The FANTASTIC Clash (Reality Show, Comedy/Drama | ~69K)

It is inspired by that and Survivor, yes.


The second I get free time (lol, 2026) this is going to the top of my to-do list simply for the name. We Clashers need to stick together.


Oh my gosh, you are so right. I’m reading yours later today. (I’ve only heard good things about it, so I’m excited! ^_^)


This is a fun concept! And your cast list is ambitious! I just made some notes as I went along and stuck them under the cut:


Is this like a sort of Naked and Afraid style show? Fear Factor? Love Island? Maybe I missed the description but I think explaining a little more about what we, the character, know about the show would be helpful.

I always feel that there’s something a little clunky about character creation in these games. For me, they work best when they are integrated as they are used rather than all at once, but that’s just me. I do think that if you decide to stick with the “all at once” approach, it might be better to just phrase things in a more standard fashion (“Your hair is X/What color is your hair?”) rather than “You’ve gotten temporary amnesia.” I get that it’s intended to be more narrative, but something about that style never quite works for me and I see it often enough that it’s become A Thing writers do. Or if you want to keep it narrative, just maybe something other than the faux amnesia.

I’d love to see a curvy body type added to the list.

I really love that you are measuring others’ perceptions of the character separate from their true personality; that’s an awesome detail and something I often wish was available in more games.

I’ve often seen criticism of describing skin tones with food and food-adjacent descriptors due to the dehumanizing nature of colonialism/imperialism and its relationship to edible resources. I can only say so much on the topic and obviously opinions will vary from “I do not care” to “I am very offended by this,” but I think its worth considering. I suggest writing with color on tumblr as a resource if you need alternatives. (And I did notice this only happened once, so if you decide to change it, it’ll at least be quick and easy.)

The introductions were a little repetitive and that contributed to it being tricky to remember who was who. I really only felt confident in discerning Olive because she had an interaction that gave me a lot of insight into her personality (or the personality she chose to display, anyway), but the others were all very “gets off boat, short body and hair descriptor, ‘this isn’t what you told me’, next.” It also felt a little odd that every single person took a separate boat and each boat arrived so close together in time.

The island exploration felt a little… I don’t want to say “railroady” but I can’t think of a better word. I get why it is the way it is, and it isn’t an issue but I think that section would benefit from a few more choices–they can be flavor only if they need to be, but having choices at the bottom of the page will always keep your reader more interested and attentive than having a lot of standard page breaks in a row. It just needs a little more breaking up. I only played once, and went with Camilla and Co. so the other routes may be different though. I liked that I got to know the other characters more, but I also would have liked chances for them to know me more too.

Oh my god. Ok. Oh my god. The nonbinary confusion with the cabins? Chef’s kiss hilarious. I was doing the character creation, wondering when gender was coming up, and though it’s odd (and funny) that it seems the production team did not ask for or take into account my gender, Sam and Megan’s exchange is hilarious. I wouldn’t mind the option to pick a cabin (if you needed anatomy flags, as a way to bond with/get to know the other contestants/not feel excluded from more socializing, or just as a sort of “it’s not a huge deal, I can be part of a cabin group without my entire gender being invalidated”) but I did think the private cabin was a fun bonus. I do worry that I will miss out on any content that might take place within the cabins though? Is that something that should be a concern?

I liked that Megan came to check in afterward and I liked that I got a moment to talk with some of them after being separated. It would have been nice to see some of them more on the level of “we just wanted to hang out/get to know each other” rather than all of them on the “we wanted to check on your nonbinary feelings” wagon. I found myself appreciating Linus’ honesty. Related: I appreciate that you have some RO’s who have preferences for NB people without also having preferences for all genders. It’s a nice little surprise to see someone tackling that!

Found this: “Here you are, in a plane 10,000 feet in the air, hovering above a strange island on international TV, inside of a plane that feels like it could fall apart at any moment.” I suggest removing the first instance of plane.

I really enjoy the idea of the confessional snippets. I’m usually pretty lukewarm at best about POV shifts and I know we wouldn’t actually be privy to the confessionals but I just like that you’ve found a way to include that element of the reality show.

The skydiving. Is the plane circling? How big is the ring? Can you skydive from a helicopter so it hovers in place? I have no suggestions here, just curiosities. Once we landed, the game says that Allister has earned our first point, but I just won us three, so something isn’t flagging there. BUT Raini did tally up our points correctly on that same page.

Overall, it was fun and I enjoyed it. I always suggest this, but I think you should add some more specific feedback requests in your OP if there’s anything in particular you’d like people to be aware of as they go. I hope this was helpful (and not discouraging!). Good luck with it! I think it has a lot of potential and will be very fun! :slight_smile:


For the plane thing, I don’t think the challenges are meant to be super realistic. They’re meant to be absurd and comedic. The author said it’s based off of total drama island. I don’t know if you’ve seen that show, but the challenges were always crazy and meant to be the way they are for comedic relief. I think that’s what the author is going for in regards to the challenges.


I’ve always wanted a story like this one! Glad someone is finally doing it. With all the quirky characters, it gives off Total Drama vibes. Very well made opening demo and seems to be a good amount of choices, I’m looking forward to the next update!

Edit: read the other comments, and seems Total Drama was part of the inspiration, so you’re definitely achieving what you wanted.


Oh my GOSH, THIS IS SO FUN!!! Only one playthrough so far but DANG, that was so awesome! I get to play a golden retriver, goody two shoes, dumb to the nth degree who only survives through sheer luck. And hot. Like, explicitly stated that my MC is hot xD I also have to mention that this is one of those rare WIPs with challenges that I don’t save-scum my way throughout because I quite enjoy the concequences. Adore this, so so much! Will be paying attention to this!!!


First off, thank you so much for the long and descriptive comment! I appreciate you so much. <3

Now, onto your notes...

I fully understand not vibing with the character customization. I honestly had a bit of trouble figuring out where to place it initially so in the end I just decided to go for something absurdist (sudden bodily amnesia). Can totally understand if it felt clunky though, if I can figure out a better place to put all of the customization options, I’ll totally try to spread it out a bit more and make it feel more natural. Also, I can totally add a curvy body type.

Perception and personality being separate just felt natural to do with what kind of show this is. There’s been a lot of times in these type of shows irl where someone really nice is completely misunderstood and framed as a villain, so I wanted to include something similar.

In regards to the skin tone, personally I, as a black person, have never really been bothered with descriptors like this, but if it bothers other people then I don’t mind changing it.

Fair on the introductions, though I mostly just wanted to use them as a quick hint of a character’s personality and have the reader actually get to know them (or at least the group they explore with) throughout the rest of the first chapter. Also don’t worry, I plan on including more options for you to talk about yourself in the future.

I am so glad that people seem to like the nonbinary cabin scene. I was so worried that someone might be hurt by it and was fully prepared to remove it but I think I was just overthinking it haha. It will become more and more apparent as the story goes on, but the producers do not tell Sam…anything ever and just make his job unnecessarily more difficult. And no, you won’t miss any content. Whenever a scene starts in the cabins, all three cabins will get their own variation and if there’s ever an important story-related scene that needs to take place (ex: someone really needs to tell you something important), they’ll just come to your cabin instead.

Tbh, the people who came to check on you just all happen to be really nice people, so they’d have come to check on you regardless of what the situation was…except Linus and Raini. Like Linus, Raini was meant to have a line saying that she also just wanted to see what it looked like, I just forgot to include it oops.

Happy that you enjoy the confessional snippets! I just couldn’t write something like this without including the confessional in some way lol.

With the challenge, the intent was for the plane to just be circling the island the entire time, but ultimately I’m not really going for hyper-realistic challenges–more like semi realistic with a few absurd elements every now-and-again. Like for example in the next challenge, there’s a chance for you to be attacked by a group of angry geese–don’t think about it too hard lol. Also, thank you for the bug, I am fixing it now.

Thank you again for reading and I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’ll have to think about and update the OP with all I want specifically for people to be aware of.


This concept sounds amazing—I’m a big fan of shows like Survivor too! I checked out the demo and love the idea of alliances and challenges. I’ll keep an eye out for any typos or glitches and let you know. Good luck with the project!


I know right I hope it is scuffed as total drama and Sam needs a fucking sidekick like chef


The game is funny but maybe because the cast is big i think the conversation with them not that deep but i think this can be fixed in next update and i think not everyone get same spotlight

Other than that the show lack male and female seductress archetype

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I think there is a character like chef in here :sob: the medical tent guy.


This isn’t usually my kind of thing, but I liked it. Maybe it’s just Total Drama nostalgia on my end, but I’ll keep my eye on this.


He has one, he just hasn’t gotten much attention yet.


Rn I kinda want a Total Drama Island’s character creator after playing the wip.

Nice job btw.


I like this it’s funny and the characters are a mess lol only bit that’s a bummer really is if you are a MLM player you have like 2 RO options and that’s basically it. It’s just a lil disappointing. That’s all. So either you play as straight or as a female character if you want to romance more people.

That’s the only thing that made me go aw dammit but i do like the premise and the writing so far.


this is so immersive goodd

Low-kew I want to have Sam as LI, or an one-night stand, just for the lols


For some reason, after losing with the Bulls and talking with the two girls, I only have a choice to convince them to target Allister, not Bernard? (I have a choice to tell them to target Allister, or Linus, Raini, Whistler, but there’s no Bernard choice!)


One of the most creative games i have played, keep up the good work :partying_face: