Skeletons Can't Press Charges [2 Chapters, 18k Words]

For reference, any further discussion—I think—warrants a separate topic, if only because of how big the issue can get and is (obviously) overwhelming. So any further comments on the subject will be moved.


well I think the ‘Minor’ issue is and warrant peoples to ask and do stuff .

It’s a forum after all…

but…we can’t go round and round . That make me dizzie lol

So let me get the ball rolling in again .

…so …do these guys have Jobs ? Do we get to Choose who are our parents ? We get a texto from a ‘Mom’…can I have another ‘Mom’ ?

Who is romancable ? Will there be ‘Horror’ Stuff innit ? and warning ? Plz…I’m fragile to that stuff lol .

Oh, in the demo you can turn down drinking and weed…but can we own a gun ?

Do we go to school ? How old are they anyway ? (Sorry if this was asked before lol) .

can you get any of them killed ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Um it’s up in the first post under Features…They are the four of our friends.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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hand shake urgh…it’s too far away…to s-scroll…:rofl:


Salute at your service.:rofl:

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We’re 18, fresh out of highschool.
Don’t know if we can kill any of them, though I wouldn’t be surprised especially since there’s always someone who can’t keep a secret.


hey @Samuel_H_Young you ever read this book ?..uh…

well the book is in french for me, but it has ‘Similar’ Setting sort of ? I think you would like it .

It’s by DONNA TARTT, and its called ‘‘Le Maitre des Illusions’’ .

Gonna see if it was translated…

Nvm lol apparently…its in English and was translated in french…Doh moment :sweat_smile:

Link: The Secret History - Wikipedia


Just Gustavo is the name of The muppet frog Rene in Spanish translation So that os why Gus was so keen in mosquitoes.


You have a single parent, Cynthia, who is a housecleaner.

Yeah, like any thriller, there will be certain elements of horror. Mostly suspense, tho.

I hadn’t thought about the MC owning a gun but that’s an interesting idea. Probably yes.

I haven’t read The Secret History. It does sound good and similar to Skeletons, though. I’d tell you I’d read it but I don’t wanna lie, lol. I have a stack of books my friend gave me to read that I haven’t touched. Idk why, but I don’t read hardly at all anymore.


the dynamic is rather different in that book . Status for one, make a whole difference as you know. it’s like a different world, different setting . and the why…

well thats why we have stories lol

yeah the gun can be a simple thing like…we shoot for fun . Or a heirloom from ya other parents (lost or gone or whatever) . Or just personal interest as well .

well I though about it in this sense, that if I were playing someone who is young (and an idiot lol )…and dont do drinking and weed man!..and young peoples consider that stuff ‘cool’’ and such . Owning a gun, would raise you in their idiotic eyes . right?

urgh…I’m so old…:sweat_smile:


Having a gun in games with a focus in character feelings and growth is weird for me due I have never seen a gun in my entire life there also any in km. I know is in America and character is American but for me is weird. Like when my character starts a monologue about something something i have no idea what it is. But a choice about betwen being from national guns member and be an anti guns hippie could be a fun adding. Something further in satire about guns and ideology that people usually has outside America.


Yeah, I personally hate guns and think they should basically be outlawed like they were in Japan at one time. :man_shrugging: But I do think it might be cool to have it as an option in the story. The villain certainly won’t mind using guns.


beside…it make a good topic of discussion between the character lol you can have those who think its cool! those who think you should get ride of it…then those who dont care lol .

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I Lord Helios approve of chapter one :slight_smile:


Just a heads up, everyone, I’m going to continue writing Chapter Two while I still have lots of inspiration going. As soon as that’s done, I’ll go back and edit Chapter One with some of the suggestions you gave me.


poke you tease! I can hear you ALL the way down here in Canada…cackeling at the cliffhanging you are planning to leave us with…

Just saying…:smirk:


Huehuehue. You got me.

But seriously, each chapter will probably end on a cliffhanger, as Skeletons is a thriller. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


You need a cape when you say that! :grin:

well you got me curious…so y’know…without much ado Poke Poke get back to work Mister! That genius gotta happen, you can gloat down on us poor peasant when we see the ‘To be continued…’’ (I use that in my own stories , drive my friend bonker :joy:)


How bout a mask?

Now that you mention it, Skeletons will be one of my very few standalone stories. That opens up some interesting possibilities for a bit more branching than you would ordinarily see in one of my games.


That’s scary…

I’m gonna sleep underneath my bed…Thnx! :sweat_smile:

well the setting is promising, you can pretty much do ANYTHINg you want with it .

So yeah, it gonna be interesting to see what you will come up with .