Hey community, so I don’t think I’ll have time to write all the scenes I want done before the deadline and get it tested so I have decided to test what I have so far. If you have the time and patience to have a read and give some feedback, please hit me up. By feedback I mean something in more detail than “I like this a lot” or “I hated everything”. Give me a why! Thanks in advanced.
I volunteer
I volunteer to the exemplary unscrupulous experimentation of your videous entertainment competition entry.
@Cecilia_Rosewood, I thought you were a judge
I kinda accidentally volunteered as one and then withdrew before the beginning of May, so no. I rather wanted to be a participant.
@Doctor you gave me a mini heart attack just now o_O"
Thanks for clearing that up quickly @Cecilia_Rosewood. I have sent the link to you and @faewkless
@Silverstone, don’t worry: I’m a doctor.
If you still need another tester, I’d be happy to help.
Thank you for offering your assistance. I’ll send you the link shortly. Just updating it now.
Lol. What if I told you I rarely trust doctors
@Silverstone, don’t worry: I’m not a doctor? Just possibly maybe a doctor
If you still need some testers then I volunteer.
@Doctor lol alright I’ll take that.
@Asi_Cason YES! I do still need testers. I will send you a pm with the link.
If you still need testers I would love to be one
Yes I do thank you! I have sent you the link.
I would like to take part too!
Hi @Keira, thank you for your offer. Yes I still do need some testers. I’ve just got to fix a few things and then I’ll send you through a link. Thanks
Okay, thank you to all volunteers who gave feedback. I will be polishing the last bits and sending my entry in shortly. (Busy Friday ahead of me so this is the only time I have to do it.)
Thanks again everyone
Hi all testers. I’m currently working on some art and I need some feedback on what I have so far and on some design ideas. Anyone interested in taking a look? Let me know and I’ll make a private thread. Thanks for the help
Sure why not.
Everybodies a critic right?