Thanking our favorite authors ❤️

I hate this. Now I’m going to forget to kudos some people and then feel terrible about it. :frowning_face:

@ViIsBae These? The Marked (WIP) and Checkmate in Three Moves (WIP) (A Drama in which you Inherit your Family Name) (11/03/21) ?
And I suppose I can start by kudos’ing you over The Bureau, even though it’s in its infancy. Time to Criminal Minds all over the place.

Also, yes, yes, almost all of us are going to kudos Seraphinite. She doesn’t get @'d at, because you can only put 10 @s in one post, apparently, and she’s going to get enough kudos here anyway.

Kudos to @Eric_Moser and the CCH series, the game that got me into CoG in the first place. My wallet curses your name, and so do I over Origami. You bastard.

Speaking of names I curse, here’s to you, @Schliemannsghost . I’m not going to say WHY, because the game in question isn’t out yet. But you know why. It’s the most accursed choice I’ve ever had to make in any game. Relics 1 is absolutely great, and Relics 2 is pretty much perfection. But seriously, still hate you over having to make THAT choice.

Kudos to @Moochava , and the amazing world-building in Pon Para. One day, we’ll find wth is up with those tablets, and why they’re never where they’re supposed to be. Also, snaaaaaarrkkkk!

Kudos to @wildelight , for Mind Blind’s MC that is in a shitty situation but isn’t forced to depressingly mope around the corners over it. If I wanted to be depressed, I’d watch the news a lot more than I do.

To @Gower , for having the absolute nerve to tackle SATIRE, of all genres, and the absolute skill to pull it off, successfully and repeatedly. Also for Fitzie, who’s just amazeballs.

To @Jjcb , because FINALLY somebody who understands that “bond with other characters” and “increase your skills” should NOT eat up the same timeslots, because WHY?! Also for Aki, who melts my heart every time. :pleading_face:

To @Parivir , for A Mage Reborn in general. We died, but we got better. Also, for absolutely NAILING it exactly why I’m totally pissed at Param making my execution a holiday. Fuck that country nine ways from Sunday.

To CC_Hill , for the heroic horror entry that is The Midnight Saga. Finally, some horror stories in this biz!

To @milaswriting , because I still feel that Golden’s MC is the most human (in spirit, not biology) MC in available responses.

And now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go hide under the covers to deal with the anxiety of being ABSOLUTELY SURE that I’m missing some names in that list.