The Celestial Maidens Updated 12/16/17

screenshot about a problem

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Ok, so I just finished playing this game yesterday, and it was pretty good. In fact , I really like it and look forward to the update. However, there is a bit of an issue that I feel the need to point out. It happens near the end of the WiP:

Ok, so the ending is just completely confusing. First thing I found to be confusing/odd is the fact that after Moonlight defeats the monster, with some verbal help from the trapped MC, no one seems to be concerned with the fact that Tristian is still inside the monster’s body (and clearly still alive). No one, except for the MC. Then, no one seems to care that the monster just disappeared into thin air, STILL WITH TRISTIAN IN HIS STOMACH!!! Now, the really confusing part is right around here. The dialogue basically says that Starlight is the one that defeated/scared the monster away, but in the playthrough I did it was Moonlight who defeated the monster. In fact, the monster was either dead or unconscious by the time Starlight appears, so their reaction to it disappearing is just odd and confusing. And they still don’t seem to care that Tristian is inside the monster, even though my MC pointed it our three times to them! Even when the monster comes back again, he seems to blame Starlight for his defeat/interrupting his “meal”. Basically long story short, I found it odd and confusing that nobody but the MC seems to care about Tristan’s well being, and the fact that everyone seems to think Starlight was the one who defeated the monster when it was actually Moonlight who did it…


Friends don’t let friends’ friends get eaten. Therefore they are no friends of mine. :angry: Once we save Tristian, we’ll have to start our own super team… :thinking:


With better outfits one would hope. Or well at least Tristian will be there to share in our negative style misery.

Their current callous indifference to our best friend’s dismal fate is shocking from those who are supposedly the “good girls”. :angry:


Luckily for us, we have Totem Force in place as a contingency plan. Not even whats-his-face from the beginning can foil the power of enforced friendship, am I right?

To be fair, Starlight does seem like quite the cold and calculating type, while we have also been promised that April will get her share of scolding for threatening our best friend.

Maybe karma will find a way to Starlight as well? One can only hope. :upside_down_face:


You know, I can’t help but be a bit disappointed in the fact that we can’t choose which role to play as. I mean, we are just automatically placed as Sunlight. I am kind of disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to have a different role in the group. If I had been given the chance, I would have chosen to be Starlight, but only because that is the literal translation to my name :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Honestly, the name thing is the only reason why I am a bit disappointed, if my name didn’t translate to Starlight then I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t care which role I played in :sweat_smile:


Well, yeah, but who wouldn’t want to be enforced friends with Tristian? :confused:

And for her nonchalance regarding his eatenness? :worried:


i was referring to your wip’s titular totems but sure lets go with that!

Frankly if I get eaten by something that kinda looks like this:
then I’ll probably want to forget about it as soon as possible.

But I’m not you, so perhaps there’s some hope for you yet. You’ll become the magical guy/girl/person of dreams!

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What is that and where did you get it from??

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Not sure if this was reported yet but error here

When you select “You keep looking. This is literally the coolest thing you’ve ever seen.”

And another

I don’t know why my MC cared so much for the mute dude anyway. He doesn’t like him or cares for him. So his desperation to save him was kinda fake. Maybe you should look into that.


I feel the same way, especially when he interrupts me when I’m chatting up April :unamused:

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I know, right?:joy:

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Are you saying you dont feel compelled to save your best friend (you may not know it now but he will be your bff) Tristian?!

That sounds about right. And he is only a stalker from my MC’s point of view.


Pushes Tristian in front of a monster to be eaten “Oops, how careless of me…Now where is April…”


I wholeheartedly agree with you

Meh, I’d rather have shoved April into the maw of the monster if that meant I could have saved poor cute Tristian, who is my mc’s best friend (and crush) after all, while the girls are just strangers.


Where as for me Tristian is just some creepy stalker that won’t leave me alone and is the cause of disgusting rumors that I’m into guys :nauseated_face: Plus he has nerve to bother me when I’m trying to talk to April, I’m sorry but the universe demands his death for these crimes :woman_judge:

True, you should swap your Tristian with @ParrotWatcher, @TSSL or myself for one of our April’s. Honestly the blatant disregard she and the rest of the “good girl” team show for our best friend suddenly makes me not care all that much about their wellbeing anymore. :unamused:

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