Hello everyone! My name is Yirby, and I am this close to finishing my second interactive novel, The GameMaster!
“A cool summer’s storm – the perfect backdrop for a table top RPG with your friends Erica, Jackie, Terrence, and Zach! Play as a group of gamers, and immerse yourself in the world of the GameMaster. Your choices shall define you and your teammates as you journey through this strange and dangerous world, full of swordplay, spells, and dark magic! But can you get out alive?”
I’ve already had several Beta Testers go though this and correct quite a few bugs and errors, but I would appreciate it immensely if some kind-hearted individuals could comb through it one last time, and give me some helpful critiques as well.
I’m showing my ignorance here a bit, as I also don’t know the ins and outs of publishing the game to the hosted games site once it’s finished. I attempted to publish it about a month ago, and I was hopelessly ignorant of the system itself, so I would like to gain some expertise before attempting to try so again (and next time I won’t waste any of Jason’s time!).
The link to my game is here:
If there are any glitches, spelling errors, problems, or you just want to yell at me, please respond. I value all criticism very highly, as I want to make a career of game writing one day. Thank you all very much for your support.