Wow it’s a close race between the two. And thanks for the feedback guys and if you guys have any suggestions of how the story should go feel free to add ur thoughts
Well I am a sucker for games where play as a superpowered individual so I pledge my support to The Guardian
I miss that one, and now you’ve reminded me of it. Bad, bad, bad @Zolataya I mean @Eiwynn.
As for the topic at hand, definitely drifter. I’d love to explore US history (and cute cowboys) and we haven’t had one of those I really liked around here since TInStar.
Since it looks like Drifter (as of now) is winning I’m going to release some details about it:
It will start in Texas but the MC will end up in New Mexico or Arizona (which one is the traditional territory of the Apache?) And I’m thinking of applying this thing called appeal which was introduced by @CowboyHooah and the awesome story he’s creating called Imminent Threat. Appeal is where some characters either like or specifically hate u no matter what because of race or (significantly in this story) association/ faction
Just keep in mind that the author is you don’t base all of your decision on what the public wants because you might end up with something that the public likes but you don’t, keep that in mind … damn that was the most philosophical thing I’ve said in a long time
So true in fact I liked both ideas a lot but couldn’t decide and I’ll probably do the story that losses the vote in the future
This is gonna make me sound like a hypocrite but make sure it isn’t the least popular by a large quantity because nobody will play it and you won’t receive feedback… hey more philosophy
True lol thing is that the last two are really close so people will probably be open bout it hopefully but that’ll be a tad bit far into the future
Regardless, both are fresh innovative ideas that are bound to attract attention I don’t think you have to worry about either things I just a stated… I think
That’s good man ur input is valued and much needed
Nah it’s probably because I meditated a while ago I’m just temporarily enlightened I probably revert back to post that need 20 characters wrote at the end
Well thanks to everyone for partcipating in every way from comments to voting. That being said I will close the poll tommorow morning sometime between 10-noon and properly work and comment on the story
Oh god I need to quickly make a bunch of alt accounts and vote for the mixed game… just kidding
To answer the question, Apache are more native to Arizona, but did also roam a large part of New Mexico and Mexico as well. They are mostly from the White Mountains and Apache Mountains areas in SE AZ. But as I said they were a very nomadic people so you could drop them in almost anywhere in your story.
Thanks @h82xs
Ok guys the poll is closed so next to other topics I’m thinking of allowing the MC a dog what do you guys think about this and what breed do u think should be options? So far I have:
- Yellow Lab
- Blue Tick Coon Hound
- Border Collie
- Mutt maybe?
- German Shepherd
A bulldog?? I Don’t know many dog breeds lol
It’s a good idea thing is I’m kinda skeptical that realistically a bull dog would be up for the task stamina wise but it will be considered for a part of the mutt
Yeah… greyhound??? Those have stamina of a god xD
True but they don’t have the toughness that or strength for surviving the old West
Well, if my drifter was from East TN, then I would definitely be bringing a blue tick along with me. It is very common in those parts. That region is also pretty flexible when it comes to Union/Confederate loyalties if that helps you make a decision.