Don’t know if you have a DA page or Tumblr or whatever, but if you are interested in posting that fan art publicly and link it to me we could legit feature it on our FB page (if that’s cool with you and only with your permission, of course)!
Glad you liked it! Hope you’re feeling better!!!
Totally! I’m still setting up my art blog, so when it’s all finished up I’ll tell you about it meh, I can’t fix the picture quality, but it’s done!(been done for a couple days actually…lol)
I enjoyed your work, MizArtist and Tony Smith. It was well-written and quite funny.
~Spoiler Alert~
Though, I honestly lost it when I got to tell my boss that Vex was a dog. I legit almost cried.
I noticed a few typos too.
1st.) “Why don’t you just admit that you have control zero over anything right now,” Vex says irritably, before turning to you.
—> I believe you meant to say “[…] you have zero control over anything right now,”
2nd.) Sidney, finally drawn to the conversation, stands on her tiptoes and looks over Candee’s head, holding on to
your shoulder for balance. You lightly rest your hand on the small of her back.
—> There is a large gap in the middle of the sentence. You may have only meant to press enter once while coding (to keep the sentence neat), but instead accidentally pressed it twice, causing it to break up in the middle of the sentence.
Again, I just wanted to say well done. I look forward to seeing a sequel.
Thank you very much for the positive feedback and the typo alerts!!! I shall find them all and DESTROY them!
Update: Found and eliminated! Hopefully, the update will be happening soon. Thanks again for your eagle eyes (we proofread that thing SO MANY times, and still those little stinkers slip through, lol).
LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Thank you so much!!! Tony is going to flip out when he sees it (in the best way). Will be posting this to the FB page (and linking all credit to you, of course) tomorrow!!!
It’s beautiful!!!
Update: It’s live on Facebook! Thanks again!!!
It’s not either of your faults. Those typos sneak in on every writer. Hell, it happened to the King James Bible and practically started a war. Lol.
But anyway, you’re welcome. I just wanted to help a fellow writer out.
Just an early progress report! We’ve had a lot of people wondering (not pestering at all!! just general curiosity, mostly through other venues) when they will get to continue the story, and while there are few concrete facts, we do have some info we can share.
You’ve spoken, we’ve listened: as of the release of SYP, the sequel was already in progress, albeit in very rough outline form. We will continue to update the OP on this thread with bigfixes and links to important posts on our FB fan page, at least until we have enough of a game completed to give it its own thread, perhaps. In addition to all the extra things we’ve posted online, we’re excited to share some progress on the sequel, for those who are curious. Here be spoilers (kinda? not really, but I will hide them just in case)!
1.) It has an official name (which is probably only impressive if you are one of the few people who know how many, many different working titles we went through before we finally settled on “So, You’re Possessed!”, which was a change that occurred after the the game was first submitted to HG ).
2.) Chapter 1 is nearly done. It is already longer than the first chapter of SYP, which we hope will translate into a sequel that is at least twice as long overall.
3.) More choices, wider branching of story, and, as we promised already, greater impact from the choices you make!!!
4.) More than one romance option! As of right now, we can confirm at least two more, but that may not be the final count. As with the last game, we are striving not to cram them down anyone’s throats and provide a fully satisfying story, even if you avoid any hint of romance.
5.) Adding extra details for those who complete SYP and upload a saved game, as opposed to only playing a “new” character starting in the sequel. Not so much that new players would feel deprived, but more like a few, little treats for people who are sticking with us from the beginning.
6.) We do not yet have an estimated time frame in which it will be completed/submitted, but we are working very hard, we promise! We will continue posting short stories that provide backstory, as well as connect the first and second games, so I suggest checking those out if you want a little extra info until then.
Is there something (or someone) you would like to hear more about in the next game? Please continue to give us your comments, concerns, questions, suggestions, fan art, etc. etc. as they arise. Thanks again to everyone who has already encouraged us or provided constructive feedback. It has all been motivating and appreciated!
All I can say is give us more MC awkwardness along with more sly Vex and Sidney banter and you’ve got yourself a winner in my books.
It’s against the forum rules to ask when the book is going to be released, as it is annoying, distracting and repetitive.
Sorry I guess I got so excited about the book becoming a hopefully trilogy or even fingers crossed more
I am looking forward to more vex and MC interaction though.
Sorry it’s been awhile! With holidays, life in general, and trying to focus on the sequel, it’s been busy. No concrete updates on that yet, BUT we do have more short stories posted!
Since I can’t edit OP anymore, for those who are interested, I will add the links here:
Heartless, Part One
Heartless, Part Two
Does Satan’s disappearance have anything to do with the being inside of the main character?
Ooooo, interesting theory! Not 100% exactly, but you have to admit, the timing IS curious, isn’t it?
Did you and Tony draw any inspiration from tv shows or movies like Supernatural and Charmed?
I’m still panning on where when the mother left/ the reason the MC never knew her had something to do with their little passenger.
Though I’m still a little suspicious of Sid, not sure for what but I feel like he/she is going to be carrying a plot twist someway, somehow.
OMG!!! Okay. Funny you should ask, because there is a whole story there and I’m feeling chatty, so buckle your seat belts (forgive me if you’re getting way more of a response than you anticipated, but I just still think it’s hilarious).
First, some backstory: SYP evolved from characters that Tony had first started thinking about back in high school. After years of all of his friends hearing about it with nothing ever being done, I was finally able to convince him to start getting these awesome ideas down on paper, with the promise that I would help flesh it out as a writing partner and editor. Turns out, we have a really great creative partnership where our strengths and weaknesses are complimentary and the sum of our combined efforts (IMHO) is greater than our individual efforts.
Fast forward: neither of us had ever seen much of Supernatural until it had already been on the air for about six years or so. But, we have a bunch of other mutual friends that all told us we need to watch it, totally our tastes, blah blah, so we finally did. Of course, it became a binge watch thing. And I distinctly remember exchanging horrified looks and/or texts with him during multiple episodes as we both realized that some of the plot WAS SUPER SIMILAR IF NOT IDENTICAL to some of the things we had already written or had in mind. WE knew that even if some of it was stuff Tony had invented way back in the day, the timing of publication would still make it look pathetically derivative. So, we actually had to go out of our way to make sure certain details were NOT seen to be like Supernatural. Eventually, that show ended up going in different directions anyway (except Tony was initially worried that the “darkness” theme might once again hit too close to home again this last season, LOL [don’t worry, it’s different]).
TL;DR - We do love Supernatural, but it’s a great case of simultaneous invention.They beat us to it, props to them! We do seem to have an affinity for the same genre and playing with religious folklore! And I did enjoy Charmed back in the day (so 90’s fabulous), but Tony has never seen it.
Bonus fact: I shit you not, Sidney’s name changed multiple times between the rough and final drafts. Right before we started watching Supernatural, it had been Sam.
I like the way you think. I’m not sure it’s going to be completely what you expect, but you’re in the neighborhood.
That’s pretty cool since Machination seemed similar to Crowley from Supernatural.
Haha, oh no! Going to try very hard not to hear Mac speak in Mark Sheppard’s voice next time I’m working on his dialogue!
Honestly, I think from a literary standpoint, there is just something universally appealing about a witty, charming, egocentric, yet somehow vulnerable villain in movies, books, etc. A whole lot of bravado, danger, and monologuing, but with something still relatable or “human” about them. It varies according to who is writing or portraying them, but I’d like to think Mac is another classic antagonist that can still manage to surprise and tweak expectations in their own way. James Woods’ take on Hades in Disney’s Hercules also comes immediately to mind, though I am sure there are more and perhaps even better examples.