September 2024's Writer Support Thread

Welcome all to the support thread for September 2024.

. :people_holding_hands:
. :two_men_holding_hands:
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:birthday: Happy Birthday to September babies.

:mega: Thank you, everyone who continues to participate in these threads ā€“ it helps others when you do participate, sometimes more than you think.

This first weekend of this month is a holiday for those of us in the US. :confetti_ball:

It is also ā€œback to school timeā€ for many.

If anyone has specific questions or concerns I may help with, please let me know.

:leaves: :fallen_leaf:

This monthā€™s focus is on understanding different perspectives and how they change.

The first article is a resource to help you understand the world around us as seen by nonbinary people.

The second article is about how a foreignerā€™s past can influence her understanding of her present.

The third article is about how changing beliefs in the younger generations is causing an explosion in romance.

An article that has references to both fairy porn and ā€œromantasyā€ ā€¦ come on, now!

The last article is a bit more artsy - and it is about storytelling, harmony, and depth ā€“ in music!

My goals this month are to:

  • continue to work on my first editing pass of my Patchworkā€™s project.
  • work on my Holloween Jam entry - ideally have the first draft done by the end of September

I started a ā€œminor rewriteā€ of one of the sections of Patchwerks in the last week of August and hope to have this rewrite finished by the end of September. I also hope to have most of my first pass completed for the project as well.

May everyone complete their September goals.

. :revolving_hearts:


My goal for September is the same goal I had the last couple months: to post Chapter Four of Meteoric. Iā€™m 13k words in so if I write 10k words this month, I should finally finish this chapter


My August doesnā€™t end until I have to start on my Patreon articles for September.

Well, okay, thatā€™s not entirely true, but it makes me feel better, given that Iā€™ve still got a good 10k words in this chapter to go.


My Goals:

Progress on my 2024 goals

  • Complete Phoenix Rising
  • Begin Editing Phoenix Rising
  • Participate in at least 1 game jam - Iā€™m beginning to think this is a pipe dream for me
  • Complete at least 1 game jam - definitely thinking this is a pipe dream
  • Learn Spanish enough to be able to use it at work (earn a $2 raise by doing this) - Duo is looking at me like I betrayed his dumb owl self, and I feel very guilty.

Septemberā€™s Goals

  • Finish Chapter One of Phoenix Rising - I have not finished the daydream section. Itā€™s still making me want to rip my hair out with how repetetive it is. BUT IM CLOSER TO THE END.
  • Get posts on the Nascent Souls Tumblr up to end of september. - Help TAT Iā€™m running out ot tags to search for things to add to the queue. Seriously, if anyone has any suggestionsā€¦ That said, I have been able to keep up with the questions and messages there. so thatā€™s good!
  • Get the game to a point where I can ACTUALLY POST AN UPDATED DEMO, GODDAMMIT. ā€“ stares balefully at it Itā€™s mocking me, I know it.
  • Bonus at work. - WE SHALL SEE
  • Keep up with my Accountabili-Buddies so that we all make progress on our games. @RascaldeesV2 @Phenrex @eveelution @levviathan@Suyin. Also looking for more accounta-bilibuddies too! Apply now!

ā€¦I am a Norse Pagan woman writing a chinese historical fantasy game. Somehow I feel like this is a mirror-verse version of myself right here. XD

Ohhhh, I wish you the best of luck here! I didnā€™t know you could start working on this before octoberā€¦


Chinese-Canadian Atheist whose primary series is set in what I have previously described as ā€œvaguely 19th century Espangleterreā€ before: you are not alone. The histories and traditions of other cultures removed from your own tend to carry an exotic sheen with them, which make them seem more appealing to those who werenā€™t raised within them. Thatā€™s why JRPGs seem so enamoured with western fantasy tropes, while so many westerners seem obssessed with Ninja and Samurai.

Of course, thatā€™s not always ideal. Weā€™ve all had experiences where weā€™ve seen our home cultures represented not as authentic, but as something like exoticised fetish by Orientalists (or Occidentalists) who really donā€™t give a shit about how it all worked - but that sentiment doesnā€™t necessarily have to end up in bad places.


lol the time frame from the Halloween jam is from 1 august to 31 october at noon my time.
I gave the theme for a reason. If I wouldnt want people writing I wouldnt give the theme. :rofl:


My goal for September (Hey, I have writing goals again :confetti_ball:) is to finish proofreading Skies over Steelthorne by @ChanceOfFire, and maybe a couple more of their games. Itā€™s been slow going because my new job is pretty demanding and I canā€™t really get into the right headspace for it during the week, and a lot of the weekends go into making sure there are groceries/cleaning/wrangling the HOA/other responsibilities that also donā€™t fit into weekdays, but itā€™s still progressing, at least.


Ok, letā€™s refocus the thread.



Itā€™s release month. Hyperventilating? Whoā€™s hyperventilating? Certainly not me!

To distract myself from the definitely-not-anxiety Iā€™m experiencing, I am of course just going to keep to the routine of writing something on the new game every day.

  • Hopefully to the tune of about another 30,000 words before the monthā€™s over.

Iā€™m giving myself a little grace on that this month, though, because I anticipate release will reveal at least half a dozen hitherto-unknown bugs that I will have to swat, and that takes time, too.

Good luck to everyone this month. This is a great community to be part of, and I believe in our collective power to reach our goals, for whatever thatā€™s worth. :slight_smile:


Iā€™m just leaving a snippet. (Itā€™s a ā€œneed to get this vignette out of my head so I can sleepā€ one from last night.)

For context: the ship has landed on an unknown planet, and the recon team is getting zerg rushed by local wildlife.

The sudden sound of rushing wind provides a momentā€™s warning, but what swoops down from the sky is a bona fide dragon, surprising you all. It sweeps over the battlefield and sets everything on fire, then lands with a heavy thud in the inferno and turns to look at you, letting out a low, reverberating sound, like Cretaceous whalesong.

ā€œWhat in the name ofā€¦ā€ Kozlov trails off. ā€œWhere did that come from? This place is bonkers.ā€


I hope to get Honor Bound to copyedit by the end of September, to finish a Patreon short story, and to pin down at least two concepts for my next project (I currently have two that I feel good about, though I need to solidify them both a bit, and ideally Iā€™d like at least one more that has legs).


Thanks, no rush and no pressure too. The Spring Thing is not until wellā€¦ springtime next year.

Best of luck. I did some bugfixing for my game too, although it was mostly very minor stuff.


Itā€™s another month, and as usual, Iā€™m continuing development on Lily Adventuresses! Episode 1. I hope to finish Chapter 4 by this month and proceed with the final chapter, which will be a heck of a self-contained season finale.

On an unrelated note, a few days ago, Studio Ɖlan announced a partnership with Japanese visual novel studio SukeraSparo to bring their latest title, Please Be Happy, to Japanese shores. I hope this will be the start of JP-EN VN studio partnerships that will bridge the gap between the two worlds.


Been a while since Iā€™ve participated in these monthly threads but I finally finished the entire draft for the Peopleā€™s House and (for the first time in about two and a half years) my only major goals this month are editing and implementing achievements!

To first-time authors, people thinking about writing, and people who are still finding ChoiceScript scary: you can do it! I started all of this a while back with just an idea, limited experience writing fiction, and no clue how ChoiceScript worked (Iā€™m still learning things now).

Best of luck to all my fellow WIP writers, and I hope your months prove to be successful ones!


State of our Lives - September 2024

I hope youā€™re having a wonderful weekend!

This is the first monthly development update series for Once in a Lifetime, a text-based life simulator Iā€™ve been developing since March of this year!

Once in a Lifetimeā€™s development has progressed at a rapid pace in the last month, featuring a significant doubling of my existing codebase, implementation of multiple new features over and under the hood, optimizations to UI/UX, and more!

Letā€™s delve in, shall we?

Development by the Numbers

Once in a Lifetime received a major double-down on the codebase this month, with calculations as follows:

  • August 3rd, 2024: 31,436 words including command lines. 7,726 words excluding command lines.
  • August 31, 2024: 66,861 words including command lines. 13,026 words excluding command lines.
  • Total Difference: 35,425 words, of which 5,300 words were direct writing.

As you can seeā€¦ yeah, itā€™s been a productive month, and easily one of the most productive months Iā€™ve had on record.

Whatā€™s Been Done?

  • Dynamic generation has been extended to be triggered at will, separate from the game initializer that generated your immediate family.
  • Successfully initialized Pre-School with multiple calculating variables to determine an accurate start month of August/September depending on which of the 6 starting cities you are in.
  • Dynamic generation successfully produced a Pre-School class of 17 kids and 1 teacher.
  • Began development on a public facing Roadmap using CoDecks (still determining if this is the best path).
  • Personality traits were developed and implemented into dynamic generation (total of 30 traits!), with each person gaining a total of four traits throughout their lifetime.
  • Implemented classmate list interface.
  • Began developing a friendship system, allowing for up to fifteen normal friends and three best friends at once. Development completed on the generative process of converting someone into a friend or best friend, as well as the process for ā€˜demotingā€™ a best friend to friend status and swapping their data with that of another friend whoā€™s being ā€˜promotedā€™. (90% complete)
  • Began extending dynamic generation to non-immediate family members. (25% complete)
  • Multiple UI passes to increase cohesion and visual understanding.
  • Implemented a mini-loading warning tied to first-time dynamic generation events as the game needs to process a monumental load of data at once when generating more than five entities simultaneously.
  • Began work on a save system (30% completed).

All in all, Iā€™d say quite a bit of foundation was laid into Once in a Lifetime this month. The Pre-School generative systems are scalable and can easily be applied to Elementary School, High-School, Undergraduate University, Graduate University, and PhD programs.

With the heavy implementation of the friends system, the game is successfully producing friendship data, and this gives me quite an opportunity to easily plug into various systems down the road such as meeting others randomly at the gym, speed-dating, tinder, etc. All in all, quite a ton!

Where are we going?

For September, Iā€™ve got plenty of options on the horizon to pursue, but Iā€™ll have a heavy focus on the following:

  • Implementing Pre-School interfaces.
  • Finishing up the system that will pull if a classmate is a friend and produce the friend interface rather than the classmate interface.
  • UI optimizations to the character creator.
  • Begin work on Pre-School dynamic events.
  • Continue work on implementing family interactions.
  • Begin researching Self-Care activities to implement into the game.
  • Finish extending the dynamic generation system to non-immediate family members.
  • Properly implement death within the game alongside a graveyard list/system of sorts.
  • And more, if I can fit it!

If my pace of development continues at the level it was this past month, itā€™s looking increasingly likely that I may release the first work-in-progress build known as Update Zero: Beginnings by this December! Not a guarantee, but itā€™s been quite a whirlwind this month, and has boded very well for the state of the project.

Wrapping Up

In future months, I plan to provide deep-dives into upcoming features and the like, but in the meantime have provided an updated roadmap that details information on the first 3 planned major updates to the game below.

Update Zero - Roadmap

Update 0.5 - Content Drop #1 Roadmap

Update One - Cap & Gown Roadmap


See you soon!


Thatā€™s me!

My September goals are:

  1. Finish editing chapter two of my WIP
  2. Reopen my WIP thread and post an updated demo
  3. Update/fix a bunch of my planning documents and logistical things
  4. Start working on chapter 3

My stretch goal for the month is to add 10,000 words of introduction to chapter 3. I have a feeling this is too much to expect out of myself, but I wrote about 25,000 words last month, so with my other goals I think 10,000 is possible, but depends on soon I can get through my other goals.

My parents are visiting later in the month, so my plan is to finish goals 1 and 2 before they get here, and focus on goals 3 and 4after they leave.


So, I had never heard of this word before and had to look it up. Thank you for that! I love when I have to look up a new word because it feels like Iā€™ve just discovered a tiny treasure!

That said, youā€™re absolutely right in regards to fetishising versus exploring/indulging in a culture that is unlike your own. My personal rule on it is, if I like the culture enough to want to write in it, I need to do THOROUGH research and try and find out everything I can before setting pen to page. That said, Iā€™ve played so many JRPGs and watched so many awful samurai/ninja films that the americas have put out, and Honestly, I figure if Iā€™m actually TRYING to honor the spirit of the culture, thatā€™s better than a lot of media.

Are you me? XD Just kidding. Iā€™ve found that the best advise is to try and sit down to it long enough to do two sentences a day. Even if you donā€™t do any more than that, itā€™s the steady pace that helps.

I imagine this is really frightening for you. All your dreams are coalescing into reality and youā€™re probably imagining every single possible outcome for the release. Thatā€™s a lot of pressure to put on yourself. When this happens to me, I usually focus on one single outcome I want to see, and whenever I catch myself imagining others, I gently redirect my thoughts towards the one I want.

Oh, I love this fucking snip right here. This isā€¦ This is GREAT. I can imagine how it would feel in my BONES.

XD That said, what an understated reaction!



Can I just say, I love how organized your posts are in this thread. You always seem like youā€™re giving a business presentation.


Success then!

I mean, theyā€™ve already had to deal with a bunch of invisible magpie aliens that leave the stuff they snatch floating at the roof level, are currently dealing with a techno-zombie infection, and got abducted by an alien shipā€™s gravitation field which accidentally pulled them to a completely unknown section of space. Mythical creatures popping out of woodwork just doesnā€™t feel that special anymore. (Also Producerā€™s kind of an off-brand Enterprise, they encounter weird stuff on weekly basis. And Kozlov just categorically hates everything, anyway.)


IFComp turns 30 this year!

There are 67 games to play. Anyone can judge by playing and rating at least five games. Enjoy!


Well then that makes SENSE! hahahaha omg

Sounds like a fun way to spend a saturday!