The FANTASTIC Clash (Reality Show, Comedy/Drama | ~69K)

You, along with fourteen other castaways, have all signed up to compete on The FANTASTIC Clash: a reality show in which you’ll compete in challenges and vote out your fellow competitors one-by-one until only one remains. Form friendships, alliances, or maybe even a showmance as you try to best position yourself to win the million dollar prize! Do you have what it takes to be the final castaway?

  • Form tight-knit alliances with other castaways…and betray them later.
  • Choose to participate on one of two distinct teams throughout the pre-merge.
  • Go down one of multiple branching plotlines that greatly alter the social dynamics.
  • Be attractive, ugly, large, or small and have people react accordingly.
  • Be a terrible person and get voted out first! :smiley:
Character Bios (Also in-game)

• Label: “The Tea Spiller”
• Age: 29
• Height: 6’4 / 193 cm
• Build: Fit & toned
• Occupation: Male model
• RO?: Yes (MaYN)
• Bio: Allister is the adopted child to two out-of-touch, neglectful celebrities. Rather than being taken care of by his parents, he, along with his four adopted siblings, were often hoisted onto their family nanny. Because of this, he quickly grew a disdain for his parents and distanced himself from them as soon as possible. That doesn’t mean he didn’t have time to pick up incredibly high standards from his rich lifestyle first though. Allister came from money and so he always expects the best service possible from the people around him—even if they’re not working for him. Used to the life of celebrity tabloids and petty gossip, Allister doesn’t bat an eye whenever a new outrageous rumor reaches him and in fact will often spread the rumor himself. Dishing the dirt is his favorite pastime and he could never resist sharing a juicy story

•Label: “The Sheltered Bookworm”
•Age: 22
•Height: 5’7 / 170 cm
•Build: Thin
•Occupation: Nursing student
•RO?: Yes (MaYN)
•Bio: Amarah has grown up in a bubble her entire life. Raised by strict parents, they made sure to shield her from all things they deem unnecessary such as: television, public school, and others her age in general. If it didn’t contribute to her education then it simply wasn’t important. This amounted to a very lonely childhood in which her only friends were her parents, her books, and her elderly neighbor, Mr. Nickels. Even into adulthood, her parents still attempt to control her life and dictate what she can and can’t do. Amarah is sick and tired of it. She wants to escape her parents’ shadow and forge an identity of her own, she wants freedom, she wants control of her life, and most of all, she wants to make actual friends!

•Label: “The Hater”
•Age: 28
•Height: 5’7 / 171 cm
•Build: Chubby
•Occupation: Internet food critic
•RO?: No
•Bio: Growing up in a harsh, big city, Bernard has taken on the aspects of his city and fully internalized them into his personality–or in other words, he’s incredibly negative. Bernard is a hater, plain and simple. He’s critical about just about everything around him and would never dare speak positively about anyone ever. Well, anyone other than himself anyway. Despite not having earned it, Bernard has a very high opinion of himself and believes himself to be better than the vast majority of people he meets. His ‘high intellect’ (it’s actually average) and ‘peak physical condition’ (he’s very out of shape) makes him very desirable (according to himself).

•Label: “The Cool Chick”
•Age: 27
•Height: 5’8 / 173 cm
•Build: Fit & toned
•Occupation: Waitress
•RO?: Yes (MaYN, FeYN, NoYN)
•Bio: Camilla is a waitress with a love for goth culture. While she may initially seem cold and distant, Camilla does truly care about the people around her…assuming they don’t seem like awful people anyway. She has a bad habit of judging people and forming her opinions on them based on early impressions, leading to her writing them off before actually getting to know them. In contrast, whenever someone does manage to get close to her, Camilla will become their fiercest ally—doing her best to support them as much as she can. A big sister at heart, Camilla always feels the need to protect the more weak-willed around her and doesn’t take crap from others that insult her friends. She’s truly a ride-or-die.

•Label: “The Chill Dude”
•Age: 24
•Height: 6’1 / 185 cm
•Build: Fit & toned
•Occupation: Baker
•RO?: Yes (MaYN, FeYN, NoYN)
•Bio: Chase is someone who likes to go with the flow. He’s not a big fan of rigid planning or stressing out over things like deadlines. He’s the kind of guy that just likes to relax and take it easy, preferably with some friends nearby. It’s rare to find him in a bad mood—mostly because he’s usually high, but also because he tries his best to stay away from conflict and make sure that everyone around him is in a good mood. There’s no way he could just sit back and watch if there’s something upsetting his buds. After all, how can one stay chill if the others around him aren’t chill as well?

•Label: “The Alpha”
•Age: 26
•Height: 5’10 / 179 cm
•Build: Muscular
•Occupation: Construction worker
•RO?: Yes (FeYN)
•Bio: Elio is a man used to being in charge. When his father died ten years ago and bestowed upon him the title of ‘man of the house,’ He took that seriously and did everything he could to take care of his mom and two younger brothers. Having worked from a young age, Elio hates lazy and spoiled people and believes that too many people now want things handed to them with no real effort put in. That doesn’t mean Elio’s all work and no play however. In fact, he tends to get a bit annoyed by people that take everything seriously all the time and can’t goof off for a moment or engage in a bit of cheeky trash talk.

•Label: “The Quiet One”
•Age: 21
•Height: 4’11 / 150 cm
•Build: Thin
•Occupation: Art commissioner
•RO?: No
•Bio: Born as the middle child in a family of nine siblings, Emilia is used to being the forgotten and overlooked one. She’s long accepted the fact that she’ll never be the center of attention, the one everyone talks about and roots for—and she’s perfectly fine with that. Being the center of attention comes with a lot of expectations and those can be stressful. She’d much rather sit alone in her room and draw for hours then have to deal with chaos that is her family. She’s perfectly content with the fact that people forget about her and tend to underestimate her. After all, it makes it that much easier to surprise them later on…

•Label: “The Go-Getter”
•Age: 26
•Height: 5’3 / 160 cm
•Build: Chubby
•Occupation: “Entrepreneur”
•RO?: No
•Bio: If Lia had to choose one word to describe herself between ‘hero’, ‘healer’, or ‘hustler’, then she’d choose hustler without a second thought. She’s someone who hates sitting on her hands and letting everyone else do all the heavy lifting—mostly because they might do it wrong. Throughout her life, she’s had people let her down time and time again and she is done with relying on others to do what she can do better. Personable and empathetic, Lia is a social butterfly who’s always willing to lend a helping hand and an open ear to the people around her. She knows that sometimes all someone needs to get through the day is a person that will genuinely listen to them and she has no problem being that person for others. Don’t mistake her kindness for weakness though, she is no pushover.

•Label: “The Weird Guy”
•Age: 23
•Height: 6’2 / 188 cm
•Build: Muscular
•Occupation: Park ranger
•RO?: Yes (FeYN, NoYN)
•Bio: Despite the impression his monotone voice may give, Linus is a very theatrical person with a love for telling long, unproven, and sometimes disgusting stories to others. He adores sharing whatever interesting knowledge or anecdotes he has with others and adores it even more when they actually seem interested in what he tells them. Pegged as the weird kid during high school, Linus often has trouble making genuine friends and is used to being avoided and/or ignored by others. He doesn’t let it get to him though and is content being left to his own devices. Of course, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t secretly long to be included with the masses—he’s just used to being by himself.

•Label: “The Bleeding Heart”
•Age: 25
•Height: 5’11 / 180 cm
•Build: Skinny
•Occupation: Cashier
•RO?: Yes (FeYN, NoYN)
•Bio: Having been bullied during most of her formative years, Megan is someone who always wants to help the underdog and does her best to champion important causes that she thinks don’t get enough attention. While she can definitely go a bit far sometimes, her efforts always come from the heart. Passionate and idealistic, Megan is someone who is always open about how she’s feeling and will fly into an emotional tizzy if she feels something or someone she cares about is being disrespected. Despite what she may say, the years of bullying have really left an impact on her psyche and she has a bad habit of projecting the traits of her bullies onto others whom she’s been offended by.

•Label: “The Antisocial One”
•Age: 22
•Height: 5’5 / 165 cm
•Build: Average
•Occupation: Mortician’s assistant
•RO?: No
•Bio: Not much is known about Miles. In fact, he intentionally went out of his way to give out as little background information as he could when applying for the show. For his audition, all that was given to the producers was a VHS tape with one word on it. ‘MILES’. Even stranger was that the tape seemed to be corrupted somehow. All that could be made out in between bouts of static was Miles’s first name and location. According to people from his hometown—the few that knew who he was anyway—he seems to have a particularly morbid personality with a strange fascination with death. Everyone was always worried about the possibility that Miles might one day snap… Fortunately, his police record is completely spotless. For now.

•Label: “The Eccentric Actress”
•Age: 24
•Height: 5’2 / 158 cm
•Build: Fit & toned
•Occupation: Aspiring actress
•RO?: No
•Bio: Olivia is an actress first and foremost but according to her, Olive is so much more than that. She’s a superstar! She is the moment! And no one is saying otherwise. Unapologetically loud and outspoken, Olive is always willing to shout out what’s on her mind—she’s a total open book! At least according to herself anyway. Some people might find Olive a bit too intense at times, but she doesn’t care. Olive is Olive, and if someone can’t handle her at her worst then they don’t deserve her at her best. Still though, despite what she says about being open and honest, most people just can’t help but wonder: what is going on inside her head?

•Label: “The Problematic E-Girl”
•Age: 23
•Height: 5’4 / 164 cm
•Build: Average
•Occupation: Internet personality
•RO?: Yes (MaYN, FeYN, NoYN)
•Bio: Raini is a semi-famous internet personality who streams video games alongside other content to lonely men all around the world. Egged on by her ‘cousinger’ (cousin/manager), Ron, Raini cultivates borderline parasocial relationships with her followers and has a tendency to reveal personal information whenever she gets too comfortable. Highly emotional, Raini has a clear agenda at all times and hates doing things that she doesn’t want to do even if it would hypothetically benefit her to do so. She wears her heart on her sleeve and always does whatever she wants and says whatever she believes (even when to the detriment of herself).

•Label: “The Reality Show Superfan”
•Age: 20
•Height: 5’4 / 163 cm
•Build: Skinny
•Occupation: Photographer?
•RO?: No
•Bio: Born and raised on reality shows, Whistler is a huge fan of reality TV and has always wanted to be on a competition show like The FANTASTIC Clash. From Survivor to Big Brother, and even Total Drama—Whistler is a superfan to all competition shows and can practically quote entire episodes word-for-word. He hates touching grass and usually spends his free time browsing internet forums or taking pictures for his friend, Sierra. Despite his adoration, Whistler is not delusional and knows his chances of winning TFC are slim, which is why he promised himself that rather than playing to win he’d instead be playing to make things as interesting to watch as possible. Although if the others just want to hand him the prize money, he wouldn’t say no…

Demo is here:

Hello, everyone! I really love reality shows like Survivor and was always upset that there wasn’t an IF similar to it…so I’m doing it myself. Criticism and suggestions (ex: something not flowing well or feeling awkward) are both welcome and needed! Also, if you happen to find any typos/errors/bugs, please let me know! This is my first time really writing something like this so any kind of notes would be appreciated. I hope you enjoy the story. :]

Update Log

09/07/24: Minor edits based on criticism and a few bug fixes (specifically one major bug not allowing Wolves who lost to ask Camilla and Lia about the vote).


Yay new game. Thank you and gonna try it


finally a proper reality show game let’s go, definitely checking this out


It’s really fun :laughing: and so many people, it will take some time for me to know who’s who :sweat_smile: (even with the Bios of characters :yum:)


Sorry I’m really dumb but what do the abbreviations mean next to where it says RO? MaYN, FeYN and NoYN :face_holding_back_tears:


I generally dislike Reality TV game because they generally get shoved into Super Hero settings someone but a straight up Reality TV game where there’s no ‘There’s so much more important stuff to do’ factor ruining it could be cool, I’ll give it a shot.

I assume they mean ‘Into male’, ‘into female’ and ‘into non-binary’. I have no idea about they are abbreviations of tho


This is excellent :laughing: finally a reality show IF!! I’m really looking forward for more!! Good luck​:wink::blush:


I literally love this game! It’s giving total drama island vibes and I’m here for it :sob:. Although, I am kind of sad that my MC can’t romance Elio.


YN is prevalent in Reader fanfiction and short for “your name”, so I think it’s likely: Male Your Name, Female Your Name, Non-binary Your Name.


This was really fun! Like somebody said above it’s very Total Drama Island vibes, and I loved how you split what the others see versus what we’re really like. Great pacing, fun characters. Elio is absolutely going to ruin my MC to win, but she’s smitten already lol. The drama is coming!


Glad I stuck closer to my preferred and went with nonbinary. The terrified floundering was really funny. Totally expected to just end up like “uh uh uh pick one” but nope private house :slight_smile:

1 Like

Yeah sorry, you’re not dumb lol. I kinda just copy and pasted these Bios from my personal reminder page on the characters and forgot that no one would know what those mean. It’s what kind of player each of the characters would be willing to date. In the code I have the player’s name listed as ‘YN’ so the abbreviations stand for ‘MAle YN,’ ‘FEmale YN,’ and ‘NOnbinary YN.’


Thank you so much everyone that makes a lot of sense :heart:


Finally something fresh!!!


Bro your all over the place😭


That was enjoyable as hell, def gonna come back to this


Pretty good


finally… my prayers have been answered… A REALITY TV SHOW W.I.P!

I love how you organized the stats screen, it’s really easy for me to understand. I also like the style in which you did the character bios!

I hope to see more of this! :]


That’s what she said.


Is this total drama Island wip if so I’m pretty happy