The Beast in the Castle (WIP 09.25.16)

@FairyGodfeather, but what if I don’t want my female mc’s to look like Disney Princesses. For example in the Seven Kingdoms game my Countess mc looks more like Brienne (fortunately Lyon seems to look past that) than she does a dainty, girly princess and even my Revaire Widow, while tall, elegant and athletic,is not very romantic and more into politics and sports than “girly” hobbies (which is why she goes for Lisle) and in my headcanon both (though for slightly different reasons) prefer wearing men’s clothes to gowns for their normal day to day activities.


Wasn’t Brienne also called Brienne the Beauty? Didn’t that sting all the more that it was intended as an insult, and a label of what she wasn’t and would never be?

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Just popping in to say I am enjoying your presentation of this timeless classic, and I can not wait to see what you have in-store for our young heroine. (Also yay for female locked protagonist!)


Ahh man, FairyGodfeather, I love you :persevere: Fairy and folk tale discourse is my favorite. I’ve read far too many books on the subject. I think I’ve found a solution that will please everyone-- the people who’d feel marginalized if they didn’t get one, and the people like you and I who would find the lack fascinating.

I do too! I think not knowing what to feel is a very common, uh, feeling. I get like that a lot when I’m depressed. I figured it was valid for for the protag to be apathetic or numb to her situation.

And I really love the idea of not having a name until the end. I don’t think I can have it exactly like that, but it’s very inspiring nonetheless. Also, thanks for the typos! I wonder if my r key is sticking haha.

@Adam_VanCleave_Perro Sorry, I’m not planning on giving the protag a pet! This game isn’t supposed to be super long, and it unfortunately isn’t necessary. Also I’m just not an animal person lmao.

On the bright side, your reaction to the beast can be more friendly than people expect :blush:

@Pace675 Thanks! And you can probably guess the basic outline of what will happen. It’s the details of the journey that change :wink:


So far I’m loving it! :smile: Fairytale “remixes” with a dark twist have always been right up my alley. Specially after growing up and re-reading all the famous tales for kids. I mean the original versions, not the Disney “sugar-coated” ones (quote marks because many not-really-for-kids-wtf things still passed under the radar).
Back to topic, maybe you can find ways to give shout-outs to other fairytales. For example I can totally see my MC arguing with the Beast, finding a Cinderella story-book later and making some reaaal snarky comments about it. :smirk:

And I’m SO GLAD you aren’t budging about the gender locked MC. As long as we get to customize our personalities in detail I’m more than happy. Not to mention, 99% of the times gender is merely a cosmetic choice that doesn’t impact the story or add replayability whatsoever. I understand that it can be bothersome to some people but dismissing a potentially great story and the author’s effort because of it is going overboard IMHO.

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Saying it’s going overboard is a tad excessive. :yum: Would you say that someone browsing in a bookstore is going overboard in putting back books that don’t keep their attention? We all have our preferences. Some people prefer to play games where they have control over the gender of their character. It’s not just a cosmetic choice to some. Heck, some people don’t feel as though it even is their character if they don’t have that choice. Let’s not go calling people out just because of that. It’s not like we all go out and buy every best seller book just because we’re told they’re great. As consumers, no one’s obligated to devote time, money, or interest into something that just doesn’t do it for them. :wink:

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As does genderlocking male btw…


I’ve just read the read through. You could make it as un gender specific as you like, or go with a rewritten traditional tale a la once upon a time. Some people want to be able to customise their MC… Some would just like to slip into a fairytale for a few hours. Be true to your story. You actually haven’t given any of ‘Belle’s’ attributes. No one has noticed that. There is a lot of talk of fire. She seems very unafraid of fire…has it done all it can to her? Is that why she is the one who will go and do the hard work, because her other sisters are the beauties…maybe she, is the Beast?

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I just played through and I have to really say I love the game so far!! I don’t mind that it’s gender lock (mostly because I’m a girl, so it doesn’t really matter to me​:wink:) i do not like the games that are gender lock as boy especially if it looks like there was no reason for it. But playing games like that has brought me out of my comfort zone and open up a new way of gaming for me. I do love the Lord of Awsick game, as long as it has an interesting story, elements of the story that interest me ( like fairy tales :blush:!), and repayable. I think that what makes it a great game.


Same. I’ve basically exhausted the market, which is really saying something considering how much of this shit is out there. And now I am adding to the pile…

Fairy tale shout outs could be a thing! I’ll see if I can work them in organically. I have a thing for lesser known and slightly more messed up fairy tales, though, so be on the look out for those lmao.

And arguing with the beast would be… difficult. It can’t really talk… sort of… haha…

Watch me spoil this game before it’s even finished :sweat_smile:

Haha, it really is. In my last game I tried to make cosmetics matter a bit-- like, people would comment on them and specific things could change how people felt about you. On this game I decided to go the other way around. No looks, just feelings. Maybe a name if you want one.

Nope, I haven’t! Anything related to your appearance is going to be vague and implied, nothing is concrete. The Protag might be ethereally beautiful, or she could be as you described.


@Chriswa27 I’m glad you enjoyed it! I don’t mind genderlocks either. Some of my favorite games are genderlocked! I like playing as boys, girls, etc. But, you know… mostly girls :blush:


I was totally enthralled and then it was over!

How could you??? :persevere:


I’m just looking forward to more… Stahppp teasssinggg lol


@Sneaks & @Crystaliza :smirk:

I’ll write as much as I can, but this weekend was busy and I do work and have other projects. I hope you can be patient with me haha.


You can count me among those waiting patiently.:smile:


^^Agreed! For how straightforward the concept is, it is beautifully written!
If you need any assistance in any form, feel free to count me in as one of those willing to help!


Hope you outrun your spoiling.

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I played a bit of this last night and really enjoyed it - would love to read more!

@iris I’ll try to be patient and not stamp my feet too much lol

Please let me know if you need any help from me too, it’d be a pleasure

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I can’t promise anything in the foot stomping department myself :stuck_out_tongue:

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I LOVE fairy tale retellings. I ADORE them. And I’m so excited for this… I’m hooked already!

Thank you so much, and good luck.

(also, I love the focus on personality… being able to control personality is very very important to me; looks, not so much)