September 2024's Writer Support Thread

There was a little collection of games called Interactive Bonbons released a few years ago, and @Jacic has talked about releasing a few of her shorter works in anthology format.


Saying hi in this thread when the month is half-over. Oops. The passage of time, it just keeps on happening.

My goal for this month is to finish editing Chapter 7ā€™s draft 2 and finish the first draft of Chapter 8ā€™s introduction sequence. Iā€™ve already written my newsletter/the blog post for the month.

I idly scrolled the IfComp link andā€¦Astarion?! ā€œA Dream Of Silence: Act 3ā€ by Abigail Corfman has my tumblr friendsā€™ fav vampire holding hands. Uh oh. They will have to be informed immediately.

@levviathan Like One Minute Mysteries?


Neat! Iā€™m gonna have to check that out, if for nothing else than just to see how it did. Thanks! :slight_smile: (EDIT: I donā€™t usually go in for sound effects but I genuinely love these. :joy:)

Thatā€™s not exactly what I was thinking (just because these seem to have a consistency in the detective characters/mystery concept) but itā€™s close enough to answer my question and itā€™s really cool! Thanks for pointing it out to me!


I was contemplating it. I ended up lengthening 2 of the games Iā€™d thought about doing this with right out to be stand alone releases given Iā€™m not convinced anthologies of short games will do very well on HG (but my shorter games I spent all the time and effort lengthening out also wont do well so :upside_down_face:). For the moment Iā€™ve just been putting the short games I make up on itch. Maybe one day Iā€™ll make a themed anthology of little games as I do enjoy both reading and writing them. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any rule against it that I know of. It just has to have a total wordcount over 30k. (And the expectation that it will probably be a fun project rather than anything that many will pick up to read.)

Only sort of published not quite ā€œanthologiesā€ I know of are interactive bonbons (already mentioned) and episodic collaborations like starship adventures and lost in the pages.


On another note, Iā€™m also thinking of creating an account on itch to put up Choicescript games which I think wonā€™t perform well commercially. The only problem is that it is flooded with shovelware and half-finished games, which isnā€™t good for publicity. The HG omnibus is better for attracting eyeballs, even if these folks have increasingly narrow preferences.

Perhaps I should have just thrown Dragon of Steelthorne 2 in IntroComp. They literally only had one entry this year, so that would have been a guaranteed minimum $150 prize for me if I had done so.

Although Iā€™m not sure if 2nd place would give me much in the way of bragging rights if there were only two contestants. :sweat_smile:

Actually, I just tried it after reading these posts. Some of the games were quite clever, but it seems more like a toy I play with for a bit then put back on the shelf, rather than something which Iā€™d keep for the long term.

The authorā€™s name does sound familiar. I think he was in IFcomp or something?


Todayā€™s language weirdness: Iā€™m doing Swedish course on Duolingo, and end up finding myself admiring how Swedish has specific words for things like ā€œhave a coffee with (a person)ā€ and ā€œa bit more thanā€, just to realize an hour later that Finnish (or at least certain dialects of Finnish) has specific words for those too.


A mid month progress report:

Iā€™ve completed goals 1 and 2, and Iā€™ve made a list of the specific logistical things I want to accomplish for goal 3. Itā€™s a lot longer than I originally expected. :skull_and_crossbones: I have a feeling this will end up bleeding into next month, but I think Iā€™ll be in a much better place if I finish it before jumping into chapter 3.


ā€¦and I just realized Iā€™m only fluent in one language. :sweat_smile: (No prizes for guessing what that language is).

When youā€™ve a full beta, I might be able to help with beta testing. Let me know.

Or if you need immediate feedback and a thread bump, let me know too. I might be able to take a look this weekend.


The snippets were a few days ago, but Iā€™ve started writing something interesting so I thought Iā€™d share some of it.


(For context, the MC takes on the role of Aphrodite in Greek mythology, and she just finished getting ready in a mirror)

As you finish readying yourself for the day, you reach out and touch your hand to the glass. As you do, you see images of the mortal world. A widow wishes her daughter to be married. A young man wants to impress the girl. A young girl wants to gain the beauty of an adult. Itā€™s all the usual desires of man. Itā€™s quite dull sometimes. You, quite naturally, love love. But why canā€™t the love story be interesting ?

Whether you like it or not, these are the boons people request. And so, you go about giving gifts to those you deem worthy and ignore the ones you donā€™t. The widow is meddlesome, and the girl will grow up when it is time. But the boy? He has the heart of a hero, even if he has the body of a shrimp. The girl would be lucky to have him. And who doesnā€™t love an underdog? So, you send him a gift. You happen to know that his beloved has a love for her sheep. So, you release them, at just the right moment so as to let him see their escape. And just as you expected, his courage sends him on the chase.


Me: ā€œI want to write a multiverseā€
Also me: ā€œā€¦WTF is the law considering multiversal supervillains?ā€

Klingon! :stuck_out_tongue: (Duolingoā€™s teaching method is terrible by the way. I hate trying to decipher the grammar from the examples. But itā€™s decent for a vocabulary refresher, if limited, which is why I originaly started doing that Swedish course.)


I suggest learning more if you have the time.

One advantage of being trilingual is that I can set up some spectacular multilingual puns.


I can speak and write some mandarin, just that I wouldnā€™t consider myself fluent.

I did try picking up Japanese previously in college, but Iā€™ve forgotten much of what Iā€™ve learnt now. Iā€™m still able to read hiragana and katakana, but thatā€™s it.


The question is, are you surrounded by other trilingual people who understand them? I say so many monumentally lame puns sterlingly brilliant things that go entirely unappreciated.

Which languages do you know?


The good news if you can if you want and you have the bases already.

I forced myself to learning English from almost zero (I mean I study some English in high school but the level was atrocious. I didnā€™t use Duolingo. I used Oxford grammar in use dictionary and books. Thatā€™s it.

I am probably the worst here in level. But still somewhat an american confused me somehow with a native and say how I dare to speak like I were a Spanish about Spanish culture. Thing was ironically the best praise ever.

I only are native in two languages and somehow fluent in English I say somehow as I see native English media daily with no subtitle or anything but I donā€™t know speak English due I have never ever speak it. So it is weird. I also understand Portuguese as I am galician.


Frankly Iā€™d recommend studying grammar properly. It helps a lot. The best part of Duolingo is that it rewards practicing daily (and helps with pronunciation), but itā€™s by far not necessary if you have studying materials for the language otherwise. (Iā€™d also not use it as the lone learning tool if I had access to certain language materials otherwise, which I donā€™t, which is sad.)


English, Quebec French, and Mandarin.

And I just wrote in a pun using the first two of those three yesterday.


Oooh, what was it?


Multilingual puns are fun. I love making trilingual (or tridialectial or whatever) ones.

Todayā€™s report:

  • I got new sketching markers for my next weekā€™s sketching session, yay. (And Iā€™m almost on budget, double yay.)
  • I was snickering so hard on the complaints about games that ā€œinclude pronounsā€ that Iā€™ve been trying to see how it looks like to completely disregard them. Result: very clunky.
Also: does this description make sense?

Heā€™s standing arms crossed, elbows under the shoulder straps of his backpack like in a sling.


If I told anyone else in this thread, Iā€™d have to shoot them.


That feel when RandomTest seed 44,937 failsā€¦