Ten Million (WiP - Updated 11/18) Day 1 Complete

This is good I like it so far can’t wait for more

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Oh snap, i didnt even know that. I only talk to her and Katie just for them to say that they didnt really want me to join their alliance, so i team up with Max and Irma.

Miranda was the first one i made an alliance with

I noticed you forgot to include Miranda in the race. Will there be opportunities to increases our stats at some point?

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Holy cow I already love this! It brings back some of my Heroes Rise The Hero Project feels with the game-show part, which is one of my favorite CoG games, so well done! :smile:

I hope I’ll be seeing more of this soon :slight_smile:


Good catch, I’ll fix that. Yes, you’ll be able to higher your skills sometime during day 2.

Umm, just to be sure, we’ll have a second chance to form an alliance, right? I didn’t want to start one right way because I want to know them better, but I’ll propably want to form one in the future :blush:

Yeah, as long as you weren’t a jerk to them in the cafeteria. Then you would need to mend your relationship first.

I just finished playing thorough it and I love it so far! I can’t wait for the Villian team option to be avalible :smiling_imp:

I got up after being pushed in the race and I tackled my opponent - evidently the tv audience thought that was both unlady-like and “something only villain would do.” I beat my guy though.

wow este juego es bastante interesante,me recuerda a isla del drama esperando con ansias la proxima actualizacion :grinning:

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a question one can have a romantic possibility with katie or will be an asexual character?

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When you go talk to Patrick he gives the Vulcan salute and calls you a fellow Trekker but then asks if you want to talk about Star Wars. Did you mean to put Star Trek and not Star Wars? @PristineManiac4

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@Jesus I can’t promise Katie will be a romantic option, but I can tell you that there’s a high probability she will be.

@MyWeena Yes, thanks.

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The game is finally updated! Please comment what you think! :slight_smile:

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why does many WIP being updated today (when im buried with deadline :sob: :joy:) i really wish i could abandoned my work lol… that being said… i’ll check the game later (wait for me Max~ :heart_eyes: lol) after i finish my work :grin:

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I’m enjoying this wip very much, but I have some doubts… Shouldn’t we be able to set our status, motivation or profession before we do the first game?

I found a bug where if you are a straight male the game thinks you are attracted to other guys.

The problem is when you select your gender the code is "*set gender “Male”
When you select your sexuality as straight the code is:
*set orientation “Straight”
*if (gender = “male”)
*set girls true
*set boys true”

The male in the code should be “Male”, if it stays like that, then if you select straight your character will be gay.

@Nexus Motivation for what? I like the profession idea, I’ll probably add that next update.

@Urban I fixed it, sorry for the long wait! I’m watching the world series game currently.

Selecting straight doesn’t do anything.
I think you forgot to add the code.