I actually think this may make people less interested in romancing some companions when they see those companions falling in love with someone else. I would call it the Emmett and Penelope effect from Seven Kingdoms, The Princess Problem by @Aly where Emmett is a very sweet potential RO but one my MC would never choose because it would mean stealing him from Penelope who happens to be one my MC’s best friends and who is obviously Emmett’s soulmate even if they haven’t realized it yet. If anything it might make my MC less likely to pursue any path other than with my favorite RO. I do like Karla and hers is a sweet path but my favorite is definitely Jess when the MC chooses to be good and kind to her. I would not begrudge any of the other rejected ROs finding happiness and some of them may find someone who is a decidedly better-matched personality for them than my MC.
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