) did you pick anyway?


So, back to those descriptions. :slight_smile: Thank you @CHEWA2 for helping! Here’s what I have so far. Can anyone add a few?

Subject: 50 characters. I need 20.
Save your kingdom from demons!(30)
Take the throne and save the world!(35)
Assume the throne and save the world.(37)
Face the man who murdered your parents.(39)
Become a legend.(16)

Short: 80 characters. I need 3.
Save the kingdom of Daria from the hands of the man who murdered your parents.(78)
Battle the man who murdered your parents and avenge their deaths.(65)

Web: 155 characters.
An epic medieval fantasy tale! Assume your rightful place at the throne of Daria and avenge your parents’ death in this thrilling three-part series.(148)

An epic medieval fantasy tale! Assume the throne of Daria and avenge your parents’ death in the thrilling conclusion of this three-part series.(143)

Forge a legend of revenge and reclaim your birthright as you save your kingdom from a mad man and his horde of demons.(118)

Full: Unlimited! But it will be clipped between 200-250 characters with a ‘Read More’ to see the rest.

Bullets: A bulleted list of nifty things in your game.

  • Play as a man or a woman.
  • Play as male or female, gay or straight.
  • Embark on a 260,000-word journey of love, hope, despair, betrayal and freedom as you lead the nation of Daria against hordes of demons and the man who killed your parents.
  • Thirty-five unique classes allow for diversity of gameplay and replay value. Choose to play as a thief, an assassin, a dragonrider, a blademaster, a necromancer…and more!
  • Seven different endings! Restore peace and harmony to the Kingdom of Daria or plunge the world into chaos…or something else entirely…the choice is yours!
    -Pursue romantic interests, get married, have a child!