The Burning Blades (An adventurers story)

But…but Arya! Im just kidding, itll be nice to have a game thats not too bleak. (Seriously though, Arya is the best).

The full extent of of my Game of Thrones knowledge is, greyscale, something something sex, the peter dinklage version of the theme song, Iron from Ice, and I don’t have a best girl so… Bron??

Yes, but guns are still in a primitive stage, but I do have plans for rune guns.


Arya is amazing. She does great things.

and Incest. don’t forget about the incest. (I bet $10 that this is how GOT gained its first non-book fans. hey dude!! there is a tv show that shows boobs and incest like how fuck up is that right?)

Nah, it was probably more along the lines of Danaerys and Khal Drogo that started it.

So basically Arquebusiers

I remember that it blow up after the episode where Cersei fucked Jaime and they pushed the ned’s child from the tower

That…that was the first episode😅.

Exactly morty!!! without that part the show would have never go Pufff!!

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Still trying to work out choice script, don’t worry I don’t plan on abandoning it.


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