The Axena (WIP) - Small update 7/12/2017

…It doesn’t say that I can’t do things with them! Hah! :wink:

  1. On it! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
  2. So, always wear clothing? Got it. :smirk:
  3. …oops? :hugs:

Sounds different and interesting, go for it. :relaxed:

No, no - protect them from themselves, those silly little muffinheads. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Okay I will answer all the questions.

  1. They are saving humanity because their planet won’t last long. And they need humans because they have no idea about technology in Earth. They can not survive by themselves.

  2. You will choose your super power. I’m still working on this part because I want powers to be interesting.

  3. You will arrive Earth on modern era.

  4. Axenians are human looking.

  5. The soldiers will be working as a team. They know about humans, but they have no idea about technology.

  6. You shouldn’t reveal yourself as an alien. You have to act like a normal student which will be hard for you sometimes because there are still things that you haven’t discovered.

  7. The last rule: Don’t fall in love with a human. Because if you do, it will distract you. You’re there to protect humanity from bad guys. You shouldn’t waste your time with romance.

Any other questions?


Can we eat pizza? Just for, uh, scientific notes, and uh, not for any, ahem, outings with the forbidden boyfriend. :blush:

Did I say that last part out loud? :sweat_smile:


ehhhhhh sure sure…whispering…that not going to happen:wink:


It’s a trap! :scream:

I love traps! :kissing_heart: :crazy_face:


Everyone wants to play it to break rule 3 :slight_smile:


I have any questions about the Axena.

  1. How is the weather?

  2. How smart are the Axenians?

  3. How is the culture?

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  1. Weather is always hot because Axena is closer to the sun. So yeah Axenians have never seen snow or rain.

  2. Clearly they are smarter that humans.

  3. You will learn everything about their culture in demo. You will spend some time in Axena before coming to Earth.


If you didn’t like the power options, let me know.

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I want that Invisibility power! I can’t wait to play it!


Teleportation is better :smiley:

Also, can’t wait to break rule 3


This sounds awesome! Can’t wait for the demo.
I agree with @Ocerk. Teleportation is the best.:grin:

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What about Pyrokinesis or energy manipulation :thinking::grin:

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These are boring powers :smiley:

Boring how

I like to be El Diabolo from suicide squad ( without tattoos ) and with energy manipulation you are walking power plant who can extract and manipulate everything related to energy - heating things up , blasting things , flying - ill be like god :yum::blush:

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You can do anything with that power. That’s why it’s boring. I want player to struggle sometimes :smiley: I don’t want them to do everything they want lol

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Oh that kind of boring well then I’ll be happy with telekinesis.

BTW my MCs name is Charles Xavier


Teleportation is my favorite! But, telekinesis is good as well.

Why teleport when you can smash your opponent with a truck. :grin:

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