Shepherds of Haven (WIP) (DEMO UPDATE: 3 Aug 2021)

Thank you for the info!

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I’ve just finished the demo and LOVED it! Can’t wait for when the whole game is out!!! :heart:


Ohhh me too me too🖤


What does the “defense” stat do? I can increase it by buying armor in the shop, but I haven’t been able to find a place where it’s implemented.

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I believe there are a few instances (in the alpha build only, I think) in which you can lose less health if you have raised your defense stat. :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure if this is a code problem or a Dashingdon problem, but each time I reload the page and then load my saved game, it removes my achievements and says that I haven’t unlocked any.

How much does being possessed impact the story? And will there be a chance to be un-possessed in the future?

Also, will the education options apart from Circle-trained be referenced in the plot, like how if the player is Circle-trained they have a slightly different experience in Chapter 3?

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That’s a DashingDon thing; it doesn’t save your achievement progress even if you save your game progress. Once you close out the browser, it’s gone.

Being possessed will have an impact—we see it as early as Ch. 04 depending on choices the MC makes—and I’m pretty sure the author said that once the MC is possessed, they cannot become unpossessed (but I can’t find where she said that at the moment, so I’m not 100% sure on that (Tumblr’s blog search can be abysmal, and the tags I tried didn’t bring anything up (Perhaps someone else will have better luck?))). However, here is the answer to your education background question. :slight_smile:

If you haven’t already, I recommend reading the FAQ on her blog. And just reading through the Tumblr in general is very illuminating; Lena answers a lot of questions, and her in-depth responses about characters, lore, and world-building (just to list a few things) are phenomenal!


Thank you so much for your help! I will definitely read through the Tumblr. :slight_smile:

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Circle trained means you’ll be able to have a different type of relationship with Red and his fellow mages.


Can you save your childhood friend?


Unfortunately not; everything that happens in the MC’s flashback in the prologue is scripted. (Zori is a fan-favorite though, so check out their tag on the author’s Tumblr if you’d like to know more about them. (There are spoilers for Ch. 03 just in case you haven’t played that far yet.))


I’m sorry but I’m not dying for people that hated me…let the demons have them…and how do you make magic illegal, that literally MAKES not sense, magic is a natural source of power, you can’t ban something like that

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“Hey MC, what magic do you specialize in?”

“MC, how do you hope to defeat insert enemy here

“Hey MC, what do you live for?”


Thunderer FTW


Hellow ! I would like to know how is going the game please !

It is still being regularly updated on Patreon and totals 932,148 words without code which is both bloody incredible, and absolute insanity. If anybody is thinking of joining up, I would 100% suggest it since the pay off is well worth it.


Hi, I would suggest joining the author’s Tumblr if money is tight. She’s much more updated there than here.


As someone who did pay for the patreon version, holy fuck it was worth it. Easily one of my favs of these type of games now and I already had a high opinion of it since it let me be a mage with a gun.


Hi mate, what is the minimum patron tier to access the game?

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And she’s a dedicated writer that published a story She’d read her book Very interesting

Currently I’m on the “Officer” tier, which is the cheapest plan with the alpha demo. I pay $8NZD a month.