The Freakhouse: A Touch Of Lilium

How about the many-eyed girl? Soothsayer, the one in chapter 1? …Now that I think about it, the most outlandish looking freaks are females. I wonder why… (only 2, though!)

Dagger is a very normal looking man, he just has white eyes and unusual marks/tattoos, then Vex is… well, he’s Vex (grey skin, huge horns, claws and a very bad personality), Voice pretty much looks your usual girl (right, @Nathan_Faxon :wink: ), and the other NPCs aren’t anything too strange.

Or maybe Charles looks like this:

There’s more to Voice than meets the eye, she’s as much of a freak as anybody else, she just hides it well. I’m not looking forward to witnessing the scene where we find out why she’s so silent :fearful:

Ooooh, that little monkey is so cute! :heart_eyes: But alas, Vex’s monkey is quite normal looking, just… overly aggressive and eager to get its tiny hands dirty with blood. Sigh. Wait until you meet the rest of his animals :wink: They hate him as much as he hates them :innocent:

And I can’t wait until I reach that scene and I can go into full detail :wink:

I don’t know about Soothsayer, I think my character didn’t met her.

The woman with many eyes…

The only time I read about her is when Dagger talk about her.
I really don’t remember her then.

She makes an appearance when you wake up, but doesn’t say anything :grin:

She appears next to you when you first arrive at the freakhouse, she has eyes literally all over her body

I had to read again to remember her.
She is slightly less unsettling than the other girl.
But I wouldn’t want to touch her.

Eh… don’t romance her, then? :disappointed_relieved: :sweat: :disappointed_relieved: :sweat:

I wasnt even thinking about romance, I wouldn’t touch her even to shake her hand.
But at least I would look at her and have a normal conversation.

But the 3 head girl? I wouldn’t even look at her.

Aaaaay… I guess everyone has their own opinions about the freaks :sweat_smile: :disappointed_relieved: :sweat_smile: I most cetainly can’t change your mind (and won’t: after all I kinda encouraged the players some posts ago to have their own thoughts about the NPCs), but I wonder what’s your mental image of them.

I wish I could draw so I could do some rough sketches…

I think its fine, they are part of the Freakshow, so they should be unsettling.

[quote=“Lycoris, post:388, topic:15123”]
Aaaaah, but the premise of the game is very clear: your first priority must be survival, because even who you believe is your ally (or friend) can kill you the moment you let your guard down.[/quote]
Oh, actually I was curious. Is it actually connected to ‘letting guard down’, because everyone in the freakhouse is generally murderous torward everyone all the time. Or more like, ‘even if you get along with character X don’t do action Y in their presence because it’ll set off their muderous instinct’. Or some characters just want to get you killed regardless for plot reasons? Or mixture of all of the above for different characters?

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@Moferiah Some freaks are murderous, others are calm but if you happen to do X then bye bye, aaaaand plot reasons. No one of them are unable of not controlling themselves; they are fully aware of their actions, so there’s no (real) murderous instinct. Even if you get killed randomly (which won’t happen) by the least expected NPC, there’s a logical explanation to it. Sooo… yes, it’s a mixture of all what you said, but! If you have the necessary stats, you can avoid getting killed :relaxed:

@Urban yep, they were created to be a bit disturbing.

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And necessary relationships. I can imagine if Voice or Vex steps between you and your would be murderer, they better back right off xD


Aaaah, I can see the would-be-murdered getting hit in the head with a heavy flask (or bed!) or ripped apart by a very furious demon :imp:

[quote=“Lycoris, post:420, topic:15123”]
If you have the necessary stats, you can avoid getting killed :relaxed: [/quote]
Well, it a cause of concern by itself, since, at least for know most of our stats largely depend on which body type MC has. :joy:

I imagine Sootie a more human looking than this guy, but similar:

You will have several options, like:

Quick! NPC is going to stab you!
a)Grab their wrists! (strength)
b)Dodge it! (agility or insight)
c)Special trait option.

Or, if you fail to avoid getting stabbed, and you have high endurance you won’t die :wink: Or you can get saved by someone :wink:

@Urban ayyyyy… kinda. Pretty much :wink:

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