Sorcerer Combat: Atomica (WIP) (Update 4/9/2024)


There are reasons no one wants you sharing a room with Yuki ‘I can make him worse’ Tsukumo.


Also mother hen morigold seems like an asshole of a mother in heir bio quote thing

I mean… he was a child himself at the time, and overheard that his baby sibling was essentially being set up to die. He wasn’t exactly very calm in the moment.

I think I’d liken her more to warhammer 40k’s emperor, with you playing a primarch. She cares about people the way you care about you body, you’re not gonna care about the individual cells…

She’s also a class 1 sorcerer, in JJk all of them save Nanami are cannonically scummy in some way…


Also I know nothing about JJK so this is going to be a confusing but fun ride for me


You don’t have to know JJK, was just my bad for assuming.

I’ll answer the question properly

note:This kinda became me gushing over some of the themes and character beats i want to cover in the game…It’s a lot…

The setting is a dark one by far, while your personal strength isolates you from any physical threat, I believe there are more ways to make a setting ‘dark’ outside just having messed up things happen, I want to look at what a dark setting does to the people in it.

Like Morigold, her character explores the theme of a being ‘a great person’ but a ‘horrible person to be around’, if that makes sense. She’s a hero whose actions have saved countless lives, and even a lot of the cast you’ll meet, but she’s also a character that has always viewed you as yet another one of these actions. She someone who has had her bright eyed ideas crushed and sees the only way keep ahead of evil is being just as zealous in the pursuit of protecting everyone as any truly evil person would be in their own goals. And by the time thi story kicks of she won a war against many horrors with her thinking.

Hence. “I would rip out your throat if it saved two others!..” as her defining quote. Ths of course isn’t all there is to her there is a lot more I want to leave to interpretation, beacuse interpretation is really fun.

As for the whole class one sorcerers being scummy, it goes into how strong they are, in terms of stats they’d range from 80-100 in all stats. Those like you in the story are almost gliches in the setting, you are almost too strong to be allowed. Class ones are the actual really strong sorcerers and that power comes with rediculous wealth and priveledge in America right now with how scarce sorcerers are. That power will do things to most people, so everyone in the story characteristed as class one will have some kind of flaw or sinister strait. You can think of class ones as something like heros in the boys, maybe a lot less crazy than that but that should explain what i meant, and why you should expect people of that rank to be generally ‘not the best people’.

Your own power of course would make you homelander esk in that dynamic which means none of those traits will be directed at you…except your own mother, which also feeds into one of the main themes if the story for much much later.


Imagine if the way curses behavior depends on the culture, would be cool.


I really want to understand the relationship with our mother And her children. I just don’t like her. I feel like I don’t trust her at all. And I feel like she put the bounty on. As a test.


I feel you

Will the MC ever go to Japan, like to either help out the Japanese or fight the guy that’s stronger then the MC?

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Hey guys, sorry for the delay.

Was not at ALL satisfied with chapter 1 part 1 in the end. So that’s been reworked. Just comparing the quality to the prologue… didn’t feel like I was making good on my vision and the vibe I’m going for. But otherwise, the next update is mostly done, just some brushing up to do…deciding on music and the like.

Assuming I finally satisfy my obsession…next update should be out early this week.

See you soon!


Can’t wait for it :star_struck:

Updates here!

Sorry for the delay…Again :smiling_face_with_tear:

Really wanted this update out before wensday…then I went ahead and decided to change a few more things around :sweat:.

Made this a direct to public update to apologize and get this out here as soon as possible :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Also Monthly combat is also still in the works but is delayed to next month… Thinking about things like how Kenjaku would definitely want to prevent you from breathing the same air as Mahito, to how Mechamaru would plan for exactly the opposite is…not easy.

Otherwise feedback is always appreciated. And I hope you enjoy.


This update was truly our Sorcerer Combat


Wow this update is lit :+1:, hopefully we get another one soon


The update is so good But I have a question what is the mc’s domain expansion really every time I read it I just cant understand what it is :thinking:


There are still some grammatical errors here and there but the game is really awesome i hope to see it finished at some point also.So this is how Gojo feels ha?


That was awesome. I cannot deny I feel like a character who became gojo. For 5 minutes, having a fun ass fight. After witnessing that I gotta give you a Pat in the back in a hug after that


I’m assuming it represents what would happen if all the countries in the decided to use their nukes and end the whole world