Slammed! (Spoilers)

I’m pretty sure jus selecting strength as your primary talent at the beginning of the game will get you there. If that’s not enough, I’m not sure what else is required. My one strength playthrough I succeeded without doing anything special beforehand that I can recall.

@undead Hi! It just needs to be higher than 60. Choosing to focus on Strength during the vignette scene in Chapter 1 gets you to 60, so it shouldn’t be hard to get in a strength playthrough, as @Wonderboy mentioned.

I got a question how do u romance jaws???

@Chriswa27 Jaws isn’t romanceable. Sorry if you thought he was! The possible romances are Ecstasy (always), JJ (homosexual orientation, only at the very end), and Madison (straight male or female homosexual, kayfabe face route). It’s also possible to have a love triangle with Ecstasy and Madison.

Oh ok thank u for the info :slight_smile:

I found one error on this game that I don’t think has been stated yet. I had one of my characters hate JJ with a passion after she betrayed her. At the end, my character won and went to shake JJ’s hand. She turns her back and then MY character slinks out of the ring while JJ celebrates her victory. Was a little irritated but otherwise, the game was awesome.

I have played through multiple times. What I found to be one of the most interesting parts is that if you have your family dislike your career, then you play the babyface and tell the world what JJ did to you… She will actually go to your house and mess with your sister and family based on the hardship you chose when you went home. I haven’t tried this yet by having a supportive family but I might just to see if things are slightly different.

Also, one thing I’m curious about… What stats do you need to have in order to beat JJ until you’re disqualified at the end? I’m really curious as to what the ending would be like if you were to do that.

Actually, BP, I think it’s less about stats and more about tactics, ie choosing the right commands

@BipolarPanda Huh, you’re right, no one’s mentioned that before. Hopefully that’s the last bug to fly under the radar – I’ll whip up what I hope is the final “fix” for the game soon. Thanks for spotting it!

As for getting the disqualification ending, @stsword is partly right, you need to get to the part where you slide back into the ring after taking out JJ at ringside.

But once you get to that point, in order to have the “#Give JJ a thorough beating, even if that means I’m disqualified” option available, you need to have played a very angry character. Anger is an invisible stat, and you need to have it above ten – you get a lot of options to act angry in the early part of the game (with Sagramore specifically), and with JJ post-betrayal. Hope that helps!

Break his back!

@Chikiamco No problem, I’m glad I was able to help!

Thanks for the tips. I went ahead and played the total d-bag type character and beat the crap out of JJ at the end. I guess you would need a really angry character to pull off what the MC does to JJ on that route lol. Crazy stuff. I bet my character went to either a mental institution or jail after that brutal scene.

FINISH HIM. That is all. :slight_smile:

i bought the game today and played through it,and i can safely say that i was very happy with my choice to purchase this game,im a huge wrestling fan,and i was able to live out my dream through this game :slight_smile:

i dont regret any of the choices i made to get my ring of valhalla match,especially considering i ended up beating that traitor JJ Delgado,and in the end,i got to be with madison :smiley:

I’ve always been interested on buying this game the moment it was released but never had the time to buy it. So finally after what seemed like forever I finally bought it. Yay! And wow, the game was freaking amazing. My money was not put to waste. Easily one of my favorite COGs! It was well written, and it had fun and well-developed characters! Oh, and can I just say that the romance in this game is just all sorts of beautiful!

So, I just wanted to congratulate @Chikiamco for an excellent game, and I cannot wait for your next one. (Random-and-useless-fact-but-I’ll-say-it-anyways: I’m from the Philippines too! HAHAHA) Seriously, well done. =D>

What do I have to do to have the choice of Irish whipping prudius?

@FairyGodFeather @Chikiamco

@I_B_Trollin I do not understand what you mean, nor do I understand why you flagged me here. Could you please explain?

During the interactive tag team fight with JJ you have a choice of countering with an Irish whip but its always frayed out for me and I tagged you because I saw your name first and tagged it so maybe I could get a quicker answer

Sorry, I don’t know the answer.


@I_B_TROLLIN Consider this a warning. Do not do that again.