The Golden Rose: Book One by Ana Ventura

Cheek-kissing is a standard form of geeting in Europe where at least one of the two is a woman. Well, or it WAS, before the pandemic.


I agree that I don’t think Rafael did anything that bad , like physically hurting her. but it might be possible that he betrayed her in some form or fashion. However we can only theorize.

lol, never my friend. You payed for the game, so play it as you see fit. The only thing that matters is if your enjoying the experience. Also, I could never condemn a fellow Tyrion fan :wink:

Eh, not exactly, its also quite possible that due to the time period Alessa being more forward and physically affectionate with a woman was much less frowned on. Than probably doing so with a man. Due to the cultural connotations at the time. I believe Alessa would not want to appear “easy” to the male mc because of this. Alessa has a reputation as a cold hearted and ruthless mercenary. So even though she had a crush on the male mc at the start. She didn’t want to make her feelings that apparent for him lest she appeared weak. I also believe that she might’ve been hurt by another man after having let her guard down, which would explain her caution.

Very true, I still stand by my point that its rather bold for Alessa to do. Considering her character, even though it was a norm back then.


Does this still hold true 3.5 years later? Asking for a friend. :thinking:

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God, one of the few good things that came out of Covid was a break from this. Having to kiss 10 people in a row whenever I arrived anywhere was such a pain.

Of course!

You may be able to flirt with Cynthia in book two! I won’t know for sure how it goes until I write the scene, but you’ll probably be able to see for yourself. :blush:


Hey Ana I was hoping you could answer a question about something in one of your previous posts about being able to flirt with character’s that aren’t romance options. Its really got me thinking about this scenario where the Mc tries to flirt with Captain Cynthia. Would she react with scorn or reciprocate? Please, I’m dying to know lol

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I like this game a lot (not even finished yet), but this right here was a very frustrating moment:

I went to the harbor as soon as I could, only because I was hoping to find that pirate dude, found pirate dude, immediately recognized him as pirate dude (which wasn’t exactly hard), yet the game forced my MC to be immersion-breakingly stupid and pick 2 wrong guesses, before he was given the option to call the completely obvious pirate a pirate. :grimacing:


Bonus points if you were being introduced, so that you got to have complete strangers’ lips on you, what’s not to love?


if it helps any i played my mc as just being coy about it :sweat_smile:
“you’re…a thief AND a sailor you say… hmmm, why i wonder…”


Yeah, I didn’t care for that either, but it wasnt the end of the world.


That’s funny, on my first playthrough of the extended demo, I remember not having a pirate in my head at ALL, I was just picking the shadier options because that’s the vibe he had. Then “pirate” popped up as a choice and were I just a little more dramatic, I would’ve gasped irl. Wasn’t expecting it at all haha (and then wondered how obvious it was and whether I’m a bit dumb).
But I’ve also had things in games/IFs where I guessed something but the option wasn’t there for my character and it frustrated me, so I can understand that. Though I wonder how many people wouldn’t have thought he was a pirate without knowing there’s a pirate at the harbour beforehand lol. The danger of spoilies.


I just explored my first location in Tarragona and I’m loving the game!

Is it my imagination or are people really into me? I hang out with two outrageous hotties and yet I am the one that everyone wants to engage with? Is it just the necessities of main character status or do I have outrageous good looks (so that even Vallen who isn’t attracted to me cant stay away) or pheromones or do I have a mystical magical gloved hand or…?


Definitely for the magical gloved hand :laughing: But the others, yes I am curious why the nobles decided to take an interest in us out of all the other commoners. I mean Alessa is eye catching though intimidating and Hadrian would have caught their eye before mc cause of his kind nature.
Also does anyone have any idea as to how to achieve through the haze of embarrassment and A tight lipped confession? Do my mc have to be oblivious with all of their attempts at wooing me until they are forced to confront us?

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Pretty much, yeah. Just keep acting oblivious to their advancements and they’ll eventually bring it up and you get the achievement, I believe.


Yes, I believe there are Lore reasons for that actually. The MC tends to have a very strong effect on the people they meet, either positive or negative. I think that might be touched upon later in the series if I’ve understood things correctly.


I mean, the pirate king was mentioned before (by… whatshisname… Will?) and since I have a thing for pirates, I absolutely wanted to meet him first chance. I figured it had to be him, because of the location and all the bling and jewelry, and the way he talked with all these naval terms and metaphors, and the blackbeardy beard. :thinking: Yeah, dude screamed pirate.
He also gave me some major Kenway / AC Black Flag vibes with the way he dramatically left the scene. :smile:

I’ll have a very hard time choosing between him and Rafael (who only caught my interest last minute).

True! I’m definitely nitpicking here.

Yeah, those were the options I went for instead as well! But my MC is more of a “blurt out, think later” kinda guy and anything but coy. :laughing:


I actually really liked guessing knight just to kess with him.


You must be going ABSOLUTELY GAGA over Our Flag Means Death, then.


Actually - no.

… because there is no legal way yet to watch it in Germany. And, ironically enough, I have zero interest in pirating it. And yes, it makes me furious, because I’ve heard so many great things about it, and there’s a general, painful lack of good pirate themed shows (Black Sails sucked hard imo). :neutral_face:


OFMD is both hilarious AND literally about gay pirates (and if you like angst it has not-for-stupid-reasons angst).

I barely remember Black Sails; IIRC, my take was that it looked interesting for the first few episodes, and then went full-on ‘meh’.


I just have to say, that I absolutely love how this game handles being evil. I usually steer clear of being evil or doing bad things in most games because there just generally no reward for doing so and the cons often outweigh the pros. But I felt the complete opposite after doing a playthrough where I went full barbarian murderhobo with my battle axe lol. The corruption mechanic was very much a shocking and pleasant surprise for me. I cant tell you how creeped out I was,when the Mc takes off there glove and realizes that there mark is bigger due to the evil things that they did. It was so incredibly well done and made me feel the same sense of dread that the Mc felt. I have found that to be a very rare thing in games. Most consequences for being evil are more or less annoyances. But this corruption mechanic actually holds narrative weight and will probably effect the Mc mentally. I really cant wait to see the impact that corruption has on the Mc in future books.

There is also another small consequence to being evil that actually made me sad :cry: Lance’s dog will be afraid of you. I felt like it was a good reminder to me that my Mc was slowly starting to become a monster.

Also, props to you Ana for making the Mc feel like an actual fleshed out and complex character. Even my grumpy brutal murderhobo Mc had a loving and caring side underneath all that anger. At least when It came to the people they cared about. I loved roleplaying them as a shy blushing mess while romancing Alessa. It made my Mc very endearing to me lol