Wanted: extremely speedy beta testers for if comp (due tomorrow)

Hi, I’m entering the IF comp with a story entitled “Miss Duckworthy’s School for Magic-Infested Young People”… tomorrow!

Does anyone want to beta test it, like, immediately??

I think it takes about an hour per play-through.

The word count is well over 100,000 though.

This one has four completely different opening chapters so that’s fun. Probably.

Looking for: probably lots of continuity errors as this has a lot of boolean stats.

Blurb and warnings:
The thing about being seventeen years old and newly infested with magic is that you are no longer a child to be protected, but a problem to be solved.

There’s a solid chance you’ll get shot or stabbed or magically disintegrated, but you definitely won’t get in trouble for hanging with a bad crowd. You are the bad crowd, now and forever, no matter what you do next.

Sure, a lot of people want you exterminated, but that’s true of most teenagers anyway. And like all toxins, you have your uses to the right kinds of people.

If you survive.

*warnings: it is implied that a minor character has attempted to sexually assault at least one person in the past, and they attempt to see another character’s breasts during the story (but they don’t succeed).
*some choices allow the player character to attempt to neglect an animal. The animal is never adversely affected.
*some violence, including options for the player character to fight other characters.


Are you the same Felicity Banks who wrote Fine Felines and The Floating City, and why did you create a new account?

How long is the game (more interested in how long it takes to complete a playthrough than actual word count)? How much time would we have to work on it?

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There were some lost email issues, the mods and staff are aware and we’ve verified that @Felicity_Banks is the real deal, no imposters :slight_smile:

The IF Comp deadline is the 28th of August so I imagine it’ll be needed before then. @Felicity_Banks I’m afraid I’m not able to squeeze that in as much as I’d like to, but best of luck with testing and the comp - I look forward to playing when the comp begins!


I actually heard from Felicity via email after I posted this, so everything’s cool. I’m looking forward to trying out the game tonight.


@Felicity_Banks actually, now that you have a thread here, would it be more convenient for me to post additional feedback here? I’ll blur all spoilers.

Just in case you need the thread bumped.

I don’t think I’ll need bumping given that I’m posting this so very very late, lol. But feel free to PM either here or at intfic, whichever is most convenient for you.

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Sorry Felicity won’t have time on such a short notice but good luck with the entry!

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How to open game?

@Greninja23401 Beta testing has ended. Please check out the completed contest entry here.