Shepherds of Haven (WIP) (DEMO UPDATE: 3 Aug 2021)

Woo, that was a lot to answer! :sweat_drops:

On this note, would you mind submitting a formal bug report about this (link below)? I haven’t seen anyone else report this problem, and I genuinely have no idea what could be causing it!

:sparkles: That serves as a nice segue in to my main topic: I have a shiny new bug reporting system that I’d like users to use when submitting bug reports and support tickets! :sparkles:

Please read under the tab for context!


Through 100% my own fault, bug reporting for Shepherds of Haven’s alpha build and public demo has become something of an absolute chaos pit, for both me and users! I never implemented a proper, dedicated system for bug reporting, partly out of my own arrogance and the apparent lack of necessity: at the game’s launch, there were relatively few bugs, everyone’s gameplay experience was fairly tight and uniform, and it was easier for me to keep track of and squash bugs on the spot!

But as the game gets bigger (625,000 words, now! More than all three LOTR books combined ), of course more bugs and glitches are going to crop up, and in peskier, harder to find places! Add that to the growing community with multiple platforms and me having less time to spend online to actually answer, track, or address bugs immediately, and you get a recipe for one overwhelmed author!

Essentially, the old bug report “system” consisted of me actively encouraging everyone to send me bug reports through any and all platforms they had access to. This meant I was getting bug reports through:

  • Patreon comments on public posts
  • Patreon PMs
  • Tumblr PMs
  • Tumblr asks
  • Tumblr comments on public posts
  • COG forum posts
  • COG forum PMs
  • Discord PMs
  • Discord conversations in public channels
  • Other

What on earth was I thinking lol?

This created numerous problems…

  • The obvious difficulty in keeping track of all of these bug reports across disparate platforms, leading to things slipping under the radar or stacking up in an overwhelming, confusing way, and duplicates cluttering the queue
  • Less time online means less time to find and address the bug immediately, leading to more duplicate reports and growing user confusion the longer the issue went unaddressed or unacknowledged
  • No ability to uniformly address the bug across all platforms with context, explanations, or solutions. A user reporting a bug on Tumblr might lead to me replying on Tumblr that it could be fixed by doing XYZ, or was caused by ABC and was not actually a bug at all. However, another user on Patreon or on the forum would not see said explanation/solution, would report the same bug on Patreon or the forum, and would unfairly suffer through me saying “I already answered this!” (but not to them).
  • Most platforms are not conducive to the back-and-forth required to truly and effectively hunt bugs. The forum is probably the exception here, but all other sites make things chaotic. If a user sends in an ask on Tumblr about a bug, but I need more context (such as “what choice did you make in Chapter 2?") to find it, I just have to publish their ask with my response and pray they see it and send in another ask! It’s just clunky and inefficient!

This new system hopefully addresses all of those problems! By having one uniform, universal method to submit bugs and one repository to see where they all go (including everyone else’s tickets and reports), everything is just going to be better for everyone! :blush:



How it works:

  • Use the “report bug” form to submit any bugs or errors that you’ve noticed while playing ShoH! (Please submit one bug per ticket.) These are generally for game-breaking bugs or bugs and errors that you notice in the code; not for typos, moments of confusion or unclear plot developments, suggestions or feedback about the game, or otherwise. Code bugs only!
  • An automated workflow will immediately plop your ticket into the Trello board (the tracking link above), where you can view all submitted tickets by users, their statuses in my queue, how I’ve prioritized them, and my responses and explanations about them - all in one place!

This solves basically every issue I was having with bug reports, including having to explain across multiple platforms the same solutions to the same bugs (but in such a fragmented way that users wouldn’t see my answers or the progress reports on said bugs)!

Important: Right now, I will only be accepting official bug reports through this method. I know this might be a pain in comparison to submitting via any platform, but it will really help me keep everything in one place in an organized, non-overwhelming fashion, and it will definitely improve both the user and author experience in a very vital way!

You are free, of course, to discuss bugs and whatnot here or elsewhere, check in with other users about them to see if you’re the only one, brainstorm or roundtable them, etc. It will just be helpful to operate under the strict assumption that I will not see any of that discussion and will not know about the bug, at all, until you actually submit a ticket through the form! So much flies under my radar nowadays that it’s probably true! :sweat_smile:

However, none of this applies to any other type of feedback or discussion about the game. Please keep leaving comments, thoughts, insights, and all other types of conversation here and anywhere–I love and truly appreciate seeing all of your reactions and ideas! This is strictly only for pesky bug reports and is to ensure that I definitely see them and can address them in an organized, cohesive, transparent manner so everyone knows what’s broken and what’s being addressed. I hope that makes sense!

Thanks for reading through this, and stay safe and hydrated!