Slammed! (Spoilers)

HA HA!!! Finally beat JJ! Awesome match and loved the ending this time! Definitely felt like a proper conclusion to the story compared to my last play through. :slight_smile: And to the writers credit I was still as personally invested in this play through as I was the first time I went through it, even if things had changed little with the characters set up. Course I made different choices…actually beat Sagramore this time (fairly), turned down Evan (who I feel kind of sorry for considering I know what happened to him), and focused almost entirely on facing JJ! I was so pissed when the characters family was brought into it all. When it was all said and done though…after beating JJ with what I consider my favorite finisher of the game, planting that kiss on him, and then having the big ending reunion…wow…so happy and more then a little hyper. :smiley: Hope that wasn’t saying to much… :">


I’d love it if you do make another pro wrestling CoG, but at the same time since your looking for something different I’d be equally as interested in any stories revolving around martial arts or the like…so kickboxing, boxing, mma, muay thai, sambo, jujitsu, etc. Yes, am a bit of a combat sports freak. Yes, I consider pro wrestling to be apart of that. Just throwing out the suggestions. :wink: Thanks again for making such a great game.

@Luminairus It’s a brilliant ending isn’t it? I was actually mad when I first finished the game and I’d messed up and couldn’t get the home scene. It’s so much more satisfying.

I think he said that if he made another CoG it would be in a fantasy setting :3

I have no problem with werewolves either. :wink:

I finally beaten solitary and became champion, better still, I got the option to convince solitary to make the match into a shoot instead take advantage of his leg. I feel proud of myself :smiley:

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So you beat him in his own match, @MIGhunter ? Wow, congrats. :slight_smile:

I broke Sagramore’s back in a heel play through. Even tried to take on Prototype and horns at the same time and nearly had my neck broken so didn’t have the fight with JJ. Man was I surprised lol

@Ninjasplaycardgames2 Thanks for the compliment! Takes the sting out of that weird one star review I just read :stuck_out_tongue:

@Luminairus Congratulations! I’m glad the ending made you feel suitably rewarded.

@Ninjasplaycardgames2 @Luminairus No werewolves, unfortunately. It will be a fantasy though, but I’ll be drawing on my national folklore for worldbuilding inspiration (I’m from the Philippines, and while we do have weredogs, I don’t think they’d work in the setting. ^_^)

@MIGhunter Do you mean you and he conspired to do the worked match? Congratulations! That’s the first ending I thought up with when I was pitching the game, before JJ became more central.

@Nocturnal_Stillness I hope that bad ending still managed to be entertaining! Some of the more substantial revision requests I got from the CoG team was to make the bad endings more fulfilling/cathartic. (Most of my gamebook experience having created the impression that Bad Endings were generally “Whoops, wrong door! You’re dead!” Failed to factor in the fact that getting back to that point in a CoG game is harder than in a physical gamebook, or a visual novel with a save system)


Really? Only one star?

Looking at the apple and android reviews, you have almost exclusively 4-5 stars, with the rare 3 thrown in.

What did everyone think of the real fights? Some of the online independent reviewers (,, etc) only gave it 3-3.5 stars BECAUSE of the real fights. Okay, not exclusively that, but that was a cause of concern for them.

In case anyone is interested, calmdowntom also provided a link to the demo CoG has up, which I thought was nice since it can help bring traffic.


It was. It suited the story I was playing.


I can see why “shoot” fights are unusual but I personally enjoyed the idea.

Just want to know,who watches professional wrestling shows ?

I started in the mid-eighties lost interest in 2006ish.

@WolfieGrey Yup, I’ve got a 1 Star on Google Play, and it came with a written review of sorts, not just a rating. Weird thing is, I could have sworn that it was different the first time I read it – not sure if the same person edited his review, or what, but now it seems even more vehemently against the game than before, without going into specifics. I’m not surprised that the game isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I’ll confess that the vehemence really surprised me.

Just a note on the real fights, fior non-wrestling trivia buffs, there’s historical precedent – WWE experimented with those with catastrophic results some time ago ( ). But I have to admit, even without that precedent, I’d have included sanctioned shoot fights anyway because the player’s agency is very limited during worked fights (turning a fight into a shoot is a well I could draw from only so many times), and also because I honestly think that some promotion in the future will do just that – not because it detests kayfabe, but in order to MAINTAIN kayfabe for everything else.

@MIGhunter *raised hand* :smiley:

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Darn, no werepuppies? Oh well. lol Looked up that link you put up for the WWF Brawl for All…that was interesting. I wonder how well something like that would go over now-a-days? Wrestlers are much different then back then and pretty sure a fair number of them have legitimately trained in martial arts of some kind or another. Heck, I’ve seen more then a couple matches in pro wrestling shows where they include an almost mma/jujitsu feel to a certain part of the match. Can’t say these are particularly my favorites, but it was interesting never-the-less.

i check again i gave you already 5 starts and a Google like when i bought the game maybe Spanish market its separate? i did a positive critic i don’t know it helps or not but i couldn’t do anything more

@Chikiamco I am no expert but my game has its share of 1-star reviews. Most are on the level of spam. I am more disappointed by 3-star well-worded reviews than I-hate-your-game style 1-stars. There is one person on Google Play who has reviewed nearly all CoG and Hosted Games and given virtually the same 3-star review to everyone’s game as some kind of virtual vendetta. Maybe CoG turned his game down for publication.

@Luminairus Yeah, I’d be interested in that too. Seems like the problem with Brawl for All was partly bad luck – they had no idea the skill levels of the contestants would be so far apart.

@MaraJade Thank you so much! Leaving a review is plenty of help, whatever market it may be in. :slight_smile:

@JimD I think I know the reviewer you mean. What makes me curious about that 1 star review I mentioned is that (assuming it’s by the same reviewer I saw before - I’m not sure) the author bothered to edit it to make it more negative, without being more specific.

To digress for a moment, I understand what you mean by low scores from people who were simply expecting a different type of game. It’s one of the reasons I did the Slammed! Primer post here, but of course only a few potential customers hang out here in the forums. Makes me wonder if it would serve the community if, in some fashion – perhaps a uniform Rating/Classification – releases could be labeled in the marketplaces in a way that would give people an idea of the type of game it is.

Focus: Narrative.
Stat Changes: Infrequent.
Romance: Yes.
Early Endings: Rare.

Not Slammed!
Focus: Simulation.
Stat Changes: Frequent.
Romance: Yes.
Early Endings: Frequent.

The same might be accomplished as well through branding/imprints or iconography (think Creative Commons symbols).

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after playing this story game for the seventh time, i finaly get the results i wanted.

No. 2, Steve Ravage

Last Week: 58

Awards Received: Feud of the Year: Steve Ravage and JJ Havoc

Match of the Year: Steve Ravage versus JJ Havoc, Ring of Valhalla XVI.

Poetic Justice Award

Fan Favorite Award

Strong Man Award

Best in Promos Award

How do you get enough strength to muscle out of teporas lock when she ambushes you in the gym?