The Hero of Kendrickstone: Rescue a city held hostage by an evil wizard!

I don’t know what will be the final boss of the Kendrickstone Series, maybe the dragon from the dream, because I don’t know if he is dead or real. The romance options, for now, are useless until the third game is released. And I don’t know if there is a use for the Ever-Living Heart in the third game. In theory, the story of both games raises me more questions than answers.

Cataphrak said he plans to make “as many as possible” games set in the Fledgling Realms world, so I don’t think there is really gonna be a “final boss” or if he even has an end planned.

In theory though, I guess the return of the Flowering Court, or whatever caused their disappearance, could be the “big bad”. And I don’t know about the third game, but there’s definitely going to be use for the Ever-Living Heart in the future, as well as far-reaching consequences for stealing it from Hallowford.

Doom the Fledgling Realms? Meh. Immortality? Oh, Court yes! Give it to me! -almost every player

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I think that dragon is already tbh if I remember right.

Consequences for stealing it? Why would there be such a thing? It is well known that it was the miscreant known as Mundy of Bridgeport who stole The Heart, and if they claim the Hero of Kendrickstone, who raised the population of Hallowford against the tyranny of the Cryptkeepers guild, stole The Heart back outside of the city, who is going to believe them?


Given that Mundy is way more famous and well-established than you? A lot of people.

There is a choice for MC to steal the Heart before Mundy

Yeah, but it’s not the awesome way to do it.


My grubby little wizard hand had to have it. Along with the book of mad whispers.


My preciousssss.


Gentlemen, which MC would you say is weirder?

The Wizard MC, whose Battle Magic Spells should probably be classified as war crimes. Which include, but are not limited to: zapping people to death with lightning, burying people alive, and trapping a man’s soul inside a stone for all eternity while his body slowly dies.

Or the Rogue MC, who literally kills people using the same knife that he eats food with (and I must only assume washes it off in the filthy river water, which the rest of the city probably bathes in, drinks from, and disposes their waste in.)

I’m honestly not sure which is worse.

Which MC is weirder?
  • The War Criminal Wizard MC
  • The Unhygienic Rogue MC

0 voters


The rogue, clearly. I can understand killing people with lightning bolts. I cannot understand not having separate knives for eating and murdering. Knives are not that expensive!

Gotta love how this implies that people think that being unhygienic is weirder/worse than violently maiming people with magic.


Now that I think about it it is very strange that mc also eats with his murder knife

Hey, there isn’t enough food in Kendrickstone. Gotta get that extra nutrition somehow.

I would like to point out that Kendrickstone does have public baths, like most of its real-life medieval counterparts.


@Cataphrak How does slavery in the Iron Marches work?

Is it debt slavery like in company towns or something else?

I imagine it’s mostly seen in the League and the Bandit Lord areas, since I imagine the settlements are too small/poor to have the whole slavery thing.

Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but what is the name of the sequel to cryptkeepers and do we have a demo yet?

Bandit Lords of the Iron Marches, and no we do not.

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If the topic was about being cruel, The wizard would win hands down. However, this is about being weird, not cruel. The poster wanted us to vote for the weirdest, not the cruelest.